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New players in Reading

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Hi All


Me and a friend of mine have been interested in starting airsoft for a few weeks and wondered what would be the best site in the Berkshire area for newbies? We will prob buy eye protection, mask's and some decent boots as i have read these are what everyone is suggesting to buy first.



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Welcome! :) 


The Mall is in Reading. Not sure how close that is to you, but it's in Berkshire. A lot of forum members play there and I've heard good stuff about it. 


I'd recommend renting first, but if you want to buy your own gear eye pro and good boots are definitely the top two. 

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Welcome! :)


Definitely going to recommend the mall in Reading.

I'm all the way up in Staffordshire and even I'm planning to visit there, it's got that many good reviews lol. Wish I lived a bit closer since the trip will be costly... But from what I can gather, it would be worth it.

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Welcome :).  The Mall in Reading is a good place to start; get stuck in and take your hits and you should have a good experience. As said above, lots of forum members go there so there may be someone to say hello to and show you around the site.

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Reading all the way for starters. Clear briefing in the beginning for first time players and full of banter. Staff are great just follow the rules and you’ll have so much fun. 


What ever you do, DON’T blind shoot. They don’t like that. Also, take your hits, because we don’t like that HAHAHA

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I usually go on every other Thursdays.


Done the occasional private Saturdays with a large group of friends, but haven’t attended any other days..


How are the other days? If anyone been...

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Never done a Sunday, like Nas I do every other Thursday.


Sunday morning on a train does not fill me with excitement.

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this thread basically changed track to "go to the mall in reading" and i love that lol.

  On 01/02/2018 at 09:50, Duff said:

Never done a Sunday, like Nas I do every other Thursday.


Sunday morning on a train does not fill me with excitement.



This will be me when i finally get around to going. Although ill have to choose between car or train... Depends on price and track changes... Why do i have to live where there is very little airsoft sites within close location to me :(

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+1 for The Mall., fantastic venue for first timers.


4 of us based in Reading try and play there once a month.


Also met a few forum members at the Site.

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  On 01/02/2018 at 12:51, P13 said:

+1 for The Mall., fantastic venue for first timers.


4 of us based in Reading try and play there once a month.


Also met a few forum members at the Site.



Story of this topic lol

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Glad to know I've picked out a decent kitset for cqb then lol, hoodie, cargo pants, all black... Just wish I had a drum mag so i could forget about the chest rig and dump pouch... 

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  On 31/01/2018 at 23:04, JayMK2 said:

Hi All


Me and a friend of mine have been interested in starting airsoft for a few weeks and wondered what would be the best site in the Berkshire area for newbies? 



Hi Jay,


Me and a few of the others are local to you.

I'm over in Theale, about 15 minutes west of Reading town centre.


The Mall is a fantastic site. I used to be strictly a woodland player, but I'd pick the mall each time now I think.

It's tense and exciting and it's a labyrinth!


With woodland sites, you normally have a good view of the woods and can get a good sense of the playing field, and it's a lot easier  to see how a skirmish is going  to pan out.

But at the mall, the anticipation of not knowing if you're about to walk round a corridor into a squad of enemies clearing rooms or waiting in a dark corner so you and your mates can take out the guys heading your way is great. It's almost like an addiction.


Hits hurt more at the mall as you're normally shot within 2 or 3 metres. But you get used to it quickly.


I'd say rent for one game first before buying any kit. It's incredibly unlikely but you may find that airsoft isn't for you (impossible!)


If you need any advice or you ever want to go to the Mall give me a shout and I'll do my best.

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  On 01/02/2018 at 18:51, L3wisD said:

I'd say rent for one game first before buying any kit. It's incredibly unlikely but you may find that airsoft isn't for you (impossible!)



There, Now it's like a secondary objective while you are there
"Try and not enjoy it, hint: you will enjoy it way too much"

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Jeeze. I just come in from work and expected 1 or 2 replies. Looks like the mall is the place to go. I had heard that it’s not the best place to start for a newbie but looks like a few of you guys are willing to take a couple of newbies under your wing. I will sort out a date with my friend and see when we can both make it. I work late sometimes but I’m getting the feeling a Thursday might be a good shout for a couple of beginners. Don’t want to walk out looking like a cheese grater. What are most of you guys wearing for eye pro. I thought the full on ski goggles was the best way to go but 90% of the videos I have seen are of the sunglass type. Don’t mind buying these prior to going as may still have previous occupants sweat on the rental protection

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  On 01/02/2018 at 19:45, JayMK2 said:

What are most of you guys wearing for eye pro. I thought the full on ski goggles was the best way to go but 90% of the videos I have seen are of the sunglass type. Don’t mind buying these prior to going as may still have previous occupants sweat on the rental protection



At The Mall and for CQB sites I wear full face protection using a paintball Dye i4 mask (you can search the forum, 3 character minimum length, for details).   I bought eye-pro after my first ever game because of how rank the hire mask was. 

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Sometimes we get a thread where we can just ramble on lol.

Regarding newbies and the forum members. These guys are good guys from what I can tell. (yet to play with any of them though lol)

Regarding eyepro I personally wear the full seal goggles for everything (I have expensive Revision Desert Locusts which are overkill as they are military grade lol). Glasses will work fine though, fog up less and are cheaper... it's personal preference really for that... JUST DO NOT BUY CHEAP EYEPRO/FACEMASKS

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You'll want something protecting your teeth at the mall Jay.


Shooting glasses are ok (most of the time) for woodland distances, but for the mall it only takes an accidental quick aimed shot at your teeth to shear them clean in half.


Or even worse, stuck in your tongue like this guy:




I use a full seal Goggle with a mesh lower cable tied to it. With fans in the top.

Works well, no fog, comfy, fits over glasses



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I was just searching the forums to whether or not mesh lower masks is actually suitable for CQB, but i guess it must be lol. Good to know.

Wish i invested in the fan variant of my goggles tbh though... Not that it'll matter, I don't sweat too much.

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Oh? I may have to do that at some point then... Will see how badly I fog up at Bravo 1 this weekend first though.

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