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What do you run on your plate carrier?

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General question for the folks out there: What are you carrying on your carrier?

Are you going simple and minimalistic? Full squad support with pouch atop pouch atop pouch? something streamlines for function and need?

I ask because I'm both curious to what people are running as their game to game loadout, and looking for inspiration/ideas on how to better organize my own.
Currently running a 8Fields V2 FSBE with three M14 pouches, 3 shell 40mm pouch, two double pocket utility pouches and 'crotch guard' utility pouch. Also got my trusty dead rag on the right shoulder.
Also got the Grenade launcher holster pouch (In photo, one next to the M14 pouches in middle) now on my battle belt alongside my pistol, pistol mags, dump pouch n spare 40mm tag rounds.
Currently removed the water canteen as I'm pondering a back bladder for simple ease of use n carry

I keep a few spare TAG rounds in the top pouches for easy access in field, M14 mags sit comfortably along my mid line and are easily reached, likely adding a forth to fill the gap made by removing the launcher pouch.
Right side pouch has spare ammo and speed loaders for my midcaps, left pouch has my medical equipment. Crotch pouch is for things like my non tag grenades and gloves.




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I would like to think i am fairly minimailst, but there is a balance here (ie, length of game vs likelihood of running out of ammo) - I prefer to err on the side of caution to keep me in the game as long as possible. As an AEG player, my kit is horrendosly over the top compared to most snipers.


I think in most cases everyone is running a fairly minimalist set up (stand fast mil sim guys who may be an exception to this depending on where they are/what they are doing). Ultimately, what do you really need on your chest rig?

Spare mags - quantity dictated by length of game and trigger finger. 

Side arm - only 'really' needed if you are running a DMR/Sniper.

Grenades? - Techncially you dont NEED these, you could run without them we choose to take them.

Everything else (ive probably forgotten something obvious) is just down to personal preference, play style, game type and site.


Anyway, onto your actual question. Note, I started airsofting in Jan, so only got about half a dozen games to base my observations on. Also, there will be talk of speed loaders full of insane amounts of spare bbs - this is an untested recent addition based on observations from recent games. Ill post if its successfull or not after a couple of games with them.


I currently run a warrior systems PLCE webbing set with the following:

Left side, moving from closest to belt buckle to furthest away: Single fast mag, x2 double M4 velcro pouches (dump mag pouch sits under these).

Right side, moving from closest to belt buckle to furthest away: Small horizontal zip pouch (for Mk IVs and smoke).

Shoulder straps: Left side, radio pouch. Right side, velcro smoke grenade pouch.

Back: Small (<10L) MOLLE attached rucksack. Mostly for a water bladder, but also holds x2 500x BB speed loaders (no they dont rattle) and spare eye pro.


Pros: 600 rnds in M4 mags. Fast mag. x2 500 round speed loaders for me/buddies if anyone runs out of ammo. Ease of access to water for a whole day. Weight distribution is better than a chest rig (some weight sits on hips, rather than just the shoulders).

Cons: Probably not the most minamalist set up out there. Carriage on the shoulder straps is not optimal (i have torn rotator cuffs on both sides so its a means to an ends for me). Probably not the lightest set up. No room for a pistol. Buddy has to get the extra rounds as pulling the PLCE off to get at the speed loaders is not optimal.


a) You could run with a large utility pouch on the belt next to the horizontal utility pouch and sack off the backpack by puting 1L of water and probably both the 500rnd speed loaders in there. However, I have torn both my rotator cuffs so i cant get round that far.

b) TBH the water bladder is more there for film sim as i rarely need a drink mid game on skirmish days. On the other hand, having 1L of water in a bottle was handy for putting out a small fire after a bad smoke grenade set fire to the ground. The extra 0.5L of water i get over a 1L bottle in my 1.5L bladder does make a difference weight wise.

c) The number of times I or anyone else has needed spare ammos is a total of 3 times, and in  two of three cases the rounds were needed within 5-10 mins of the end of the game.

