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Vest/Plate Carrier for Big People

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hello all!

im a fairly big guy and ive been trying to find a vest/plate carrier that not only looks good on me for the look im going for (SCP MTF Black kit) but will actualy be practical and cover me from the bottom of my torso and up. if you have any sugestions or help then please share haha


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A plate carrier is designed to protect your vital organs, not your whole torso. 


The front plate (bag) should sit two finger widths below the collarbone; use the shoulder straps to adjust the rear plate (bag) so it is in line with front, and not sagging lower on your back.

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1 hour ago, SamWolf1171 said:

im a fairly big guy and ive been trying to find a vest/plate carrier


How bigs fairly big? I’m a big guy, 6ft4 and fluctuate between 20-21st so I know how it is. I found the condor exo plate carrier fits well but since buying it found chest rigs loads better 

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Taiwan Gun now sell plate carriers for bigger built players , just because someone’s a big lumbering ox of a guy why shouldn’t he get to have the Gucci kit as well ? 👍

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Unfortunately pc's aren't always flattering to the larger chap, too much belly below the pc is not a good look, chest rigs worn lower look way better, are generally more comfortable & less likely to cause you to overheat.

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20 hours ago, SamWolf1171 said:

hello all!

im a fairly big guy and ive been trying to find a vest/plate carrier that not only looks good on me for the look im going for (SCP MTF Black kit) but will actualy be practical and cover me from the bottom of my torso and up. if you have any sugestions or help then please share haha




I'd say something along the lines of this: https://www.military1st.co.uk/fy-vt-m004-bk-flyye-force-recon-vest-with-pouch-set-ver-mar-black.html 

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52 minutes ago, Musica said:


Do you guys not just roast inside these? I just wear a long sleeve t shirt and get sweaty


Probably, I don't wear one. I sweat like a paedophile in Mothercare at the best of times!

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