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Tokyo Marui mp7 aep?

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afternoon all


does anyone own the above? looking for one for cqb and planning a few uogrades. mosfet and etc but not sure if people are going to feel their hits at 240 fps and what not?


any opinions or user info?



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I realise this doesn't answer your question but isn't the Marui AEP MP7 out of production?


It's on my wishlist and it's a gun I'd absolutely love to own some day.

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Wolf Armouries were expecting stock last week: http://wolfarmouries.co.uk/tokyo-marui-mp7a1-compact-aeg.html


They list it at 200 fps, which is what I'd expect bearing in mind it's an AEP in a bigger shell  with a teeny little gearbox and piston and a short barrel.


Sight unseen, I'd imagine the Eagle6 TM AEP springs (and bushings/bearings) will fit if you want to try upgrading it.  I'd suggest the Laylax spring rather than the full power Eagle6 one, as I couldn't even get the latter into my CYMA copy-AEG.  I wouldn't even bother with a MOSFET unless you want some trick firing modes, just slap in a 7.4V Lipo and enjoy the improved trigger response.


My experience is that people will take their hits at close range, but play aggressively and always put a couple into them to be sure.  At 200 / 240fps they're not going to have a bad day if you ding them a few times.

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5 hours ago, Elts7 said:

afternoon all


does anyone own the above? looking for one for cqb and planning a few uogrades. mosfet and etc but not sure if people are going to feel their hits at 240 fps and what not?


any opinions or user info?





Used a CM16 shooting at about 230fps (cant remember exactly how much but sub 250 im sure) at the Mall the other week, I tend to try to play aggressively and put shots in until a hand goes up so people certainly do feel it!


Been keen on a TM Aep MP7 for a long long time now too...

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Guest scalawag

I just got the Well R4 copy of the TM MP7 from Airsoftworld as they have it for £70 at the moment.  It is a direct Chinese copy of the TM with all parts interchangeable.




I bought it as I was curious about it as a PDW, and thought it might be a fun and handy back up gun.  

It's a good fun gun, and whilst not the TM, I imagine that it is broadly similar performance wise if a bit less on the quality side. Its really not bad at all for what it is, a cheap Chinese copy.


I am still using the stock NiMh batteries which to be fare are ok really for what this is, its never going to have stunning performance, but yes a LiPo will improve the trigger response, but do also remember that used straight with no mosfet a LiPo may also burn the trigger contacts quicker, which I would imagine are quite small in this beastie too.  Remember too that this does not have an airsoft motor with replaceable brushes, it has an RC can type motor which does not have changeable brushes, and again using a LiPo may cause these to wear or burn more quickly, and thats then a new motor needed.

As for fitting a mosfet I am not sure where you might fit even a micro one as space is really tight given the size of the gun.


Honestly I would not waste much money on upgrades for one of these, even the TM version, it is never going to have "great" performance no matter what you do to it.  The performance on the AEP type MP7s is always going to be limited by the size of the internals. There is only so much you can squeeze out of something this small lol. You can fit a stronger spring, but you just can't get a bigger cylinder or other performance improvements in there so most mods will really be limited to efficiency improvements and small in their performance gains especially on the TM where the hop bucking, air seals etc.. is already pretty good.  


If you want an MP7 with superior performance then I think the GBB ones are the only way to go.


As to feeling hits, its accuracy is not great so actually in some situations being able to tell if you have hit someone or not at range with a single shot is going to be harder and likely to cause as many "I hit you? No you didn't!" problems as the target not feeling it I would have thought.  You may not feel the odd hit, but you are most likely to want to have this thing on auto to get its full effectiveness and missing a hit from a string of bb's would be much less likely.


In conclusion I would say it is an up close and personal defence weapon and as such a great back up gun to pull out and spray a good amount of BBs at a closer ranges.  As a primary even in CQB it would be lacking in too many areas to really work well in my opinion, and the GBBs would probably be a better option for an MP7 style primary weapon in that and most other scenarios.  

Think of it as similar to an Automatic Electric Pistol, because that is what it really is, just wrapped up in an SMG outer shell.

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1 hour ago, scalawag said:

Honestly I would not waste much money on upgrades for one of these


Lipo it, but don't expect AEG performance of it.

Maybe get a JG Mac10 for a little stronger AEP. Or a proper mp5K for a small but strong enough gun.

When I ran a few pistol-aep-shotgun only games the aep users had a clear disadvantage, but those were urban games so inside and outside of buildings too.

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Not really the answer you’re looking for, but the only mp7 worth bothering with is the Tm GBBR. 


If if I were to buy an electric version I’d rather spend the £60 or whatever they are for the well one. Better to throw away £60 than £220

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On 13/03/2018 at 10:17 AM, Samurai said:

Maybe get a JG Mac10 for a little stronger AEP. Or a proper mp5K for a small but strong enough gun.


Funnily enough, I've just been swithering over something SMG-ish as a sniper secondary.  I considered the Well (and JG) Skorpion and Well MP7, but I've already got a bulky over-sprung Lipo'd AEP so decided to go for a bigger gearbox.  I was verrrrry tempted by the JG Mac10, but the small battery and lack of mid caps swung me to a MP5K.  Because I'm a cheapskate, I sprung a whole £71 on the ~300fps Galaxy version from TaiwanGun.  Let's see how that pans out.

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45 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

 ~300fps Galaxy version from TaiwanGun.  Let's see how that pans out.

That's not a bad gun at all for the price. The weak point is the motor. It's very weak and slow.

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1 hour ago, Samurai said:

That's not a bad gun at all for the price. The weak point is the motor. It's very weak and slow.


So am I. :P


I'll be throwing a Lipo in there and mostly using it semi-auto in CQB so hopefully the trigger response won't be too bad.  Worst case, I might even clip the spring a little.  It seems more reasonable to start with a 300fps gun and tune it down than to try and power up a 200fps AEP.

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