d) I have a warrior systems battle belt, as a result the MOLLE does not come as close to the bult buckle as, say, old school S95 British PLCE. This is annoying as with my bad shoulders getting round to anything other than the very first MOLLE position (ie, the left side fast mag) is a little tricky/sore as they are about 3-6 MOLLE strap positions short of where i would like them to start.

e) This set up (as a result of the warrior belt) lacks room for a side arm. Not an issue for me as I dont run one (yet). I suspect that IF i can find a MOLLE battle belt that works with PLCE webbing and has another 3-6 MOLLE straps then i would move the right side utility forward and put a pistol holster on the 'hip side/3 o'clock' position.

f) In general, i find that the airsoft market does not provide enough options for MkV pyro, and typical smoke grenades and incendary smoke grenades, so finding efficent/effective pouches for them is hit and miss - my set up is not optimal here.

g) I have not tested the radio pouch position yet (first run out will be later this month/early next month). But i am interested to see if being on the shoudler strap causes issues with wiring/ptt location etc. - I will edit this post when i know more, but this may be a sub optimal location. In which case it will get mounted on the side of the right side of the webbing or in/on the back pack.


Looking to get soon - chest rig with gun belt:

As mentioned above, on account of my bad shoulders and on account of the fact I might want a side arm, I am looking into this set up for a chest rig:

Emmersongear JPC with the following attachments

Front: Has x3 M4 mag holders with bungee retainers built in. On top of these, i will put x2 single M4 mag holders with bungee retainers with built in pistol mag pouch (bungee draw string retaining system for the pistol mag) and some form of pouch for carrying grenades/pyro. Radio placement on the top section of the carrier (if that works for the PTT/wiring etc).

Back: Either the same rucksack as described above or a smaller one only for the water bladder.

Belt: Left side, single fast mag then dump mag pouch. Right side, pistol holster.


Pros: 600 rnds in M4 mags. x2 pistol mags (c.60-100 extra rnds). Fast mag. x1 500 rnd speed loader for me/buddies accessible on the chest plate. Ease of access to water for a whole day. Room for a pistol. Plenty of room on the belt for smaller/lighter items if needed

Cons: Weight is carried on the shoulders only. Radio location might not be optimal (again). Still likely to suffer for ease of access to grenades (probably less of an issue though than the PLCE). I am not a fan of the 'open retained' mag carriage on plate carriers - i accept its quicker to get into, but if your face down in the mud/crawing round bushes/trees there is more opportunity for grit/mud/water etc to get into your mags. Harder to hear/feel hits with full chest plates as centre mass is completly covered.


a) I suspect the chest rig set up will be preferable for ease of access, althogh I have never really had an issue with the PLCE so perhaps this is a 'false economy'?

b) Will almost certainly be more 'rotator cuff friendly' - hopefully this is not an issue for anyone other than me!


I will update this page if/when i get the chest rig.


Ways to minimise:

1) While in longer skirmish games I have come close to (or on one occasion run out of) BBs, in the case of both set ups, I could probably get rid of x2 M4 mags - expecially with the speed loaders full of extra rounds.

2) Water carriage. For skirmish i dont think I really need it, but for filmsim its probably a must. I could dump stuff off by getting rid of the rucksacks and any water carriage options.

3) Grenades. I am sure there are more effective/lighter/more minamilistic ways to carry grenades than I have at the moment. IMHO my set up is sub optimal as there are few options for the 'long and thin' MKIVs and similar (albiet fatter) smokes. I have seen some people running elastic bands laced into their thier webbing to slot the MkIVs into, just putting MkIVs into their molle straps or using shotgun shell holders for the MkVs - this could be more efficent as well as more minimalist? I dont know about the smokes?

4) Radios, most people i see mount their radios on their back/on their belt at the back and run the wires for the PTT etc through thier webbing. I personally dont like this as i dont like the idea of sitting/falling on the rad - but its a viable option and probably more efficent in terms of space and profile. Not so much a minimising thing as an efficiency/space thing.

5) Spare eyepro carriage. Almost certainly dont need it. Lets be fair, if it all goes wrong eye pro wise, its going to start the same way; call a ceasefire/eyepro to stop the game. Having eyepro on me just means I dont have to eave the field, go back to my kit and pick up the spare pair. 

