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Anyone (still) having problems getting into games on XBL with friends? (XBL tag - Huberticus)


I have no problem getting into games. Neither does my mate Tim - but if we try to get into a game together, it fails.

Always says that the game is no-longer available, or a similar message - even when we've just created a co-op game...[/i]

I do know from another XBL game that my "NAT is set to closed rather than open", but I've no idea what that is, or how to change it.


Other than that -

I love the L85. So, so much.

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The other thing is, even if we make sure our match making settings are the same, we rarely have the same servers listed/

For example, last night, we both set ours to:

20+, Rush only, Operation Metro, EA servers, Europe - I had 3 pages of servers, my friend only had 6 servers.


He said he'd download B2K today, so hopefully that should solve that. If not...

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Since B2K came out I've not seen a single Hardcore server for any of the original BF3 maps, I'm starting to miss them =[


Btw, if anyone wants a game on XBL, my tag is Bullet4MyEnemy.

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Just been on Scoutthedoggie's server, got accused of cheating by pretty much everyone on the enemy team..

Is 29-0 KD with the L96 on Metro really that good..?

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Fast reactions..

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  Hubert said:
Anyone (still) having problems getting into games on XBL with friends? (XBL tag - Huberticus)


I do know from another XBL game that my "NAT is set to closed rather than open", but I've no idea what that is, or how to change it.

1. Nope i can join games alright sometimes i join on the wrong team sometimes on the right one but one of my squad is on the wrong one and after 10 or 5 games it right`s it self and we get to having a serious enemy team bashing and ill add you my XBL tag is InfadelC.


2. try turning your router off for ten mins and then on its supposed to be like ten seconds i think but i do it and go do something or browse the news channel`s and then its perfect

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On the beta I got 32 for 0 on Metro with the SV98, I can't believe the stats didn't carry over, the best streak I've had on the full game is only a measly 16 =[

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i Got 47-0 Admittedly it was with an M249 and people just kept getting in my way and i was using my Mortar`s (managed to take a Helo that was hovering with it down!)

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I bet that was epic, it's a shame you weren't filming it, that would've just about guaranteed you a mention on the BF3 FB page and probably a Youtube partnership because of all the views lol.

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Surprisingly i seem to have hit a slump as i now barely get more than 2-5 kills more than death`s and i wish Battlefield had that thing COD:BO had that was the only thing that made it decent FYI I`m tapping About the Video Record thing

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I record most of what I play on every game anyway..

Haven't the past few days though, not intended on playing enough for me to be bothered.


I tend to play a few games as Medic/Assault and then when I start to do badly, I use a sniper and generally own :)

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  Devastator said:
The laser and torches are so bright, they piss me off no end, pretty much can't see anything on the screen and it just results in whoever's being dazzled spraying like a mad man at the light.


Yea the lasers and torches are most of the time the reason I throw my pad against the wall and scream at my dog..lol

How can a torch blind the hell out of me from 10m away in broad daylight?? :angry:

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It's a mess up.

Apparently, DICE employees were meant to get 12x as a gift for being...well, DICE employees, but they accidentally gave it to everyone.

Why would someone want 12x on anything except a sniper rifle anyway?!

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X12 optic on the HK53.

In one of the most CQB intense maps of the entire game.

Lolz were most definitely had. By the people killing me, whilst I frantically tried to find them...


L85, ELCAN and bipod. Or grip. Dear lord, that gun is so much fun.


Also, I think I managed to get my funniest kill today, of any FPS. Flying around in the Frogfoot on Caspian Boarder, kept shooting down the A10 and the scout chopper - but I couldn't quite work out why afterI'd shot them down, I kept getting the 'missile lock' warning.

Until one kill. A10 pilot bails before I can finish him off, so I just ignore him. After going tank hunting, I hear the lock-on tone - but there aren't any jets or helos in the air - but I can see a parachute. Sneaky git was trying to stinger me from a parachute.

Out of panic, I flew right at him, cannons blazing. I missed with every round. But my nose-cone and radar array didn't.


Roadkill. At 3K feet, at mach 1. Dear God I love this game.

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Looking to join some sort of Bf3 clan as I'm new to pc and I have barely any friends on Battlelog. Used to be on Xbox 360 played battlefield since 1943 up to bf3 and all between them. I have a balanced points score for each class, I don't use any class uch more than the other. I play for points, not kills, OBJECTIVE PLAY FTW!

Please add me

Soldier: XtremeNailage



NEVER USE TORCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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player name m39mjt (stupid origin not allowing me to use my normal tag)


Play on PC, play objectives, never use torch/laser or sniper, hardly any engineer either, I'm all support and assault (about even) Capture lots of objectives, actually give orders while a squad leader (its easy points ffs). Play on shed loads of different servers with different map types and game types. Just come back to it after getting fed up with the engineer RPG spam of the early release.


Curently playing a lot with smoke launchers.


Oh yeah, can't fly for Sh*t, but do a mean tank impression

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What's this? Advertise to sell yourself as a BF3 player? :P




Player name; Souponherhed - I use it for pretty much anything I can. If you see a Souponherhed somewhere, it's more than likely me.


Play on PC, and I'm one of those boring people who snipe a lot.. but I'm good at it, and tend to get accused of cheating - a lot, especially on Metro.

Also use the Assault class, pretty good with the L85, play the objective. Prefer the play style of flank as far as I can, then cover the furthest away objective, acting as a spawn point for my Squad behind enemy lines.

Don't use vehicles (apart from jeeps for faster transport), the one time I tried to fly a plane, it literally fell off the ship and into the sea. Although I could probably be good at flying, as I have an Xbox controller :P

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I play to improve my K/D, I refuse to let it fall below 1.75, but I play my role as well, I'm rank 45+3, I'll spot people as a sniper and hunt down other snipers, rarely let a kill take more than one shot to help preserve my own, and my team's position, I surpress and provide ammo as a machine gunner, I sneak about planting mines and shooting down choppers as Engineer and heal and revive everyone whilst playing Assault.


My tactics tend to be to work the flanks and act as a spawn point just as Liam said. It's much better for your team's tickets if you move along the edge of the map until you're within effective range of the enemy objectives, getting killed on the journey by snipers or machine gunners doesn't do anyone any good.


Oh and I only play Hardcore.

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I play the roles properly, heal/revive, ammo, repair, spot, etc. Also make use of the SOFLAM, worst thing ever is when there's an enemy helicopter flying around base raping and spawn killing everyone..


I play both HC and normal, prefer HC though.


K/D of 2.3 something or other I think..

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