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Everything posted by Aengus

  1. If someone gives me a lift from Scotland I'm down for it
  2. Probably you have to break in the hop but until then you'll get the occasional flyers or chopped bbs
  3. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/28423-pistol-as-a-primary/#entry216526
  4. Are these real or not? Look slightly differently shaped than the usual ones (profile turbofans)?
  5. Abs even though I own a metal slided pistol
  6. Few words for this man: Tw*t, c*nt, could've Atleast waited 1 day d*ck. That's all
  7. Probably a silly question but will p90 mags fit mp5 pouches?

    1. Rock-climby-Dave


      No chance, way bigger. Viper do P90 specific pouches

    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Yeah about twice the width are P90 mags unfortunately

  8. I take it aim low to make sure you achieve is your tactic, haha
  9. Local postie's selling rif's to under 18's for £13.99 :|

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aengus


      They're blatant disregard for the law was atrocious and someone is going to get in trouble because of it.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      JBBG has opened up a post office ???

    4. Zak Da Mack
  10. Pelted by 30bbs fun?
  11. Patience? what is this sorcery you speak of?
  12. My local(ish) site runs Tuesday night games and the occasional Sunday game
  13. ah ehm not too sure *waits for someone more knowledgeable to come*
  14. Buy an empty replica peq battery box, mount it to the rails and put the battery in, bring wires through a hole in the rail into the back of the peq box to your battery.
  15. Cool, looking into one so if you try can you tell me if an npas/restrictor disc will fit?
  16. Seen this, doesn't have a hop up
  17. As an u18 player I can see were you're coming from but I can't see it going well, also the law would need to be changed so it would actually be useful and any changes of airsoft law probably won't be for the best.
  18. And is it just me or does the guy filming sound a bit like ed?
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