6) x2 500rnd speed loaders. I have two on the basis of 1 for me, one for a mate. Arguments can be made for 1 or none - both are valid.

7) In my case I could even theorhetically get rid of the dump mag pouch. When running my PLCE I have a field jacket with a HUGE zip pocket that I originally used as a very effective dump pouch. This wouldnt be an option on a chest rig, but then the rig I am talking about (and many others use) provide the option of quickly putting the mag back where it came from (even if not ideal).


Things I wish I carried but dont have room for:

Truth to tell, not a lot. I have only run out of rounds in one game in 6 days of airsoft, often times, I only use around 40-60% of my mags on any given skirmish game. Now I have the speed loaders I cant imagine ever running out of BBs. A leatherman type multitool, but cant imagine when i would need it and ultimately I have pockets? Same applies to fogging wipes/goggle wipes. Spare battery? Well I have tonns of room for this too, but just dont think its wise to be running around in a dynamic movement environment with a lipo 'death stick' on my person. Chocolate/sweets for a film sim day? Maybe, but again, i have room for this if needed.


Notes on your set up:

Medical kit - whats actually in it and what do you see it being used to fix? If you are seriosly injured odds are on that you aint going to be able to do anything to 'fix' youself as you will be in too much pain and a plater/FFD/paracetamol just aint going to cut it even if you can help yourself? Most of the time people/marshalls will just call for an ambulance for something serious.  Many might not even think to look for/use a medical pouch on your kit unless they know its there (yes even with the big red cross on it!). For 'walking wounded' stuff, why not leave the pouch in your car/safe zone? For other people? - while I salute any good intentions I would advise extreme caution about rendering first aid unless you are properly trained.

Crotch bag 

- Gloves? Are you not wearing them? I would assume you would know if you are going to need them before a game starts so why not just leave them in your kit bag/car? I always wear gloves regardless of the heat or the game - first, a BB to the finger smarts and gloves help. Second, I have seen bad things happen with smokes, again, gloves protect a little/bear a certain amount of the brunt of it. Third, airsoft sites are normally woods or similar, with nettles/thorns/ferns (yes they can cut/scrape your hand if you get too personal with the stalks!) walls, rough wood etc - why wouldnt you wear gloves all the time? If they are spares, you could leave them in the car/safe zone?

- Spare tag rounds. As i mention above, this is totally personal preference, but I challange you to make an average count of how many tag rounds/grenade rounds you use during each game before you get back to the safe zone (over a couple of game days, ideally at different sites). If you find yourslef comin back with none or jsut one or two then then fair enough. If you are consistently going back to the safe zone with loads extra, perhaps you could minimse here and leave some in your car/kit bag?

Utility pouch

- Not sure what your putting in here, but i think you mentioned speed loaders for your mid caps. You might consider doing what i have done? Nuprol do an M4 size speed loader that carries 500 rnds. You would only need one and it would fit in an M4 pouch. It might not suit you though as they are only (relitivly) quiet when they are full. They quickly become 'battle marackas' as you empty them. So perhaps 2-4 100 rnd speed loaders that you completly empty to fill one mag is preferable?

- Depending on what else you may/may not have in your utility pouch you might be able to get rid of it or replace it with a smaller pouch?


Hope this has been helpful?

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Crikey, definitely a good chunk there to read through! But aye, some good points on things there. Currently shuffling some pouches around and mounting some on my battle belt. Forgot I had the bugger since I've not run my pistol in a fair while. Should have probably added I've been doing this for a fair few years now but only recently got back into the sport / playing it with an actual team.

Plate Carrier Center mass:
Three M14 retention pouches across center chest. Two 3x 40mm grenade round pouches beneath.

Left Side:
Double stack utility pouch usually containing my speed loaders, multi tool, chem lights and small bag of spare ammo (General purpose items)

Right Side:

Double stack utility pouch containing medical supplies. Small first reaction set up. (will explain later)

Back Side:
Viper Modular one day pack. Spare water bottles. Spare BB bags. Green gas cans.

Battle Belt:

Water Canteen and holder on left hip. Dump pouch on rear. Launcher holster + grenade pouch on right hip.



