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Suspicious, maybe unfounded


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I was going to buy a pistol from a member on here. I asked for his PayPal and he asked for mine, which i thought rather strange. Went to my PayPal and entered his details, and it showed the amount and the conversion into HKD ?  Didn't complete and asked if he was in the U.K.  He said that’s why I asked for your PayPal, to avoid confusion, he then sent a PayPal payment request. Again asked for his address and he gave me a Lancashire address. I checked and it was a legitimate address.

I have asked the last guy who left him feedback for advice after buying a very expensive pistol from him,  unfortunately despite being on here quite regularly he has declined to answer my message. 
Told now the pistol is sold so I missed out, not sold on here though apparently. 
The seller seems a pleasant helpful guy and I would have liked to buy the pistol, but things just didn’t seem quite right. Would a guy from HK now living over here still have a PayPal account that converts £’s into HK Dollars.



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Got a link to the pistol ?

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5 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Got a link to the pistol ?

No, he removed the advert, apparently because he was getting low offers so decided to keep it. When I asked he said he would sell to me as I had approached him with questions before. He definitely has or had the pistol as he provided pics that I asked for without problem.

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21 hours ago, novioman said:

Would a guy from HK now living over here still have a PayPal account that converts £’s into HK Dollars

Very possibly.  Many HK and mainland Chinese in the UK have bank accounts back home.

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On a side note... paypal seems to have had un update recently, I went to pay someone the other day & had to make come changes to how the payment is sent. The seller may well be genuine but that doesn't explain the adverts disappearance.

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I had a chap who wanted payment in Euro’s

Worked out in my favour due to the exchange rate

I don’t see what the issue is here if you are paying G&S

Ok, a bit suss that the advert vanished, but the sellers reasoning is feasible 


OT: But Im still getting silly questions and low ball offers for items that are clearly marked as “completed”

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2 hours ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

I had a chap who wanted payment in Euro’s

Worked out in my favour due to the exchange rate

I don’t see what the issue is here if you are paying G&S

Ok, a bit suss that the advert vanished, but the sellers reasoning is feasible 


OT: But Im still getting silly questions and low ball offers for items that are clearly marked as “completed”

He wanted me to pay through a PayPal request he sent me, can you choose whether f&f or goods & services when paying that way.

It would have been helpful and probably resolved any uncertainty if Minkle who purchased from him recently according to feedback would answer his messages, but he has been on the forum and is not responding.

I often get people asking about items that are marked as complete and sold months ago.

Edited by novioman
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3 hours ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

OT: But Im still getting silly questions and low ball offers for items that are clearly marked as “completed”

There is an option to 'Hide' (delete) completed adverts.

Depends if you want to keep them to remind you of the sale details.

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16 minutes ago, enzo47 said:

every time I post a wanted ad . Red flags every where. should have a beware section for regular users for awarenes . should name users that act sus 🤨

Unfortunately scammers are drawn to the Wanted ads like flies on shit, after all half of the work is done, they know what you want so now all they need to do is convince you they've got it, which they'll do using somebody else's pictures.

As long as people remember to only pay using something like PayPal goods & services, never friends & family or bank transfer, always keep the comms here, don't be tempted to use WhatsApp or other encrypted comes that the seller suggests.

Ask plenty of questions, request photos of the kit with obscure items in them, pint of milk & copy of a UK paper or similar, & if you've got the slightest concerns or the seller pressures you, walk away, nothing we play with is worth the stress of being scammed out of your hard earned.

Oh yeah, & ALWAYS report the seller to the mods, as well as discuss it in the open with other forum members, keeping g scammers out is like trying to hold back the sea, but knowledge is power overs these jizzbuckets, so share it.

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I'd just advise to be cautious, I've recently been sold an M910a via whatsapp & got exactly what I'd paid for (paypal safe), also been asked by a couple of forum members to use friends & family to pay, I checked their feedback & decided the transaction was small enough to risk it given the feedback they already had. My preference  is usually PP good & services, sometimes it's worth considering the options.

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1 hour ago, gavinkempsell said:

I'd just advise to be cautious, I've recently been sold an M910a via whatsapp & got exactly what I'd paid for (paypal safe), also been asked by a couple of forum members to use friends & family to pay, I checked their feedback & decided the transaction was small enough to risk it given the feedback they already had. My preference  is usually PP good & services, sometimes it's worth considering the options.

When it comes to friends & family payments, a wise man once said "only risk what you can afford to lose"

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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