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Airsoft Fairs / Boot Sales


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Anyone know of any upcoming Airsoft fairs or Boot Sales as I and a number of friends have a number of items to sell including some RIF's.


Yes I know I could list on here but I wouldn't be able to guarantee swift postage due to work commitments.


Location not a problem 





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Driver Wood occasionally do car boot sales, but no idea when the next one is.

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25 minutes ago, concretesnail said:

There's one at anzio this Saturday, 6th of Jan. A tad short notice but I only just saw the post.

Just seen and thanks for letting me know shame I'm working 

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13 hours ago, Muzzer said:

I don’t know why NAF don’t do one. 

They do at the event.

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1 hour ago, Keldon said:

I know South Herts Airsoft are doing one at the end of the month


I don't suppose you have a link or more details for that one?

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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