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Everything posted by Chock

  1. Psychologically, a burglar will tend to have a very different mentality to that of a knife-weilding mugger or someone who holds up an off licence or whatever, probably more cunning/sneaky and almost certainly less prone to be violent. The reality is that the vast majority of criminals who indulge in burglaries want to commit a crime which avoids confrontation with the victim, preferring the act to remain undetected whilst they are committing it, hence they will try and sneak in somewhere they think is empty in order to take stuff. Aside from the obvious desire not to be caught, this is also because they want to avoid the possibility of a fight, and because it is easier to justify committing an act they know to be wrong when they don't have to think about any victims, who remain out of sight and thus out of mind when they sneak into what they hope is an empty property. So the likelihood is that even if you picked up something as non lethal as a cushion, and started waving it around and yelling at them to feck off out of your house, I think they probably would indeed feck off, and be only too glad to be gone from the confrontation.
  2. Yup, Merry Christmas etc. Personally I'm just glad to have the time off from work, which is enough of a present for me, will be indulging in some customising guns and bits and bobs whilst off and generally chilling. Hope you all have a good one.
  3. Regardless of what their reason is for them not selling her the rifle, if as you say, they told her that 'they can't sell to anyone without a valid defence even if it is two tone', then that is absolutely incorrect. As many have already confirmed, there is no defence required to own a two tone, in fact if you are eighteen years of age, theoretically you could walk up the main high street of your town openly carrying a properly two toned airsoft rifle about and you'd not be breaking any laws, provided it was inert at the time (though I'd not recommend anyone doing that by the way). Are you sure that your GF didn't misunderstand what they said? i.e. if they had no rifles which were two-toned sat on the shelf (which is likely since the one in question is a limited edition, so they're unlikely to two-tone those on spec, since doing so would devalue it to a potential collector), then there'd presumably be a wait involved in getting one painted up, whereas a black one would be available immediately, but she would need a valid defence (typically a UKARA) to buy one of those and walk out with it immediately. That's the only thing i can think of which might explain her coming away empty handed. Anyway you got your rifle, that's the main thing. Got the exact same rifle myself the other day and I can confirm that they're very nice, even the freebie BBs which come in the box are of decent quality. Apart from adding a tac light, tactical fore grip, three point sling and possibly removing the fore sight, I'll be happy to keep mine standard, which says a lot about the quality of the thing as it comes straight out of the box.
  4. Yup, I certainly recommend aegcartasia, I got a five percent discount card with my last couple of orders from them too. They average about 10 days to get stuff to me, which ain't bad. They are my 'go to' site for airsoft magazines because of the prices, for example, my last order from them was for five E&C 160 round M4 magazines, and that cost me £23.31 (that's including postage) i.e. each mag cost me £4.66 in total, which is mega dirt cheap.
  5. Looks like it's been done with a tile nibbler to me lol, Still, ticket in with Airsoft World and has been acknowledged by email, so we'll see what they say. Their customer service is usually pretty good in my experience; I certainly wouldn't wish to put anyone off dealing with them, although I'm not really expecting to hear anything detailed back about it until after Christmas at this late date. There's no rush anyway, it's not like I'm short of guns to go skirmishing with, really I just got that M4 because it was a decent price for a metal G&G and in fairness, it does look the dog's bollocks in spite of that minor issue, but it's probably going to end up being a back up to my D-Boys M4 SIR, because that thing is really accurate. Having said that, the mag which comes with that G&G one is very nice with its accurate 5.56 stampings and it's a bit longer than all my other M4 mags too, so it looks really good, thus the G&G's mag at least might get an outing!
  6. Managed to find a battery for my camera with a macro lens, here's a better pic of how ropey it looks:
  7. Nah, I know what you mean, and it may be meant to look like the pic you posted, as I know some flash hiders are like that, but if you look at this pic, you can see it is very obviously not a smooth finish if there is meant to be a compensating cut out part, so if that is supposedly what the finished part looks like, then it is as rough as a bear's arse and quite clearly not up to par. Check out these pics of it, that is very obviously a chipped edge, not smooth at all. Of course I could file it smooth, and if they tell me they're all like that then i will do so, but frankly, it's very ropey casting and QC if they really are all like that:
  8. The flash hider is plastic, part of the tip of it has a bit chipped out of it, in roughly a triangular shape. It actually looks a little bit like its a deliberate cut out to compensate for muzzle climb, and at first I though it was, but when you look closely at the flash hider, you can see it is part which is broken off as it is a very obvious rough snapped edge.
