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Importing RIF on Reenactment Society Defence?


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I know, it’s one of those questions so don’t flame me, but I need to ask.


I don’t have a site membership at the moment and it’s unlikely I’ll be able to get onto the UKARA database for quite some time due to work/family etc. I do have a reenactment society membership and use this when buying from U.K. airsoft shops to add to my collection. But, I’m desperate for a GBB SR25, specifically the VFC KAC M110, but nowhere in the U.K. stocks it or any GBB SR25’s. So the question is has anyone imported a RIF into the U.K. on a reenactment society defence and has it caused any issues with U.K. border force?

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
8 minutes ago, Super64 said:

I know, it’s one of those questions so don’t flame me, but I need to ask.


I don’t have a site membership at the moment and it’s unlikely I’ll be able to get onto the UKARA database for quite some time due to work/family etc. I do have a reenactment society membership and use this when buying from U.K. airsoft shops to add to my collection. But, I’m desperate for a GBB SR25, specifically the VFC KAC M110, but nowhere in the U.K. stocks it or any GBB SR25’s. So the question is has anyone imported a RIF into the U.K. on a reenactment society defence and has it caused any issues with U.K. border force?

I'd like to say that if it's a valid defense, it's a valid defense - Customs won't bin your parcel just because they don't recognise it at first glance. I've never tried to import on that defense though.


What I would expect however, is the overall import process to take longer if customs aren't aware of the defense. By now, they're clued up on UKARA but until around 2012 (imo & iirc!) it was far more arduous to import.

Edited by DrAlexanderTobacco
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Can’t say I have however I think it may only work if the re-enactment society you are a member of is specific to the RIF you trying to get. So no modern rifs if you re-enact WW2. However I might well be wrong, probably worth speaking to Customs to get their view on this. 

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Me personally I wouldn’t risk it , all the horror stories you hear from trustworthy sources about the problems players with a ‘normal’ UKARA defence are having importing I’d say there’s not a chance it’ll go smoothly on a re-enactor defence . I genuinely think it’ll all start to go Pete Tong the moment it leaves the retailer to start on its way to you . 😢

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Thanks for the replies guys. My membership is to the Military Vehicle Trust so as far as the era the RIF represents, it shouldn’t be an issue as MVT covers all ranges. But, it is my concern that customs will just put it in the to hard box and say if it’s not UKARA it’s not coming in. I’m aware of issues people had with customs when they had a current UKARA defence, but I didn’t experience any issues myself. I don’t really want to shell out £500 on a gamble so I’m edging towards scrapping the idea.


I was hoping someone would come on and say, “yep, I import all the time as a reenactor and have no issues whatsoever with customs.” I’m guessing that’s not going to be the case. I may contact them through the week and ask them direct if I can find a relevant email address. 

Otherwise, I may just have to play the long game and hope one of the U.K. retailers gets them in, someone who has one wants to sell it or try to get to some games.

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I did email a bunch of places, most of the big stores to see if they were going to stock them, but they had no plans to get any in due to VFC GBBs dodgy rep. It had crossed my mind to speak to some again to see if they can get a one off special order. I’d not mind paying any extra admin fee, so it’s definitely an option. It would probably be more likely if I knew a few people who wanted them. A shop would be more likely to get a few in, especially if they knew they were going to sell them.

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that is a valid defence, it will however be slower getting through customs especially it comes through UPS that was a big enough ball ache with UKARA. I would say the biggest issue is many non uk retailers won't sell a RIF to a UK address with out UKARA it's too much hassle for them other wise they want to be sure the RIF will actually be delivered and not cost them time and money.

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Have you tried Land Warrior?  I know they sold some/a VFC PSG-1.


Also, a reenactment society membership allows you to get any RIF?  You would have thought it was limited to older stuff.

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1 hour ago, hitmanNo2 said:

Also, a reenactment society membership allows you to get any RIF?  You would have thought it was limited to older stuff.


Depends what they are doing re-enactment of. Most are Roman, medieval, or WWII, but as history is any time before now, any battle that occurred yesterday could be re-enacted with all the latest firearms.


Found a picture of OP:



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13 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Have you got a mate with UKARA  who could import it for you? 

Unfortunately I don’t have any mates who are in to airsoft at the moment. Those friends I made while playing I seem to have lost contact with since I last played as the site closed down.

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1 minute ago, Super64 said:

Unfortunately I don’t have any mates who are in to airsoft at the moment. Those friends I made while playing I seem to have lost contact with since I last played as the site closed down.


Maybe there's someone local to you who would order for you?  Where about's are you?  Some Asian companies I've seen are also advertising split packages, might be worth looking into.

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14 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Have you got a mate with UKARA  who could import it for you? 


31 minutes ago, ak2m4 said:


Maybe there's someone local to you who would order for you?  Where about's are you?  Some Asian companies I've seen are also advertising split packages, might be worth looking into.

These would be red flags, and are methods of evading & working around VCRA defences.

Split packages are a way of bringing yourself to the attention of HMRC for smuggling 


The OP has a valid defence by virtue of being a re-enactor (and a better defence than airsoft skirmishers as reenactment is within the original VCRA legislation 

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Yeah, I think split packages and all that sort of thing are more likely to get stuff seized. My reenactment society membership is a valid defence and is accepted by U.K. retailers. I’ve had no issue buying, so in that respect I’m not concerned. A defence is a defence. My concern is whether customs/border force will accept it or will they create some sort off reason to keep a big scary gun out of the U.K. I think there’s a strong possibility they’ll do whatever they can to make it difficult and I’ll risk losing the gun and £500.

It think my best bet at the moment is to speak to customs, second best speak to an airsoft shop and see if they’ll order one for me, third playing the long game and get back active on UKARA or fourth making friends with someone active on UKARA who’ll order it on my behalf 😬🤭 (I have a defence so there’s no real issue there.)

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