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Showing content with the highest reputation since 13/03/24 in Advert Questions


    GHK AK74MN

    £700 is a bit high for a stock AK that's technically broken mate.
    11 points
  2. Tackle

    Umarex G3 GBBR

    You've got two posts, & no feedback, irrespective of your situation, as unfortunate as it may be, we try to look out for everyone on here, in much the same way if someone else was selling the same deal & you were thinking about buying, we would happily comment if we thought it looked like a risky transaction, & hopefully stop you losing your money. Don't take it personally, it ain't, it's just some red flags have to be mentioned for the good of everyone.
    9 points
  3. Tokkeitai

    APFG MPX, £400

    Why you got the dawgs out 😂
    9 points
  4. £10 more for it brand new on defcon right now. Will be a hard sell at £300.
    7 points
  5. Totally freaked out by the feet, tbqh
    7 points
  6. £750 spent on a dated platform, is about £300 on the secondhand market. Believe me I've sold several, no one is paying £600 for this. Your gun, so you set the price but be prepared for it to be on here for a long time.
    5 points
  7. 400fps? This is not useable at any UK site and, if it retains the full auto function, is no longer classified as an airsoft weapon but as a firearm.
    5 points
  8. Deal of the century. The magazines alone are like rocking horse shit and overpriced artificially inflated by UK and international sellers. Extremely pleasant and trustworthy seller also. If you're thinking about doing this I'd snap it up right now.
    4 points
  9. Holy shit. I thought you were off your rocker with the GHK AK, this is utterly batshit.
    4 points
  10. EvilMonkee

    GHK AK74MN

    Especially since you can get a new VFC AK74 for the same price, plus GHK QC is shocking these days. Be lucky to get £300 for it.
    4 points
  11. What’s a “High Cycle” please?
    4 points
  12. @PAJC_AIRSOFT are you ok?
    4 points
  13. Cannonfodder

    Umarex G3 GBBR

    Someone clearly doesn't know the definition of slander. Either way, having a low post count and no feedback and then insisting on payment methods where the buyer has no way of getting their money back if something goes wrong are potential big red flags.
    4 points

    Kwa eve 4

    Mate you need actual pictures of it in person not random pictures off of geartech. Screams scammer, especially with your already negative feedback.
    4 points
  15. Rogerborg

    5.1 Custom Hicapa

    Yes, no offence, but I read that as "dragged through a random parts catalogue until it broke". You're selling something niche, you'll want to market it a bit better than that.
    4 points
  16. Sylithics

    5.1 Custom Hicapa

    If your wanting 700 pound I think your going to need to list some upgrades and what’s been done to it there bud…
    4 points
  17. yeah sure, good luck with the sale
    4 points
  18. It's only worth £250 WITH a gearbox 😂
    4 points
  19. MistakenMexican

    VFC Glock 45

    It looks absolutely immaculate so I have no doubt it would command the top end of second hand value… but that’s still 70% of new value.
    4 points
  20. ButcherBill

    Ak stuff

    Looks like toughened glass & steel. 😉
    3 points

    Clear out sale

    What exactly is inside the AKX? I'd expect a Archwick L119a2 for that price.
    3 points
    3 points
  23. JinxDuh

    LCT LCKMS AEG (Wood)

    Any issues, changes, things worth mentioning etc? Using a copied description from a retailer doesn't really help with a pre-owned sale 😅
    3 points
  24. Best part of a year this has been for sale, still no warranty so clearly not "brand new". Best check your link too ? https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/sigair-mpx-submachine-gun-aeg
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. novioman

    WE M92 Gold

    When I advised you to put your name and today’s date, I meant on a piece of paper and today’s actual date, Nov 2nd. 😂
    3 points
  27. You boys may be waiting a while seeing as UMAREX wanna be absolute wombles.
    3 points
  28. Tackle

    KWA VZ61 + mags

    The point he's making is it's secondhand, if someone buys it & should it go wrong 5 minutes in to a game, it can't be returned to the shop for repair or replacement. Same goes for usage, anyone can say "never skirmished" etc, at the end of the day a secondhand buyer is taking all the risks, so expects to pay a price that reflects that. For years the generally "agreed" framework for s/h pricing has been 65-75% of the current cheapest rrp. So a ballpark figure for yours would be £287, clearly something you probably disagree with. End of the day your free to ask what you like, but don't be surprised that people comment or you get a mention on Macks.
    3 points
  29. Galvatron

    Airsoft Bundle

    A quick sale might work better if you itemise the weapons, accessories and gear. You just risk to and fro and delaying the sale without providing more details or even getting lowball offers from people uncertain about the items you haven't described in detail.
    3 points
  30. Tackle

    Tokyo marui Spas 12

    Rarer than rocking horse poop 💩, so if anyone contacts you saying they, or someone they know has one, it's likely to be a scam. Edit: unless it's Ben Jackson, aka Raresoft 😜
    3 points
  31. Tackle

    Mws mags

    I've discussed the circumstances of this with @Amir, & have seen the messages between himself & @HallyMadd, including him asking for payment via f&f, which as we all know is a massive red flag, thankfully Amir had the sense to pay the fees on g&s, so should get his money back. While I'm not ready to brand Hallymadd as a scammer, he now has deserved negative feedback which all potential buyers need to be aware of, he took payment & sent nothing, despite repeated polite nudges from the buyer. NEVER do f&f unless it's someone you know & trust implicitly, & even then only for very small amounts, as any issue in the delivery chain could cause you to lose your money.
    3 points
  32. Cannonfodder


    These are £80 new and do 400 fps https://www.airsoftworld.net/kwc-makarov-pm-styled-nbb-co2-airsoft-pistol.html
    3 points
  33. JimFromHorsham

    Specna arms M4

    What’s the tape for ? Or what’s it hiding ?
    3 points
  34. Sorry to hear that airsoft isn't for you. However, as a constructive suggestion: if you want to sell all that stuff, you're going to have to put in the effort to describe it to interested parties anyway. So you'll have more success if you do that up front. List everything that's there, honestly and in as much detail as you can. I mean "Systema needs to be put back together" could mean anything from the stock is off, to it being a pile of parts in a box. Also think about postage costs - remembering that until the items are delivered to the buyer, they're sent at your risk - and PayPal fees. No sane buyer is going to pay Systema money by bank transfer or Friends and Family, it'll be face-to-face or PayPal Goods and Services with a fee. Selling individual guns or items is easier. If you do want to just be rid of the whole bundle, then expect to get lowball offers, half which will be from timewasting fantasists anyway. The more work you put in, the more you'll get back. Best of luck.
    3 points
  35. Rogerborg

    Vorsk VMP-1X

    You can say it all you like, and we can call you a chancer all we like.
    3 points
  36. Please excuse me if I'm wrong but this gat already comes with a reinforced Orion gearbox and a Gate X-asr MOSFET and a 6.03 tight bore barrel although not Prometheus. The asg spring guide is no great shakes. And I don't think five springs add to the value very much. Just saying is all. Bear in mind that the base gun is £219 from pb.👍
    3 points
  37. Nice box, if you're expecting £850 it might help to add a lot more pics of the contents.
    3 points
  38. Got to have a price, them's the rules. If you have no idea what it's worth (or what you'd realistically sell it for) then post in the Appraisals section. (And a pic of the RIF, with your username and the date written on a bit of paper next to it, would help people feel a bit more confident you're not one of them 'orrible oiks running a scam - seeing as you've got zero feedback at the moment)
    3 points
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