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Don't buy from Evike! And if you do don't use UPS!


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FFS is the only thing that can come to mind after ordering a replacement reciver for my RPK. The only cyma compatable part I could find was the Echo 1 Red Star LMG receiver at Evike. Ok,only $40, then $60 for shipping. So wait a couple of days for the first e-mail from UPS asking my company ( I'm not a company) to return the full import paperwork for the gun part. Note the use of the word 'gun' here. So you e-mail them and point out it's a 'toy' part. Then wait a couple of days for paperwork regarding the import of RIF's, along with a customs declaration. Fill out the forms, for the part. Wait a couple of days. E-mail UPS again to be told they haven't recived the paperwork yet. Reply with the original e-mail that had the paperwork attached, attached to that e-mail. Wait a couple of days. Check the tracking, pay the £27 quid in 'admin' fees, including £10 import duty? Wait a couple of days, part turns up at last, broken! Try to stay calm, contact Evike and wait....lets see whats going to happen.


Edited by peter207
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Ouch!  Please keep us updated on how it plays out.

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Yep, sounds like ups all right, need a firearms declaration to import a sponge.....


I have heard it said that evike uses the lack of practical accountability in overseas sales to get rid of stock that would get returned from a stateside buyer, although my limited personal experience has been ok.

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ups are without doubt the biggest most incompetant swoer of shit in the delivery world, hate them with a vengance !

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1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:

I have heard it said that evike uses the lack of practical accountability in overseas sales to get rid of stock that would get returned from a stateside buyer, although my limited personal experience has been ok.


I've seen a few US redditors run in to issues with being sent used/damaged items when ordering new stuff, so it's just an evike problem seemingly.


At a guess they're probably the biggest airsoft retail company in the world, so presumably a lot of the CS and packaging/warehouse/dispatch staff etc will literally just be minimum wage workers with no interest in or knowledge of airsoft.  When you get that big, some orders will go wrong for sure purely based on X% always going wrong combined with the volume of trade; doesn't make it ok but that is the reality.

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I've never had any real issues with Evike and I sometimes use them for weird, niche parts for my weird, niche guns (looking at you, KJW m700...). That is not to say I don't have any issues, but the issues I do have don't tend to be too bad.


The UPS experience does sound similar to what I've had. Have to fill in lots of paperwork for things that by law don't require any paperwork and then get extorted for money in admin fees, VAT and import duty. What helps to cut down the cost if you're patient enough is to order from Evike Europe, and if they don't have the part on their website you can request an item from the US website to go onto the Europe website, though that generally takes a few months. Will still take the same length of time to arrive, as they ship a lot of stuff from their US warehouse anyway, but the shipping is cheaper and if you order over €150 the shipping is free (still get stung on taxes and fees when it comes into the UK though). I'm at least part of the reason there's a bunch of m700 parts on their Europe website because I requested them in advance of me needing them :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...

well no reply from evike, tried to fit the receiver and......



there's $100 of scrap pot metal.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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