Reasons behind these choices:

I'm mostly a 'support' role player. Health issues mean I often need to stop, take breaks or hold down a position because the pain in my legs is to much at that time to keep moving. So most of my loadout is designed for my own utility and assisting others.
I keep my own magazines simple and low number as running a M14 with scope; I'm often firing single shot, occasionally a burst here n there and 360rnds normally lasts a game or so.
The grenades along my front waist are TAG shells, frag and smoke mix, so I can pick and choose what is needed more at any given time. I use TAG because I generally can't throw normal grenades well due to my health.
Speed loader, ammo bags and multi-tool are for just what you'd guess; reloading during breaks or if mags run dry mid session for me or my team mates; and some guns STILL to this day require tools to change batteries n such; so having a tool in field helps with that or quick repairs.

Backpack is for pure assistance to others. We've had days where people forget their own water, and are then exhausted from all the hill climbing, especially when the summer heat hits. So I've normally got 3-4 sealed water bottles in my pack for just such events. Also got small field bags of BB's if someone needs a quick reload and doesnt wanna trudge all the way back to safe n back. Gas.. well.. grenade launcher, pistols.. we all need gas! n the cans are a bit big for my other pouches!

Belt is fairly simple; Canteen for hydration as I do wear out quickly and sweat a fair bit, especially in the heat.. so it never hurts to have water! Dump pouch is for what you'd expect, and it rolls up when not in use. Instead of a pistol, I carry a 40mm grenade pistol for the TAG shells on my front. I've also got a small but deep utility pouch beside the holster for non tag grenades; for when we're either to close to safely use TAG, or doing room entry. usually has 2 thermo, 2 frag and some stick flashes

I carry the medical kit, because we play in a semi large forest area and we're often a long way away from our safe zone, and the site is mostly steep hilly terrain with only a few paths. I've personally had issues playing where I've been injured, and seen others be injured. It's not common but it does happen. Having something on hand to help deal with cuts, scrapes or worse is never a bad thing, especially out in the field. Most of the staff to my knowledge are first aid trained, as are alot of our players, but don't carry medical gear with them. At least this way, gods forbid it's ever actually needed; it's there if it is! (I've personally had to check, clean and bandage a fairly nasty leg gash before out in the middle of the field at an old site when someone lost footing n shin cracked a sharp rock; It's why I started carrying medical)
I also inform people and the marshals I have it on me, so it's known there's at least one field kit out there if something does happen and it can be quickly torn off my side.


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Get your rotators repaired. I've had both mine done. It's a long recovery taking up to a year for FULL return to functionality, but you will see improvement after 3 months and after 6 they will be far better than before the op. Yes, obviously there is some pain and a lot of physio work involved. but literally after 2 month post app they are less painful than living with the tear. I was skiing 4 month post both ops and my arm mobility is now far better than before. Added advantage is I had a load of arthritis removed at the same time.


I'm an ex paramedic for LAS and SJA so I have quite an extensive FA kit on my back, just in case. Lots of scope for bramble lacerations, eye injuries and sprains . I carry 10 saline eye washes, as my experience is gunk in eyes is quite likely in the environments we play in. I also carry airway management, getting a person out of a forest to a road could be quite an effort and got to maintain an airway during the carry.


I carry 3x470rrnd hi coat for my G36, on right, Sidearm and 4 mags on left (I like playing with my sidearm so can often use the 120 rounds carried). I have a spare battery and penknife in a small pocket left strap, and a pouch on right that my phone and car keys are secure in. 


On my back I have FA kit and radio pouch, and a dump bag on left and rubber tanto on right. 


I have a fitting on the belt to the right to clip in a thigh holster. Sometimes I run a high power non auto pistol for longer distances



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3 hours ago, MadMole said:

Get your rotators repaired. I've had both mine done. It's a long recovery taking up to a year for FULL return to functionality, but you will see improvement after 3 months and after 6 they will be far better than before the op. Yes, obviously there is some pain and a lot of physio work involved. but literally after 2 month post app they are less painful than living with the tear. I was skiing 4 month post both ops and my arm mobility is now far better than before. Added advantage is I had a load of arthritis removed at the same time.

