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Please Watch Out for Ryan Toms !

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9 hours ago, MAX DICKER said:

Just read this thread. Really glad you got your money back.


I agree that hounding this tosser out of the hobby is the wisest course now.

Ohh don’t worry all his sites he goes too will be getting told.. pictures plastered all over the place.. he’s the lowest of the low mate honestly.. I’m just really grateful for everyone’s help I really am :) 

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2 hours ago, Flintlock said:


And to quote Turkish in Snatch, now you are proper f*cked Mr Toms.

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1 minute ago, EvilMonkee said:


And to quote Turkish in Snatch, now you are proper f*cked Mr Toms.

Like the Germans 😂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello mate, gave  the police his details and where abouts :) may as well do oh the right way I don’t want done by the police cause I would have if I found him... he’ll get his I’m sure of it 

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  • 9 months later...

Hi I've just found this forum post Ryan Toms I purchased a gun from him on November the 1st for my young cousin. It was a scar h I paid him the money and haven't heard anything back from him its almost been a year. I contacted paypal they done nothing at all i contacted the police they was no use. I know his name is Ryan Whitehouse from Birmingham and he also asked for £370 that I paid thinking he was genuine.


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6 hours ago, BAM_BAM said:

Hi I've just found this forum post Ryan Toms I purchased a gun from him on November the 1st for my young cousin. It was a scar h I paid him the money and haven't heard anything back from him its almost been a year. I contacted paypal they done nothing at all i contacted the police they was no use. I know his name is Ryan Whitehouse from Birmingham and he also asked for £370 that I paid thinking he was genuine.



You waited a year...?

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1 hour ago, BAM_BAM said:

Yeah ive been to busy to really do anything about it till recently I've had alot of stuff going on and forgot all about it till I was checking through PayPal and seen it now i have time I'm going to get it sorted


Not sure how much recourse you have at this point? You mention you paid via Paypal, was it F&F or G&S? Even with the latter I believe it would have to be within six months.

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1 hour ago, BAM_BAM said:

Yeah ive been to busy to really do anything about it till recently I've had alot of stuff going on and forgot all about it till I was checking through PayPal and seen it now i have time I'm going to get it sorted

Sorry mate, you snooze you lose, hard enough to get PayPal to act on rif sales, but a year on, no chance.

Same goes for the police, while their required to investigate all allegations of fraud etc, when it comes to small cases/private individuals, their only interested if you've done all the legwork & a conviction is pretty much guaranteed.

Only thing you can do now is put as much information in the public domain to try to prevent anyone else getting turned over by the piece of shit 😠

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On 19/11/2019 at 13:24, EvilMonkee said:

If anyone is familiar with it (I am but I CBA doing the legwork) there is a very helpful little application available with Kali Linux called Maltego, it may even be on Windows too.  What this will allow you to do is feed it an email address and it will recursively search the whole internet for connections to that email address/Facebook profile etc etc.  May prove useful for someone.......



I have been known to dabble in Kali Linux and Maltego from time to time....purely as a hobby and within the law. If you get stuck drop me a DM.


EDIT: Holy thread necromancy! Didn't spot that this was a year ago, I blame the fine IPA I have just finished. Offer stands though.


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On 10/09/2020 at 20:05, SSPKali said:

I have been known to dabble in Kali Linux and Maltego from time to time....purely as a hobby and within the law. If you get stuck drop me a DM.



I do it for a living.......

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