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The sad thread.

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Lmao, I thought this was a sad thread?


Not a "Rub sh*t in everyone's face" thread haha.

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Ed, don't get upset yet, you don't know whether or not she has a brother for you..

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Woah there, that was uncalled for.

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I'm sorry Ed. I was half expecting it from Finius :P.


Anyway, back on topic, I'm sad as I just realise I've forgotten to eat nearly all day..

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I'm sad because my 2,500 word essay's deadline is tomorrow at 4 and I've only written 300 words and not done any research...


The worst part is that I STILL can't be arsed to do it.

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Sad because I will likely never see or own one of these:


This guy really ought to think about mass producing these, I think every woodland field ought to have one. At the site I used to play at we had about a 300m road and at the end we'd have a "Mortar pit" that people would have to defend and so long as it was in play it could be used to support your team in other areas in the 100 acre game zone. Which was done by radioing the mortar team to say where you need support, then the team would radio a marshall, who would walk in to where the support was needed and toss MK5s everywhere.


So there was no actual mortars, but we made up for it.


BUT with this beastly bitch thing, you could mortar stuff for REAL! AND you'd still be able to do it from 300m away.


Jesus, I want it now.

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I'm sad because Ich habe eine deutsche Prüfung am die morgen.


For those of you that don't speak the language of the schnitzel, I have a German exam tomorrow morning :(

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Women troubles.


And bastard 'friends' who have to gain the sympathy vote.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Just finished getting the ASCU into my M16, but the motor connectors and their cables were too stiff for me to plug them into the motor, a motor which I suspect won't work in conjunction with the ASCU anyway.


So to avoid damaging anything because I lack the materials to fix breakages, as well as the money to replace anything that I can't fix. I am forced to send it to Patrol Base, which I can't afford right now, so it looks like it's going back on the shelf for another year... =[

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Any motor will work with it Ed:


"The ASCU is controlled by a complex patented software, that takes care of

the normal function of the AEG, no matter the type of gears, motor, spring

and battery. The software will always manage the AEG to function at its

possible best."



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  Liam Porter said:
Any motor will work with it Ed:


"The ASCU is controlled by a complex patented software, that takes care of

the normal function of the AEG, no matter the type of gears, motor, spring

and battery. The software will always manage the AEG to function at its

possible best."




It actually occurred to me that if the motor isn't good enough I could just stick the AR latch back in anyway, so it's all good. I just need to sort the motor connectors out and then job's a good 'un.


Sucks to hear that Craig, hope you're doing alright.

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I had an ex-fiance once. She f**ked some guy so I f**ked her best friend. In her bed. At her birthday party. She walked in.


I'd advise doing that. It works wonders for the feelings of self satisfaction.

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She claims she only slept with the guy because im in love with a Great Friend which is actually true but she didn't have to accept the engagement ring besides she know's that my own moral's mean i wouldn't have said or done anything until she broke up with her boyfriend (Which she reckons she loves...) still told her yesterday though

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  • 1 month later...
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A while back I flunked a module more or less on purpose so I could re-do it later, effectively giving me more time to get a better mark.


However, when I got the results back that I failed, there was no mention of what the next assignment would be or when.


They only just decided to let me know and I have to completely re-write my last submission + a 300 word piece on what changes I made and I only have 3 weeks to do it.


So much for getting more time. Uni isn't even open so I have even less resources than last time.



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An update on my girlfriend.


She just bought me half a Galaxy Note and a Bacon Strips epic mealtime shirt.


And before Ed gets upset, this is in the sad thread to make him sad, I am definitely not sad!

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Just took everything I want off my laptop, restored it to factory settings and boxed it up to send back to Amazon. I'm gonna miss that laptop, almost as much as I miss my Sony VAIO in my drawer under the bed :(.


On the other hand, I'll be £750 up in about a week's time when I get a refund, most of which to be spent on airsoft :).

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im sad that i bought loads of airsoft gear and my nae ticket in full on wednesday,then got laid off work on thursday so having to sell airsoft parts to pay for the weekender

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just had to teeth removed and replaced at the cost of 450 for each replacement and 50 for each removal and to top it all of have my licence plates stolen again :blink:

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I almost invented a "Confused as f*ck" thread for what I'm about to say.


Riddle me this...


My bank account's overdraft limit is £1,000 right?


Well currently I'm about £900 into it, meaning that my displayed "Current Balance" says - £900, right? With me so far?


HOWEVER, my "Available" balance, as of Saturday afternoon, says I'm in credit by £350...


So I've magically gained money without my knowledge but not only have I magically gained money, my account numbers are confusing me.


Why doesn't my "Current" balance say something like, -£550 or whatever it ought to be?


Also does my "Available" balance mean that I've got £350 PLUS the £100 of my overdraft I still have left? Meaning I really have £450? Or what?


So, so, so confused...


Gonna head to the bank in my lunch break to get to the bottom of it, 'cos I'd really love to know where this new money has appeared from.

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