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The sad thread.

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But now I'm happy there finally is one - I'm in the wrong thread! Sad times. D=

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I'm sad because people don't realise this thread is a testimony to my deep seated emotional problems :(


Unfortunately, I was born with only the following emotions: Happy, Angry, Neutral, Hungry and Horny :(


We didnt need to know the last bit....

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I'm sad because I have the worst headache EVER =[

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That sort of thing never happens to me Hubert...Mother Nature simply forces me to gravitate towards airsoft sites, it's almost like the changing of the tides...The Russians did do some research into how they could weaponise the effect a few years back, but I capitalist-kicked them in their psuedo-communist derrieres so they stopped and instead began deciding how to take over the world with space stations made of loo-roll.

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Did someone mention tard points!? :D

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You should try sleeping sometime soon, I hear it helps with getting names right.. :)

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i hope you do have an actual dragon and it's not some sick name for your Wooga


im sad as im now not gonna be able to go ground zero this year... :(

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Wasting my life at Uni... I'm in a lecture right now and the lecturer is this mad Chinese woman, I only catch one in every ten words. Good job there's a slide show.

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Hustle has finished.. forever :(

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I've seen them all, the first ones were great, and this very last one was too. With the ending like that, I think there's a possibility it could return when BBC run out of ideas..

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Just spilled some tea down the side of my desk, all over my printer. Was enjoying my tea. It was gone before i had chance to dip my biscuit in it.


A classic British tragedy.


Nothing, that ANYONE could post in this thread, will EVER be as sad as this story.


I'm here for you dude.



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Someone broke all the cow biscuits in half..


..and being me, I have to have either whole biscuits or no biscuits.

So I spent ages finding six halves that paired up.

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