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Hi from france


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😁 welcome

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Hi and welcome .


The MWS group on here is very active and should be able to help with any questions.


I'm now craving a Portuguese  pastrie !

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Bonjour Mon Ami and velcomen to la forum. I amour votre tower and like petit dejuner Dans la morning.

Hola and good fishing to you monsure/madam.😉


Welcome to the madhouse mate and enjoy looking around. Have fun👍






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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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2j, more or less 460fps with 0,2g BB.


Most of the time rules are these:

Until 330fps no rules to engage, full and semi.

Between 330-380fps 10 or 15m it depend.

Between 370-400, semi only exept m249, m60, etc…

Over 400fps, snipe.


During CQB game:

until 330fps no rules.

between 330-360fps, stairs/doors check/opening with handgun.


For few "hardcore" game, same limits for all, the legal limit, snipe/aeg/gbbr.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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