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What LMG M249? RPK?


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So looking at getting an LMG


Got about £500 to play with.

Ideally would like something that is good out of the that needs minimal tweaking to get the most out of it.


The lct RPK has caught my eye (not folding stock version) has anyone got any experience with them.


I don't mind the looks of an m249 but seems to be a fair few options from brands.






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With regards to the M249 there are the G&P (uses V2 gearbox, Classic army (proprietary gearbox), A&K ( clone of Classic Army) Ares (Clone of the Classic Army gear box except the nozzle is off set and uses a proprietary tappet plate). anything else is mainly just a rebranded A&K. The classic Army clones have AOE issues and strip pistons( but are easy to work on) RPK uses a standard V3 gearbox, A&K PKP uses the Classic Army gear box, MG42 (proprietary gearbox, the gun it's self is fragile). Classic Army Stoner 96 (basically M249 internals). Oh forgot A&K M60s again ( clone Classic army gearbox same issues).


Personal choice would be G&P MK23 but they are hard to get hold of and over budget.

Land warrior have some relatively cheap A&K m249 in the moment and have decent parts support. 

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im selling a cybergun fn hersal    m249 full stock mk2  in new condition box is  slightly tatty

in fde colour and it has trades  and is the full metal version   none around for sale  all metal   only cheap polymer version   


check class fields   section



landwarrior ones are polymer  receivers


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I run an lct rpk,  standard v3 gear box and AK hop unit so spare and modification parts are very easy to get hold of.  Feed from a verity of mag from 2000rd auto drum mags to 30rd low cap  mag, so it has some cross mag compatibility with my other guns.    


Full steel and laminated wood, has the look of an lmg but nice and relatively light weight to be carried/ used all day. Has a massive battery space in the stock I can fit a 7.4v 2200 mAH lipo. Only internal mods I have done is a pro win AK hop unit and a  Modify flat hop up bucking for 25.g and above.  


I have added a lct rpk side mount to replicate the RPKN so I can use optics. The ppn3  nvg scope was to show that if the side mount can support it weight,  any other optic is not a problem.   


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11 hours ago, BigStew said:

MG42 (proprietary gearbox, the gun it's self is fragile)


Certainly true for the agm version, it's a question of when, not if, the split box messes up the aoe enough to eat a piston.


The magazine mechanism is also incredibly weak, relying on the motor stalling out to prevent overfeeding.


And the reciever as described by the fella i sold mine to is "pasta" although it is possible to fit reinforcing bars inside.


Can't comment on the g&g version but it's out of budget anyways.

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To me it sorta depends if you want to go the LSW or LMG route. RPKs are the quintessential LSW and by far the most common LSW, but for good reason. V3 gearbox, large amount of external customization options, smaller and lighter than pretty much all LMGs and a lot of LSWs, its just easy to work with.


When it comes to LMGs the A&K 249 (old style or middleweight) is the starter of choice by far. Generally v2 gearboxes do not hold up too well to the increased strain of LMG fire (although in the UK lower power limits will help some) so the LMG gearbox found in most A&K replicas is the goto. Now a 249 build can be a simplistic or as complicated as you want - for instance mines now approaching the $1500 mark but a lot of that is unnecessary. A 249 *can* be run stock, but personally I consider the Bullgear hop unit a must have on any LMG they support. Keep in mind the box mag will die eventually - some people get a good few years out of theirs while some people's die almost out of the box. Bullgear does make inserts to fix this problem and I consider them upgrade #2 after barrel and hop work. They increase mag size, are massively more reliable, have tuneable feed speeds, wind with trigger pull and a button, and some of their standalone mags look ace (like the circular mag I got recently. 


For performance I guess they'll both preform similarly OOTB, and Id do the same upgrades to both before I would personally field either (Retro Arms AK hop, new barrel and bucking for RPK, Bullgear hop, new barrel and bucking for 249). Another thing to keep in mind, a 249 (besides the featherweight which I do not recommend) will come with a box mag while a RPK will come with a high cap, meaning theres added cost to either grab more mags or a drum for the RPK. At the same time, you can easily run high caps or even mids in a RPK, and while it is possible to do the same in a 249 they dont usually work perfectly in one. I personally own probably around 15 different LSW, LMG, and GMPGs by now and I dont own a RPK as to me theyre just everywhere and I am a bit fancier haha. Personally if I went LSW Id be grabbing my L86, Galil ARM, QJB-97, or AUG HBAR before I went for a RPK, but again thats just personal preference. 



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RPKs are definitely far less seen on the field than M249 variants.


Plus, you can go all 'Red Scorpion'...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ended up going for the A&K m249. Will be fielding it first time tomorrow. Any ideas where I can get a bullgear hop up for it?

Everywhere I've looked has been out of stock.


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Tried this site ?, it can be very handy...... 


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