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Stuck choosing between LPVOs


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Hey everyone, with an outdoor sale on Aliexpress coming up it's put me in a bit of a bind. I was pretty sure which LPVO I wanted, but at these sale prices it has thrown another into contention and now I can't decide, so I figured I'd ask others which one they would go for.


The two I am stuck between are:

Visionking 1-8x26

Vector Optics 1-6x24


It's going to be mounted on my m14 socom and I want to put it on some low scope rings as m14s are already quite high up when it comes to the sight vs the stock. The m14 socom is generally my backup gun and is my best performing AEG, but also my larger event gun, as GBBRs can be a bit of a pain at things like AI500 due to abundance of targets; I end up having to reload GBBRs a lot and it takes a lot of time out of my day of pews when there are hundreds of targets to shoot!


I've weighed up the pros and cons of each and for me it basically comes down to this:

Visionking 1-8x26

+Larger objective lens
+Prefer the reticle a little bit
+More zoom
-No warranty
-Less options for scope rings because 35mm is a pain in the arse


Vector Optics 1-6x24
+Lifetime warranty
+Easier to find good quality 30mm rings
-More expensive


The number of pros for the Visionking are more, but that lifetime warranty and more availability for good quality scope rings is pretty big. I can make do with 6x zoom over 8x zoom, so that's not a massive issue, but I do prefer the reticle and the slightly larger objective lens, so weighing it up I just can't quite make a decision. Interested to hear your thoughts on the two of them. Alternatively, if there are any others that you recommend, I'm all ears, but it has to be 1x min zoom, be illuminated and have a good reticle that I can use for longer range / windy shooting.

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The 26mm objective allows slightly more magnification for maximum low light gathering i.e. 7mm exit pupil at approx 3.7 x mag.   The optical quality would dictate if this meant anything though.  


Have you looked through either though?  I've a simple fixed 4x40 US made Weaver that outperforms any cheap Chinese scope of whatever make or spec.  Personally I can snap shoot both eyes open with a crystal clear 4x as easily as 1x.  I've a period correct fixed Nikko Sterling Gold Crown on my 'Nam M14.


If you want multiple aimpoints I'd try and find a Hawke Panorama in 2-7x 32 1/2 mildot.  I don't know what model replaced it, but when I shot the HFT world championship in 2014, the top three placed shooters were equipped with larger Panoramas.  I have a 3-9x40 on my Steve Pope tuned HW97K HFT rifle.  It's an amazing scope for the money.  


Another option is Minox BDC.  Not sure these are cheap anymore.  


I use one of these on my SVD.  https://www.uttings.co.uk/p122015-nikko-stirling-30mm-diamond-1-4x24-ir-rifle-scope-ndsi1424/



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I wish I had a chance to look through them both, but the only place near me that sells optics is a real gun shop and their optics are a bit too pricey for what I'm looking for. I've heard good things about both Visionking and Vector Optics stuff, which is part of the reason I've looked at them. Honestly, the main reason I don't want to go Vortex is the price; the LPVOs that Vortex offer with a reticle that I like are £500 £330 at the cheapest with the new Venom series, which I think is still just about too much for me to spend on this one, and the larger scopes with the same requirements are outside my price range as well. Reticle type is very important for me, as I enjoy long distance airsoft archery, and a good reticle can really help if you set your gun up and know exactly where on the reticle you need to aim to hit those longer shots. Unfortunately, those ones listed don't quite meet the requirements I need. The Nikko 1-4x24 is close, but I don't like the reticle :(


Hard requirements for me are:
- Reticle I can use for longer shot archery

- 1x minimum variable optic, as I will be taking this to CQB (because I'm crazy) as well as using it for woodland

- Illuminated reticle as I will be taking it to night games as well (ties into why I also want 1x minimum)

- LPVO aesthetic. I don't want a mid or long range looking optic as it would look a bit weird on this build

- Low scope rings


Maximum magnification isn't too much of an issue. I'd be okay with 4x, but ideally 6x or 8x as a maximum as I like to use my optics to spot targets and radio movements to my team. Doubt I'd be actually shooting with more than 4x or 5x.


It's funny to me to think that my hard list of requirements is so strict on a gun that I won't actually be using all that much, but I think that's actually why. It's a backup gun that I will be using for times when my main guns are either not viable options or something has gone wrong. It's also why I don't want to spend too much and honestly I think that reason alone is why the Visionking one has been the front runner for me for so long. It's not that expensive and does everything I need it to.

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M mumI have the 1.25-5 vision king LPVO, and it's served me well very well so far.  It's usually been on my GBBR and it seems to have withstood the strong recoil on that just fine.  So a thumbs-up from on build quality 

Other airsofters who have taken a look through it all said nice things too, which suggests the optional quality is decent.  


(I've taken the suggestion to never look through an optic you can't afford onboard, but more by luck than anything else, I don't think I've had the opportunity really!)


If you do want to try to use it in cqb then yes, get the 1x version, but don't expect it to feel or act like a normal red dot, maybe it's psychological (or maybe my extra 0.25x really does screw it up), but worth doing for the small extra outlay I'm sure.


5x max magnification has been plenty for woodland... It's usually at 3 or 4x tbh.


Good sight, would happily buy again.

Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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To throw something else cheap into the mix. I've got a Redwin Torero 1-6x24 and the glass quality is very similar to, if not better than (imo), the VisionKing 1.25-5x. It's $103 (right now on their own site) with a one-piece mount and you can pick from two different reticule choices.

I haven't actually used the optic in anger yet as I still haven't finished my DMR build in favour of turning around some boneyard items... 5 months ago. I should really get on that.

