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Co2 vs green gas Cheapest to run


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Hiya guys i would appreciate some opinions 


by judging ebay prices for 100x co2 12g cartridge its £29.71

and Airsoft Green Gas WE 2X -800ml around 11.40 for a bottle 


i know you get between 40/60 shots per co2 cartridge 

not quite sure about green gas 


but i would just love to know which is the cheapest option to run thank you guys :) 

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5 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

I got propane from tool station, 

By the volume of the bottle it works out cheaper than green gas, just stinkier

And you’ll need a fill adapter

how much do you pay if you dont mind me asking mate and what size and brand?? 

do you use butane and propane mix? 

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1 minute ago, Mini said:

thank you, but im asking between green gas and co2 how many shots do you get out of green gas bottle on average ? 

Impossible to answer because it depends on so many things.

I think if you can 2 or 2,5 mag on one refill that's pretty good in my book. One of the most efficient pistol I've ever had was an AAP-01 for obvious reasons. There is no slide to move.

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3 minutes ago, Mini said:

i just tested it on a we glock 17 gen 4 i filled it all the way and got around 85 shots blank firing wish i knew how much gas it holds lol 


There's some debate on how accurate testing gas effeciency is when dry firing.


As for working out how much gas your mag takes/is using, weigh it.


You can for example with a fresh bottle of gas and an empty mag, weigh the bottle before and after filling the mag, then after firing that mag (with bb's) dry, you can work out a ballpark for how many shots you're gonna get per can, at least for the gun, ammo and ambient conditions you're testing in.


Ofc grams of gas per shot expended isn't the only metric that affects running costs. One thing to consider for co2 is that outside of the normal flow of events (ie install bulb, shoot until bulb is expended, replace bulb) then your consumption is gonna be dramatically higher;


End of the day and you wanna remove a half-discharged bulb? That gas is gone


Maybe you didn't remove the bulb from last game day, how much gas is left? Is it near full or are you gonna run out in 3 shots? Better change it to be sure.


Is there a leak? Well every time you try to fix it and don't succeed that's a bulb.



Whereas green gas? Just leave em at the end of the day, top em up the following weekend, and if there's a leak you don't need to waste an entire mag full of gas to test.

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I alternate between propane and then the occasional spurt of green just to keep some lube flowing. Sure you can put silicone oil in the propane adapters but Ive got no idea how much of that actually ends up in your mag, pretty much everyone uses Colemans Fuel propane, usually £15-20 a bottle from various places online, quids in if you can find a place doing 2 for £20 or similar deal. The bottles are huge and last forever. You can also hit up your local B&Q/Wicks/Screwfix/generic hardware store and buy a can of blowtorch propane, just make sure it has the right threaded neck for the adapter, and that it is pure propane and not a propane/butane mix (should say very obviously on the can what it is). I dont remember why you shouldnt use butane, I think its something to do with either lacking the same power as propane, or potentially destroying your seals or something like that.


And if youre a total cheapskate and really want to maximise your gas, you can refill the Colemans bottles off of a big 25kg bottle that will last your entire airsoft life :P but there is the chance your life in general will be cut unexpectedly short if you cock it up and blow the can up in your hand, so probably dont.

Edited by Tiercel
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Worth to mention CO2 is absolutely dry there is nothing to lube your seals. And that extra high pressure puts a lot more strain on everything internally. CO2 is primarly for cold weather when regular gases couldn't cycle your pistol anymore and even then you should be gentle. Defo not magdumping all day long. 

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1 hour ago, Krisz said:

Worth to mention CO2 is absolutely dry there is nothing to lube your seals. And that extra high pressure puts a lot more strain on everything internally. CO2 is primarly for cold weather when regular gases couldn't cycle your pistol anymore and even then you should be gentle. Defo not magdumping all day long. 

Nonsense!  My son and I have been running CO2 pistols for a few years now at all times of the year, without issues.

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One drop of pellube on to of co2 bulb will help.

Some co2 like crossman contain silicone.

12g co2 bulbs worked all year round for me and my son at Christchurch gun club during practical pistol and all other events.

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4 hours ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

hi maybe i should change the thread title now but how much bigger is this than a bottle of green gas images of the item does not do any justice also how do you store it as its only a small bottle inside or outside thanks 

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Out of interest, how much shooting are you intending to do?  I ask because even when I've run a pistol primary in CQB I've always ended up having green gas cans sort of spontaneously form in my gear bag faster than I can get through them.  And even though I'm the meanest of lickpennies, I've never even considered the cost, at least next to all the other junk that we buy then barely use.

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CO2 is a dry gas. Most bulbs/cartridges dont come with lube added but you can add a drop of silicone oil to the top of the bulb before 'charging' it and it'll help lube keeps the seals in good condition. 1 bulb per mag usually lasts me all game day unless i'm forced into using my pistol a lot.

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15 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

Nonsense!  My son and I have been running CO2 pistols for a few years now at all times of the year, without issues.

I never said you can't but CO2 only makes sense when it's cold because green gas is a lot more convinient and not gives you a headache each you time you refill your mag. If you use your pistol like 99%of of the people (holstered for decoration purposes) I'm sure you can run it forever without issues. 🤣

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