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Potential New Site

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Hello all, this isn't another one of those "OMG what a great site this would make posts", rather I'm asking if anybody knows of any airsoft companies who'll be interested in a potential new site CQB in Hertfordshire when all this covid malarkey is over

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco

UCAP are always looking for new, interesting sites and offer free games for life (iirc) to anyone who can recommend a potential site which they end up adding to their portfolio

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Thanks. I thought first and only did, but I heard that back before they split and Zed Adventures started running their sites in the South 

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5 hours ago, DrAlexanderTobacco said:

UCAP are always looking for new, interesting sites and offer free games for life (iirc) to anyone who can recommend a potential site which they end up adding to their portfolio

They had better take on more Marshall's if they get any more sites lol.


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RIFT are Hertfordshire based and have expanded to a number of new sites recently. Might be worth giving them a shout.

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I would do it myself, but I don't have the time, money and more importantly, patience to set it up properly 

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3 hours ago, Albiscuit said:

Lets start our own AFUK CQB site :D  



Folks we have a volunteer! This man has way too much time on his hands!

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8 minutes ago, Keldon said:

You have sentinel Airsoft on the border of Herts and beds 

Last time they ran two sites, it didn't go so well...

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4 hours ago, Asomodai said:

Folks we have a volunteer! This man has way too much time on his hands!

time I don’t have but I would be interested in starting something up if it was viable and make time

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