It's not so much from injury but long term health conditions that screw with my joints and nerves; I just have to live with it. Some days are better than others but certain ranges of motion are either beyond me, or just downright painful to do.

On the medical front; I don't currently have a guedal airway kit as I'm not personally certified to use it ((Need to renew my firstaid certification)) but it might be wise to add one incase the situation arises and another is trained in it's use. As with all the kit I carry; better to have and not need than need and not have.

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I'd still get them seen by someone, if the rotators are torn and its not just arthritis, then it can be improved, movement increased and pain stopped


I wouldn't worry about certification. Guedel's are great, easy to use and pretty foolproof. My certs run out 25 years ago (were only valid for 4 months at a time anyway), but in UK law you can't get sued if what you are doing is in your belief best for the patient and not causing harm. A good compromise on weight and space (I'm not carrying a full intubation kit around!). That, eye wash and the good old fallback, a couple of triangular bandages will cover most things. 


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Right now in the pouch I've moved to my backpack, I've 2x pairs rubber gloves. 2x mouth to mouth shields. 2x triangular bandages/sleeves. 3x burn gel ointment, tweezers, cloth scissors. 2x 10x8cm sterile eye bandages, 2x 12x12cm medium sterile dressings with bandage. 2x 18x18cm large sterile dressing with bandage, assorted small plasters, single dressings and separate bandages, along with four eye wash kits in the backpack. Oh, and a pair of small heat blankets. Always handy on those colder/rainier days.
Plus, I keep a couple spare sealed water bottles for both hydration if someones forgot their own and has a heat moment, and for helping wash off debris and muck from an injured area.

Figured it'd be a decent amount of kit for most basic injuries or the like in field during a regular game. Enough at least to patch them up and stop bleeds while we get them to the safe zone and/or ambulance if it's bad enough.

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So on my Helivest;



Triple ammo pouch; will carry 6 M4 or MP5 magazines, or even my pistol

Admin pouch up top if I'm going to have a map on me

A mixture of either pistol magazine pouches or pistol and smoke either side of the M4 triple



Radio top Left

Double 40mm top Right

Double ammo for speed loaders bottom if I'm taking them

First aid pouch at the bottom again if I'm likely to need it



I can chop and change the pouches around pretty easily depending on the game day or event, I do normally run my pistol in a hip or thigh holster as well.

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So I run one of 4 loadouts. Keep in mind im one of those MilSim guys Sharpe mentioned.


1: SMG/AT role.


I really only own one PC that I actually use, and thats my ProTech Titan Assault Vest. For my SMG/AT role I have a HSGI 3x1 9mm pouch overlaying a 3x1 556 pouch. For the SMG role these hold a total of 9 magazines, either Echo 1 90 round MP5 mags or 110 round 9mm straight mags. A 10 slot C02 pouch sits under that for Taginns. On either side of the C02 pouch I have a Safariland single Universal Magazine Pouch (UMPs), which holds my tourniquets (how you get revived). Still on my front panel I have two drag handles, and to the right of the C02 pouch/UMP I have a single flashbang pouch with a TRMR in it. Finally I have a waterproof battery case that holds either CR123As or AAs. Sometimes my radio sits on my left shoulder as well. For times that I plan to be on the field for very long times I sometimes stick a second Qore Iceplate in the front plate slot.



On the left panel sits my Taginn pouch. This holds 8 Taginn Fate rounds, and, if im not using my ML-36 and instead using my AT-4 or other launcher, a C02 charger. Sometimes my radio sits on this side as well.



Right panel is emptier than most, as my primary will sling on that side, on a Safariland Single Point Sling. However I do run at least one grenade pouch on that side - either a second TRMR, or a choice of a pair of Dynatex SWAT VTGs in a dual pouch, or a single VTG in a Kydex sheath. 



The rear panel always has a Qore Iceplate in its plate slot. If Im using something HPA Ill either run a single tank pouch, or a MiniMap. My radio also usually goes here if Im using headset comms. I also often have a light Trauma kit from my real work on here.


