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Right hand, left eye dominant

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I simply bought "sample" squares from this guy on ebay., Works a treat. Just lightly sanded the edges to make them less sharp. 



Edit: Picture... I used double sided foam tape to stick it to the gorpo frameIMG_20171204_195338.thumb.jpg.a389093b43983c6fd67add73915b03ac.jpg

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Samples are a smart move if you don't want to do too much work.  I had to do round covers to fit some sights exactly though, so just went for an A4 sheet of 4mm for £3.25 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/361195046704


4mm really is more than sufficient, and cuts fine with a fine tooth metal jigsaw blade.  A hacksaw might take some time to get through it, so I would agree with going for 2mm.

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On 11/04/2018 at 11:23 AM, Rogerborg said:

When I do the beige (mmm, beige) one that's currently on the way to me, I reckon I'll do 2 bolts to stop the polycarb rotating, although it's not a huge problem.


Heh, oops.  I've since realised that a single bolt in the middle lets you rotate the polycarb out of the way in order to clean it and the sight.

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I bought a sample piece from ebay 10cm square x 2mm, was only about 99p.  Haven't got round to making it yet, so the tip about the single bolt was timely.





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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Heh, oops.  I've since realised that a single bolt in the middle lets you rotate the polycarb out of the way in order to clean it and the sight.


if you keep the polycarb flush with the frame, hopefully nothing will get in that'll need cleaning...hopefully

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I did it that way at first and got some fogging.  That's why I shimmed it out with rubber, and am OK with being able to rotate it.

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Velcro FTW. Gives it the ability to flex when it takes a hit. Super sticky from Halfords. It's going nowhere.



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Great tip.  I have velcro like that already.  Project for the weekend \o/.  Field testing next weekend.

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That looks like a winner.  Actually, I've some some spare bits of 3M double sided pad from a helmet mount that would probably do a decent job.

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I only came up withis as I had an RDS shot out on my M4. Then a protector shot out on the M4 the next game! Then when I moved the RDS to the AK there was no room for a protector. Bought a sheet of polycarb and a bit of dremelling later - done. Got loads left to make another if this fails. So fair it's lasted quite a few games.


Added benefit, eay to take off and clean.

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This is my first effort, need to do a bit more filing.






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This was my orginal idea.  Lens cap arrived today.  I put a polycarb disc inside the lens cap to use as protection.





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