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Everything posted by Berto

  1. I got a new outer barrel for £26 posted with a removable front sight I ordered this one http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/g-g-detachable-front-sight-system-set-for-cm-series.html#.VbFMz1J4WnM Pics http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/27190-g-g-cm16-raider-help-needed/#entry206378
  2. Well soaking the valves worked like a dream, fixed the M11a1 in the process too. I've really enjoyed tinkering over the last 2 nights and feel much more confident working on the guns now
  3. As a side note, am I correct in thinking that holsters that fit most glocks will fit this?
  4. So I got a new outer barrel sorted for the Raider Old one New one with removable sight
  5. Sadly not this week but 2 weeks time I'm good to go!
  6. Mags are easy to break down, I've had the valves out already and the o rings look a bit grey around the edges. I'll trying soaking them, thanks for the tip
  7. I was given a KEC G26c by my uncle who sadly died not long after and I'd like to get it in top form in memory of him. It's basically quite dusty, has had the barrel painted, and both mags leak. Can anyone point me in the direction of good guides that can help me learn to strip and maintain the gun? I'm also thinking that the mags need new valves but I'm struggling to work out what are right ones. And find places to buy them. Any help is massively appreciated as this is something that really means a lot to me and I'd like to get it done right. Thanks Berto
  8. Sweet, see if I can get a pass out from the wife then
  9. Cool, let me know if you are planning on any visits and I'll see if im free.
  10. I've just found rifleworks and they look like a good friendly site, might give them a try on the 26th. I've looked at nsc too but I think rifleworks will be my first port of call. http://www.rifleworksairsoft.co.uk/prices-booking Hope we bump into each other a some time dude, would be good to learn the ropes with another noob. I've watched loads of vids too, been trawling the forum too, trying to soak up the info and buying odd and sods here and there so I'm feeling much more confident about what it's all about now. Just ask loads of questions and everyone will offer loads of advice on here
  11. Hey dude, I'm a little north of you in Northumberland, about 10 miles from Whitley bay. Welcome to the site, loads of helpful advise here, I'm a newbie too and found everyone here friendly. Never knew there were so many sites up here looks like I have more choice than I first thought.
  12. That's true but I still need to replace the current barrel with the fixed sight. I'm happy to have a removable one like the one I linked before You might need this one if you have a L, http://www.airsoftoutletnw.com/g-g-detachable-front-sight-set-for-combat-machine-long-barrel
  13. Mines a short so those mounts won't fit mine. I just want to ditch the fixed and add flip sights to the rails.
  14. I think this should work http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/aiming-devices-mounts-and-bipods-c7/iron-sights-c77/g-g-detachable-front-sight-for-cm-series-short-p3453
  15. I need to loose the front sight, on the raider it's fixed to the outer barrelhttp://www.airsoftoutletnw.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1000x1000/602f0fa2c1f0d1ba5e241f914e856ff9/g/_/g_g_cm16_combat_machine_cqb_front_sight_barrel_assembly.jpg This bit
  16. So I finally got the front sight off the raider without breaking anything (and no blood, bonus!) so can any point me in the right direction for sourcing a new outer barrel that has a flip sigh that will fit? Or even an outer barrel with no front sight and I can go red dot? Or do I need a whole new barrel assembly? Thanks Berto
  17. Well I'm in the same boat, used fairy power spray but as the gun had been sprayed green, then black then green again, the power spray didn't really do much. So my plans are to sand down the parts, primer them and then a couple of coats of black and then a final clear lacquer to stop chipping etc. prep work is the most important part tho, don't just do a quick sanding, take your time and do a proper job.
  18. What sort of amps would be best for a 7.4v LiPo for a raider?
  19. I'd be interested in the mid cap mags, silencer, speed loader and rail covers. Would you take £30 plus postage?
  20. That's lush, what silencer is that? I'm looking for one to go on my cm16 and that looks perfect
  21. Sounds ideal but it's been more years than I care to remember since a small fitted me matey
  22. I tend to use their name, so if a man is gay and his name if Geoff, I'd call him Geoff.
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