Finally, I wear a battlebelt. Another Safariland product, it has my Safariland 7TS M&P 5in light bearing holster on it, attached to the new AUBL system on the left hip. towards the front on the left side theres two more Safariland UMPs. The right has the UMPs mirrored, allowing me four additional handgun mags to the one in the gun. On the left cheek I have a dump pouch. On occasion, if im using a flare-pistol style launcher thats on my right hip. Sometimes the Trauma kit goes here.


2: Support/AT role.


Not too dissimilar to the SMG role, except the HSGI Tacos hold three 556 mags for teammates/myself if my box runs dry, and three more handgun mags (LMGs cant be used indoors, hence me needing more ammo for my handgun). 



Usually identical, but if I believe Im truly going to need the ammo I sometimes add a box mag pouch in place of the Taginn pouch.



Always the same as the SMG role, unless I carry a second box mag. Then, the Taginn pouch goes on the right behind the grenade pouches (which usually drop to one)



I always use at least the MiniMap, as all my LMGs are HPA. This allows me to carry a few spare mags and ammo for the squad. Sometimes I usea larger pack, but only on really long MilSims.


Battlebelt stays the same, although more often than not the flare launcher is on it, as the ML-36 doesnt work well with LMGs.


3: Sniper/AT role:


The Tacos come off in exchange for three Safariland Heavy Duty UMPs. These hold my VSR mags.



Same as SMG



Same as SMG



Usually have nothing but the radio.



Flare launcher on right side, as the ML36 is incompatible with a VSR (obviously).


4: Scout Sniper role:


This is the only one that drastically changes. These are usually when I sign up to be a part of one of the Special Force factions at these OPs. While I dont do it too often as it can get kinda dull, it can also be massively fun (think Chernobyl mission in MW1). I generally ditch the Titan altogether, in favor of just the Battlebelt and a camo backpack. If im going really deep ill even ditch the pack and wear a Ghillie instead. I add two HD UMPs to the left behind my M&P for VSR mags, and add a TM mk23 and DTD holster that has been modified by them to fit my Safariland stuff. Ill often add a single grenade pouch, or a 2x2 AR mag pouch to carry MPM40s if I want to set traps. This is by far my lightest-weight loadout, and the one I use the least. But when it works, its so much fun.

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58 minutes ago, Jacob Wright said:

So on my Helivest;



Triple ammo pouch; will carry 6 M4 or MP5 magazines, or even my pistol

Admin pouch up top if I'm going to have a map on me

A mixture of either pistol magazine pouches or pistol and smoke either side of the M4 triple



Radio top Left

Double 40mm top Right

Double ammo for speed loaders bottom if I'm taking them

First aid pouch at the bottom again if I'm likely to need it



I can chop and change the pouches around pretty easily depending on the game day or event, I do normally run my pistol in a hip or thigh holster as well.

I'm curious how you reach the back pouches without taking off the vest o.O or is 'back' more akin to being on the sides of the vest?

9 minutes ago, SeniorSpaz87 said:


On the left panel sits my Taginn pouch. This holds 8 Taginn Fate rounds, and, if im not using my ML-36 and instead using my AT-4 or other launcher, a C02 charger. Sometimes my radio sits on this side as well.

AT-4. You evil bugger xD I've been trying to track one of those down now for a long time. Those and the LAW launchers have become so hard to find nowadays.. which sucks as they're perfect for TAG rounds and the mil-sim realism feel.

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7 minutes ago, XanderShadow said:

I'm curious how you reach the back pouches without taking off the vest o.O or is 'back' more akin to being on the sides of the vest?

AT-4. You evil bugger xD I've been trying to track one of those down now for a long time. Those and the LAW launchers have become so hard to find nowadays.. which sucks as they're perfect for TAG rounds and the mil-sim realism feel.


Its actually a homemade one haha. I looked at the ones out there and they were all too rare/too expensive to try for. 60 quid built me a perfectly good one

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@XanderShadow I only tend to use the ones on the back if I'm playing urban so my team mates can get to them. Otherwise all I'll have on there is the radio pouch. Although saying that I've got long arms and can quite easily reach the speed loaders 😂

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