  9. Just noticed that the flash hider on my (not quite as shiny as it is supposed to be) new G&G 30th Anniversary M4 which I bought, is broken at the tip. I've emailed them about it; hopefully they will send me a replacement one rather than making me go through all the hassle of packaging the thing up and sending the entire gun back to them and having them send me another. I would have thought that'd make more sense, since it would cost them less to stick a flash hider in an envelope than it would to courier a new gun to me.
  10. Manual: http://www.everything-airsoft.com/Airsoft-Product-Manuals/Airsoft-GBB-Manuals/Manual%3A-Tokyo-Marui-Desert-Eagle-Hardkick/ Sight: http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/guarder-steel-front-and-rear-sight-for-marui-desert-eagle-50-1.html#.VJkvJZ368KA or in Blighty: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/guarder-tm-desert-eagle-steel-front--rear-sight
  11. Save yourself even less hassle and get a 200lb pull crossbow; cheaper, silent and requires no license at all
  12. Aah, the famous Israeli Military Industries/Saco Defense .44 Magnum/9mm Mark XIX Glock 17 Desert Eagle Special. Joking aside, it sounds like a good bargain with three mags, don't blame you for snapping that up. Guess the bell doesn't toll for you this time.
  13. Got home to find my shiny new 30th Anniversary Metal G&G M4 had arrived. Here's a pic of the fancy logo on the receiver with the unique serial number, for those wondering about what's different on these ones:
  14. In my experience, most coppers would probably pat you on the back and say nothing as they hauled the intruder off. It may not be the law, but I'm very much of the opinion that if someone comes on your property with ill intent, then they deserve anything and everything they get, and in these circumstances, what they'd get is not very much, since it is still a toy gun which you were able to restrain them with, meaning they have come to no harm.
  15. True, but then again, there is nothing to suggest that it is not two-tones being referenced either, which was my point. In fact it does point to that likely being the case, or at the very least possibly being misconstrued as such, since 'black' is listed as one of the options things can be painted, along with the tan and camo options, and if a gun is neither black, nor tan, nor camo, then that doesn't leave a lot of realistic options for the state a gun is presently in. And short of touching up some scratches, which isn't exactly rocket science to do with a can of matt black primer anyway, there is very little reason to pay someone to spray a gun black if it was already black in the first place. As I said, I'm not wishing to stomp on a business venture, far from it, but I do think it behooves us airsoft enthusiasts to not only be responsible, but to be seen to be responsible, especially when we're talking about something which is specifically mentioned in firearms legislation. Just noticed that, ironically enough, I made this post at 3:57
  16. Oh I know that, and as I say, whatever floats your boat. But your topic did ask us what we thought, so I put what I thought. You are correct of course when you say that a lot of people have no clue about tactics, especially when it comes to fire and move tactics with assault rifles and/or a squad support weapon, even though there is even quite often a clue as to what you should actually be doing in the name of the very weapon you are holding lol, i.e. 'squad support weapon', 'assault rifle', etc. It's obvious that all the many 'one man army' computer games, coupled with lazy AI in them which forces people to play them like that, and possibly stuff like action movies too, is where we can lay a lot of the blame. Lots of people simply don't get that the way to win is invariably to be found in being a team player.