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1 hour ago, MrTea said:

To throw something else cheap into the mix. I've got a Redwin Torero 1-6x24 and the glass quality is very similar to, if not better than (imo), the VisionKing 1.25-5x. It's $103 (right now on their own site) with a one-piece mount and you can pick from two different reticule choices.

I haven't actually used the optic in anger yet as I still haven't finished my DMR build in favour of turning around some boneyard items... 5 months ago. I should really get on that.


Oh you magnificent bastard, I like this one. $96 for the SFP one with regular low rings (I'd probably buy some even lower ones elsewhere, but 30mm is easy to shop for!) and with a reticle that I like. It seems to tick all the boxes and it's not too pricey!

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13 hours ago, Impulse said:


Oh you magnificent bastard, I like this one. $96 for the SFP one with regular low rings (I'd probably buy some even lower ones elsewhere, but 30mm is easy to shop for!) and with a reticle that I like. It seems to tick all the boxes and it's not too pricey!



How low are you looking at? I have the Vector S6 on my M14 SOCOM and it's been fantastic. I also have a spare set of Vector medium 30mm rings we could do a deal on if you're interested!

1 minute ago, Lozart said:



How low are you looking at? I have the Vector S6 on my M14 SOCOM and it's been fantastic. I also have a spare set of Vector medium 30mm rings we could do a deal on if you're interested!


Sorry - Victoptics S6 which is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than the Vector one.


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19 minutes ago, Lozart said:


Sorry - Victoptics S6 which is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than the Vector one.

Well damn, I should've gotten mine from ali 😭The two minor downsides being it's not FFP, and the eyebox goes in the quantum realm past 4x. But the 1x is superb, and glass quality is excellent. 

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51 minutes ago, Lozart said:



How low are you looking at? I have the Vector S6 on my M14 SOCOM and it's been fantastic. I also have a spare set of Vector medium 30mm rings we could do a deal on if you're interested!


Sorry - Victoptics S6 which is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than the Vector one.



Appreciate it, but I'm going lowwwww. I had a LPVO on it before on very low rings and it felt great, so I'm going for the same here (just with a better LPVO with a 1x instead of 1.5x minimum)

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1 hour ago, Impulse said:


Appreciate it, but I'm going lowwwww. I had a LPVO on it before on very low rings and it felt great, so I'm going for the same here (just with a better LPVO with a 1x instead of 1.5x minimum)


That's fair, I have the G&P mounts for mine so they sit quite low anyway. Medium rings the scope at a decent height for me. I might still have some low rings though (I'll have a look and drop you a DM).

This is mine for reference - be aware if you go too low you may end up fouling on the rear sight!



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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Lozart said:


That's fair, I have the G&P mounts for mine so they sit quite low anyway. Medium rings the scope at a decent height for me. I might still have some low rings though (I'll have a look and drop you a DM).

This is mine for reference - be aware if you go too low you may end up fouling on the rear sight!


Ah, I'm using the G&P mount on my socom as well, so that's definitely a concern. My cheapo LPVO cleared the rear sight on some pretty low mounts, but it's obviously not the same LPVO, so will have to see. The mounts that it comes with look medium-ish (not going for the one-piece mount), so I'll try those out. If not, I'll measure them and get lower ones accordingly.


I think I might just get the victoptics one, since a bunch of you have said it's good and at the current sale price on Aliexpress it feels like a steal at £76 £91 including tax. Plus I just got a new job (offer literally came in this morning) with a decent pay bump, so I'm sure I can afford to buy one :P

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27 minutes ago, Impulse said:


Ah, I'm using the G&P mount on my socom as well, so that's definitely a concern. My cheapo LPVO cleared the rear sight on some pretty low mounts, but it's obviously not the same LPVO, so will have to see. The mounts that it comes with look medium-ish (not going for the one-piece mount), so I'll try those out. If not, I'll measure them and get lower ones accordingly.


I think I might just get the victoptics one, since a bunch of you have said it's good and at the current sale price on Aliexpress it feels like a steal at £76 £91 including tax. Plus I just got a new job (offer literally came in this morning) with a decent pay bump, so I'm sure I can afford to buy one :P


I have both Vector Optics and Victoptics scopes and honestly, I'm hard pressed to see the difference. Granted my eyesight is only 202/20 when it's corrected and I'm just using it for airsoft but still. If you want to go cheaper and simpler Victoptics do a 1-4 LPVO now as well https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002037442492.html?pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!£67.32!£49.14!!!81.29!59.34!%40211b801517132614736886930e161e!12000036678249127!sh!UK!759559025!&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007523591909.1005002037442492 

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Posted (edited)

I did look at the other Victoptics ones, but honestly that 1-6x is the best for what I want it to do. Good to hear that there is no real discernable difference (my eyesight is only 20/20 when corrected too!) and £91 is absolutely fine for me to pay. If I was getting a scope for a real gun I'd spend more and also if I was getting a scope for one of my bolt action rifles or DMRs I'd spend more as well because I love my long distance archery airsoft, but as it's for a 1.1J recce rifle style build, I'm sure this 1-6x will be absolutely fine for what I want to do

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11 minutes ago, ParHunter said:

Vortex doesn’t have to be that expensive. I’ve got this one for under £200 and I like it.




I hate the reticle, which is why I discounted it a while ago. The price point where I start liking the reticle with Vortex is £330 with the new Venom series. Used to be £500 for the Strike Eagles as a minimum for me, which I didn't want to spend, especially for a rifle I won't be using all that much as it's a backup :P 

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