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It's possible your lack of involvement on the forum is putting people off getting in touch.


Maybe try getting your post count up and interacting with more discussion threads.

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18 minutes ago, Zach said:

I find this site sometimes very down heartening  as the amount of times I contact items for sale but get no replies?

Are you contacting people whose items are Completed or Uncompleted in the advert?


You have very little footprint on the site beyond multiple wanted adverts and complaints.


I would be unlikely to sell anything to you as you are very new to the sport and are unlikely to be able to prove to me that you are a regular skirmisher to want or legally be able to sell a RIF to you. Do you even have a UKARA number?


Edited by Asomodai
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29 minutes ago, Zach said:

I find this site sometimes very down heartening  as the amount of times I contact items for sale but get no replies?


I've never had this issue TBH.


As others have said, you have no 'form' on these forums. You don't have an Avatar. In fact you don't have anything in your profile to indicate that you engage in any kind of LARPsoft/BBwarz at all.


I am also perplexed as to how you can be ranked a 'Collaborator' with just 16 posts - not your fault - this new rank system is proper broken.



Edited by Speedbird_666
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I don't know how the adverts get updated by when they are completed or not (guess the seller does that after a period of time) but often I have found that sellers list the item on multiple places. When this happens if they sell it, they're often unlikely to update that places they didn't sell it through unless they just happen to go back to that site. If you are contacting sellers about items that haven't recently had activity, then it's probably sold and they don't check here often enough. Or you're contacting sellers about items that have completed and they can't be bothered to reply, whether they have seen your message or not, as they have marked the item as complete. 


Also, life happens, work etc so this could be why people aren't replying as soon as you'd like. 


If I were you, I'd make sure you're contacting only about items that have been listed or bumped recently, make sure your messages are polite and you'll see a good response rate.


If you contact me about a completed advert, something from a long time ago or with a message along the lines of "I'll give you 50% of the advertised sale price" - I'd just ignore you. 

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37 minutes ago, Emergencychimps said:

I don't know how the adverts get updated by when they are completed or not (guess the seller does that after a period of time)


you can do it manually, so normally it should be done when an item has been sold (eg i do it when i have received money on paypal).


sellers who aren't doing that will only get a week before the ad expires and they presumably won't bump a sold item.


usually i tend to ignore any completed ads and only really pay attention to uncompleted ones if i really want the item (in which case i'll send a message knowing there's a decent chance of no reply)



op- assuming you're messaging folk about current ads (ie not completed/uncompleted listings as above) you might want to think about how you're opening conversations with folk, a friendly "hey man, i see you have an ad running, is this still available?" will give a better impression than a blunt "where u live?" or "gie ye a fiver" low-ball offer. i do make a point of trying to reply to everyone who messages me about ads, but i can understand how some folk might not do that, especially if it's an account with minimal forum presence.


another thing to bear in mind is that sometimes pm notifications can be a bit iffy (well, i've had a couple of occasions where it doesn't give me a notifications for new messages), so sending a chaser message isn't the worst idea, although obviously you don't want to spam someone's inbox every 5 minutes demanding a reply. rule of thumb i tend to go with is at least a full working day as folk may well not be visiting the site on weekends if they're out doing things (the most obvious example being out playing airsoft), if i've sent a chaser and they don't get back then i'll just assume they either don't visit that often or for whatever reason don't want to reply, sometimes they do reply a week later sometimes that's where it ends.

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2 hours ago, Zach said:

I find this site sometimes very down heartening  as the amount of times I contact items for sale but get no replies?

Like you I don't have many posts, but don't suffer from no replies etc, I see your a new member so all I can think of is the way you might be contacting people and not your profile as IMOA that doesn't mean anything if the start up conversations are out of place, I'm no gramer expert but just something as simple as a Hi, Sorry to ask and Thank you etc goes a long way but I am not saying you don't use pleasantries as I don't know you from Adam

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At the top of the conversation you will see the name of the person.  Just below their name it will show 'when' and 'if' they last viewed the conversation.

If it shows read but no reply then you can assume they're an a-hole and move on.


There have been a lot of people joining just to sell their tat.  As said above, many will advertise elsewhere as well so if it sells they have to manually set to 'sold' but I suspect that many won't bother.


There should be a minimum number of (meaningful) posts per month to keep selling option available.

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