  17. Nah, Chinglish usually combines good comedy value with still being vaguely understandable, whereas anything where you go into non-Roman fonts starts making translation a bit tricky. Still, good news it appears, looks like they are 'Russian your order through'
  18. It's an impressive ROF, but it's not really true to the real weapon you are attempting to emulate; more like a 9mm SMG's ROF, such as an UZI or a Skorpion maybe. Both the light and the heavy SCARs do have quite high rates of fire, but yours looks around twice the ROF of the 5.56 SCAR to me. The heavy calibre SCAR is noted for its compensator and stock etc making it seem like a much lower calibre in terms of the recoil and barrel climb that it transmits, but even so, I think if it was pumping 7.62x51 rounds out at the rate yours is, you'd have a hard time keeping it on target (not to mention probably melting the barrel), as in spite of the SCAR heavy controlling recoil better than older weapons and dissipating heat quite well - thanks to its more modern design - the fact is, 7.62 weapons do still take some controlling and fire discipline when on full auto. Of course it's your weapon, you can have it fire how you like, but personally, I prefer it when my airsoft guns have some parity with their real firearm counterparts, i.e. I would want an AK to be doing somewhere around 600 rounds per minute rather than 6,000 lol. I'm also more inclined to fire on semi, usually relying on a three round triple tap, which I find is just as effective at keeping people's heads down or hitting them as letting half my mag go would have been. It's why even though my GBB MP5K has a ridiculously high rate of fire on full auto, which is admittedly fun to demonstrate (It can empty the standard 20 round mag in less than a second on full auto, so even the longer 50 round mags I have would hardly be that practical either). Thus I would find it totally impractical as a weapon for CQB skirmishing (which is what the MP5K is supposed to be for) if I did not prefer to shoot on semi-auto as most SWAT and SF teams would also do. So I think that high ROFs are more use for a p*ssing contest in the test area where your gun is being chrono'd than for practical purposes, since in a skirmish you're either on target when shooting or you're not, and if you're on target and people are taking their hits, then one round is as good as twenty. But, above all, airsoft is about having fun and doing what you enjoy, so if having a Minigun's ROF on your assault rifle is what floats your boat, then so be it.
  19. One of my characters with the G36 in The Secret World:
  20. I'd be very careful about offering such a service if I were you, since that will be regarded as manufacturing a Realistic Imitation Firearm as far as the law is concerned. You make that a business and you'd better be sure you have all bases covered as far as legal protection is concerned. Making a RIF in itself is not illegal providing you have the legitimate reason for doing so, but supplying something like that to someone without them having a legitimate reason for the possession of such a thing, opens both them and you up to potential prosecution, so I'd advise you to at least look at becoming a UKARA trade member if you have not already done so, which would allow you to check any potential customer's UKARA registration number. I don't wish to stifle your entrpreneurial endeavour, but just be aware of what you are opening yourself up to as far as consequences and the law is concerned. Even the law aside, can you imagine how terrible you would feel if you painted up a gun for someone and then they used it for a crime; not to mention the fact that I suspect some publicity hungry politician would likely have a field day and start trying to stomp airsofting out of existence if that occurred. So please try and keep it as legit as you possibly can by going the UKARA route. You may already have done so, and if that is the case, then you should be at pains to point that out on any potential promotion you indulge in, such as this post. Because you are walking into a legal minefield.
  21. I think as far as airsoft is concerned, since the main reason for highlighting them in airsoft skirmishes would be for insurance and safety purposes, you can regard 'pyrotechnic' to mean 'literally anything which causes smoke, fire, flash or bang effects of any magnitude, and/or which projects missiles as a result of that chemical reaction'. Note the 'of any magnitude' bit. Personally, I really like your fake flashbang idea, I'm all for inventiveness in skirmishing, but not everyone sees it that way. For example, I have on occasion placed spare torches in darkened CQB areas as decoys, then used that to ambush people, and been accused of doing stuff which is not allowed, but as far as I'm concerned, if there is no specific mention of that in either the site's rules, or the briefing, and what I do does not cause a danger, then saying that it is cheating is merely sour grapes for having been caught out by such a ruse de guerre. But, sour grapes aside, since even a simple lit fuse could set fire to stuff, or cause a panic in places where that's not a good thing, I could well understand your fake frag ruse being frowned upon, at least in terms of safety. So if I were you I'd have a quiet word with the marshalls to see if it was acceptable. The reason I mention this is that, for example at Trojan's Mill site in Stockport, they ban any pyro use on stairwells, since it would be an explosion in a very confined space and could cause ear damage, or cause people to fall down what are very hard concrete stairs, this might might reasonably make you think that since your fake pyro doesn't explode, it'd be okay, however, it might still cause the panic which leads to someone falling or being trampled on a darkened stairwell, in which case I would regard your fake pyro as a real one in terms of allowable gameplay, since it can still cause some of the effects a genuine pyro might.
  22. Yup, and I've actually found that in those circumstances that pushing up makes for some of the best fun, people are so used to seeing enemies not move when they're pinned, that if you just go 'screw it' and go for it, it actually works well a lot of the time, because it is quite unexpected.
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