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Everything posted by Berto

  1. Apart from the barrel and hop, I've no idea what anything after the trigger kit is, but that is one sexy looking gun.
  2. Try putting it in very hot water, you'll get a better distribution of heat without the chance of destroying it. Disclaimer: use tongs and gloves etc to stop burning yourself.
  3. Knee pads, leg drop platform, morale patch and camo tape. Just need a decent drop pouch and I'm done for now.
  4. Not mine no but I was just going to link to some websites for parts etc. I didn't realise this thread was so old
  5. I'm interested in this thread as I've recently got a viper holster to fit my M11a1 and I am looking for a Molle leg rig to attach it to. Has anyone got any suggestions for around £20-30?
  6. Wow, loads of useful advice, think I'll do a bit of research on Mechanix, Helikon, RAP4 and 5.11. Thanks for all the help guys
  7. What parts do you need? Upgrade or to fix an issue?
  8. In what way are they uncomfortable buddy? Size, do they rub etc?
  9. Ok so for most things I spent my money wisely, but I foolishly bought some cheap gloves that are crap. I've got fairly big hands and I'm after some decent gloves that offer good protection especially to the finger joints (my fingers swell up a lot if I get hit). Does anyone have any recommendations? Edit, are these any good? http://uktactical.com/p-10210-mechanix-m-pact-gloves-woodland.aspx
  10. Ok so stupid question alert. I see some patches attached to mag pouches but how? Are there Velcro attachments I can look out for or are they specific pouches with the fluffy bits already on? I've got an admin pouch with a little Velcro but I'd like some more really.
  11. can anyone recommend any other airsoft forums for useful info etc? Now I'm not saying this forum isn't useful, it is and also good fun. But I'm looking for answers to questions I've already asked here and I've got no joy so I figured there may be US forums etc that would be worth a visit. I tried zeroin but it's just seems to be full of people selling stuff and not really the experience I was looking for. Has anyone got any recommendations? Thanks Berto
  12. Thanks dude, i did fill them and empty the. A few times and I did notice they took more each time. Is it ok to fill them and then hold the switch to quickly empty them or is it best to use the gun?
  13. Admin pouches, what do people use them for? I've stuck a couple of patches to mine but it's always empty. New mags, good to use immediately or do you need to break them in?
  14. I just got 5 of those mags delivered from airsoft zone, do I need to do anything to ensure they work ok? Like fill them up and empty then a few times or are the good to go straight out the box?
  15. Did anyone else think this meant a Russian rent boy or was it just me? I'll get my coat. Sorry I can't help with finding a helmet tho
  16. I really do like that paint work, is it easy to achieve?
  17. I'm liking the paint work and the UMP, very tasty
  18. This is one of those times where you have to carefully consider what other people's feelings and emotions will be, based in your own actions. Choosing to dress as an officer of the SS WILL cause offence to other people as you will be a physical representation of the atrocities that were commited. Even if you don't mean any offence, it will be caused. If I was you I'd do some research into what the SS did and I don't mean just read Wikipedia. Go to the library, get some books out and learn what happens. The SS commited many many attrociates killing innocents, including women and children, simply based on their beliefs. Crimes so horrendous that they cannot and should not be forgotten. I very much doubt you will want to wear an SS Uniform once you see what they represent, regardless of how smart or stylish they look.
  19. So you've got a 2 tone gun and you are unhappy because it's easy to turn it into a RIF while trying to turn it into a RIF? Am I missing something here?
  20. To be fair that's good advice. Just ordered 2 and a charger.
  21. http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-1000mah-20c-continuous-discharge-airsoft-lipo-battery.html This one, sorry for the mix up. I might try and knock a test size up and see if it fits.
  22. I'm looking for a couple of lipo batteries for my cm16 raider and was wondering if anyone knew if this one would fit? http://www.componentshop.co.uk/batteries/airsoft/li-po-packs/74v Thanks Berto
  23. No idea, but fairy power spray barely touches it. Looks like a sand down and re spray is needed.
  24. M4 mag pouches x 3 M11a1 mag pouches x2 5 x M4 mags Speed loader Pistol holster 2 x morale patches Just need to find some way to carry/attach the M11a1. Does anyone know of any holsters that would work with it? Or would a single point sling attached to my rig work? I'm thinking it would move too much
  25. In case anyone missed it, here is a great example of what the Magnus effect (or increasing the hop) does to BB's.
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