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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/14 in all areas

  1. Ian_Gere


    The moral of this story is clearly that you should always come onto AF-UK and discuss any potential purchases before actually coughing up the money. As has been said, there are numerous threads which cover what wankers justbolloxguns are, and there's a few that are all pretty similar with "bbguns" in the url - there's also SAS Special Airsoft Supplies iirc who are complete rip off merchants. There isn't another jbbg thread active right now, so i think it best to leave this one up in General Discussion where it's more likely to be seen by any noobs contemplating buying from them.
    2 points
  2. Manic1234


    Anyone else had problems with these guys ??? First I bought an M4 and ordered a mesh mask - they sent a glass mask which I returned as per web site - they have never refunded my postage as per their terms and conditions despite sending them the receipt .. chased by e-mail ... eventually raised a PayPal dispute ... no reply ... no refund ... no joy ! Though I will give them another chance .... Tried to order a Gas pistol with the 20% dicount code that came with the M4 ... code went into the web site but no discount was applied ... tried calling ... engaged ALL day .. ( I wonder why ??) eventually got a reply at 7pm last night .. 'Oh I can't deal with that, call back tomorrow (1st FEb) and my colleague will sort it for you ... eventually got through today - response - 'Oh I can't discount the gun ... just the gas' .. 'the discount was only for certain items ... so I quoted him what it said on the leaflet .. 'Any items on the Just BB web site ' ... 'oh that was a misprint those leaflets should not have gone out ' ... What a load of bullsh*t !!! and very frustrating to get messed about like this - they are clearly only interested in your cash and as much of it as they can stiff you for ! I told them they would not therefore be getting any more of my business and I would recommend that you think twice before giving them your hard earned money either. I think I may refer it to the Advertising Standards / Trading Standards people and see if that makes them respond more positively. justbbguns ... if you read the forums, I hope you read this as i'm not in the habit of posting entries like this but your dishonest and poor handling of this matter needs to be heard !! Hope the forum Admin agree to this post Thanks Mike
    1 point
  3. Mike1971


    They have a 6 page advert in Airsoft International what a joke !!!!!
    1 point
  4. Ian_Gere

    Gun picture thread

    Do you even AK again?
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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