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Choosing first BBG pistol (gas blow back)

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Hello everyone !


I just started airsoft and now I have to choose a bbg (pistol). But damn the choice is huge ! 


Which brand are good and which one to avoid ?


So here my criteria


  • Resistant (full metal preferred)
  • High FPS > 300
  • suitable for my big hand (3 XL)
  • compatible for adding a optical fiber sight (or already included)
  • compatible to mount later on a scope..


If you have any advice about acquire a BBG, links or what ever it's really welcome.


Thank you.

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Hi and welcome.  What's your budget, and are you willing to wait a couple of months until you have a UKARA registration? (I assume you're in the UK).


Are there any platforms - M4, AK, G36 or whatever - that you particularly prefer, or want to avoid?


Where will you primarily be using it?  Woodland, or CQB?


The usual recommendation if you don't really know what you want is one of the G&G Combat Machine M4s.  There are plenty of reasonable alternatives, but the CMs are good value and perform well.  They're plastic bodied, but it's a high quality, strong, light plastic.  Plenty of rail space and easily upgradable. or keep it around as a back up gun or a loaner if you decide to go in a different direction.


As to brand, just avoid any seller with "BB" in its name and you should be good.  Shop somewhere like PatrolBase, SWAS, or TaiwanGun (cheap polish site) - they only stock reasonable guns.  Even the cheapest £75 CYMA M4s are actually usable, if you're on a tight budget.

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Most guns come firing just under site limits for the UK ootb, so around 330-350. G&G make metal combat machines, and combat machines are the recommended  starter gun. The M4 types all come with RIS rails for throwing any accessories you want on it. 






RoE have the plastic version for 90 quid just now, which is a shithot deal, if M4 types are your cup of tea 

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I recommend an M4 platform - you might want to buy a G27 grip for it, and an angled foregrip could be a good buy too.


Remember, metal over polymer will be heavier.

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17 minutes ago, BigBlackGlock said:

I'm a BBG.


ok I am leaving now

Big Butch Girl ?



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It will depend a lot on what pistol you like. What have you seen that looks good to you?  On that may depend what manufacturer makes the type you want.  The best are Tokyo Marui ("TM"), but they tend to be plastic and usually sub 300fps.


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TM Hi-Capa, 4.3 am bestest


You can lock the thread now 😉

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21 hours ago, James_ptg said:

what Mean CQB ?


Close Quarters Battle.  Generally in or around buildings, as opposed to longer range play in woodlands.


Pistols are fine for CQB, as long as you get enough magazines and keep them gas tight.


You're also going to see us talking about GBB, for Gas Blow Back, and NBB for Non Blow Back.  On a GBB pistol, the slide moves back with each shot, like on a real gun.  It feels great, but it uses more gas and there's more to go wrong.  On a Non Blow Back pistol, the slide is fixed.  Not as fun, but they can be more gas efficient and shoot harder.

Most pistols that you'll want to use are gas blowbacks.  One possible exception is the MK 23 which generally comes as a non-blowback gun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did this pistol originally have a coloured slide and a magwell?


If so, did you take it back to the base metal or paint it silver?


I have the blue one which I bought before getting an UKARA number, and it shoots very well.


I ask because I have been considering making mine more tactical rather than keeping it as a race gun.

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5 hours ago, James_ptg said:

Ok so I guess I will go for a Hi-Capa 5.1 (lot of choice) with GBB. (not too much choice in NBB and the power difference dont look so huge)


any good website where to order ?



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