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Too cheap to be worth it?

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So I reckon you can all guess what the question here is, but can I caveat the answers before we begin?

I know that TM are god-like and that there are plenty of awesome manufacturers doing the job but this is about cheap cheap cheap!

I do not play often, once every couple of months at best, twice a year at worst, so whatever I go for will not see heavy usage, but I've considered joining the "dark side" of GBBR and I've been looking at the WE HK416 (the WE888) whilst randomly searching around I discovered this https://shop.ehobbyasia.com/s-t-m4-cqb-gbb-rifle-black.html 

I've never heard of S&T, does anyone know what they're like as a brand? This RIF is silly cheap, but is it too cheap?

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A WE 416 is barely usable in anything other than summer. I would put my life on it that it would break within the first 10 mins, assuming it functions at all. 

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Wo1f is right on the 416. Stay away from Gas in the U.K even with red gas which in my experience just wrecks everything by dumping loads of silicone in the valve. You will get a few shots and then it will all vent out. Not only that, but chances are when it does work, it will be overpowered. As for S&T (I have come back in and edited this, got confused with SRC brand.) S&T are fine, they are mostly known for the Sterling SMG and The Blaster Storm trooper weapon from Star Wars. We have sold quite a few of the Sterlings with no come backs

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  On 02/02/2018 at 13:43, L3wisD said:


There's plenty of decent gas guns that'll perform wonderfully in our awful weather.


Yes, I figured, and as I said in my original post I don't play often and as yet I haven't played outside. It's all been indoor CQB stuff so I am not likely to be affect by cold weather. My GBB pistol works fine so no reason a GBBR won't.

But I think I will stick with the WE 888 HK416, it seems to be a reasonable price point without scrimping too much on quality whereas I fear that with the uber-cheap S&T plastic gun I will be disappointed which means I'll still end up looking at something else and waste my money.



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Save a bit more and buy TM. 


Buy cheap... Buy twice. 


I prefer reliability over price when it comes to playing soldiers. 

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  On 02/02/2018 at 22:42, TARGETSZONE.CO.UK said:

You will find out the hard way then

Yes But not what he is looking at.


But then the correct response would of been to stay away from those gas guns but you just claimed stay away from gas in the UK which was a broad statement.


Lewis was right there are plenty of good gbbr that work fine even in our crap weather. 

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Fair comment. reading it back I didn't make myself clear, I was focusing on rifles which as I have said, there are too many overpowered for the U.K market and too many that fail in our climate, Yes their are a few ones that do work ok in our climate, but it really is a gamble. I have had so many returns on Gas fully automatic rifles over the years, a gas rifle for this guy is really not a good idea. If he is playing mainly CQB most sites are limited to 320 fps, downgrading is difficult and in some cases impossible where blowback is involved. and a 416 for CQB  "REALLY" Most retailers keep very few Gas powered rifles for this reason. Shotguns work fine as do most pistols, but more and more are going over to CO2 on the pistols as they are more reliable in our climate, and now that they are being produced below the 350fps limit people are taking note. Just talking from my experience as a Tech/Retailer

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  On 02/02/2018 at 21:43, Dentonboy said:

Save a bit more and buy TM. 


Buy cheap... Buy twice. 


I prefer reliability over price when it comes to playing soldiers. 


I noticed on another post you recommended a WE M4 to someone else looking at their first GBBR.

What is your experience (if any) of the WE HK416 or the WE M4? I prefer the look of the 416, the non-fixed from sight post, the continual unbroken rail system and a couple of other mostly cosmetic things, but I'd be just as happy with a GBB M4 as a HK416.


I've also given a little look towards EBB, is that worth it (again, please don't just shout "Tokyo Marui TM 416 D (Recoil Shock)" I cannot, and will not, spend over £500 on a gun. I just can't justify that kind of money. If I could then I would, but I just can't. I can just about push myself to a little over £300, hence the WE HK416 GBB 4168 


Thanks for your thoughts though.

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If you’re not willing to put serious money down, don’t get a gas gun. Gas is expensive, you can use cheap bb’s in them, you need silicone oil and lube. Mags are £35 each and you’re gonna need a few. I have a TM MWS which I love (£430) and 5 mags (£200). It works in the cold perfectly fine. The point is... a Tm recoil can be had for £400 and you can get a high cap. 


If you want the cheapest, usable GBBR then I’d get a GHK G5. 


The only thing id touch from WE is the g36c or the scar H. 

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  On 05/02/2018 at 14:43, CARBr6 said:

I noticed on another post you recommended a WE M4 to someone else looking at their first GBBR.

What is your experience (if any) of the WE HK416 or the WE M4? I prefer the look of the 416, the non-fixed from sight post, the continual unbroken rail system and a couple of other mostly cosmetic things, but I'd be just as happy with a GBB M4 as a HK416.


I've also given a little look towards EBB, is that worth it (again, please don't just shout "Tokyo Marui TM 416 D (Recoil Shock)" I cannot, and will not, spend over £500 on a gun. I just can't justify that kind of money. If I could then I would, but I just can't. I can just about push myself to a little over £300, hence the WE HK416 GBB 4168 


Thanks for your thoughts though.



My experience with cheaper GBBRs is seeing owners putting them away as too hot or too inconsistent. My brother's Vfc 416 - not a budget gun by any stretch - is astonishingly inconsistent. 


I generally only try to recommend what I have put my own money behind or what I have seen myself in action. 


You wouldn't go far wrong with a good condition 2nd hand TM GBBR or Ebb system, which should come in way under £500. EBay has a surprising amount of them if you look worldwide. 


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S&T are good bomb proof guns , I have the Sterling and had a plastic m4 , yes not as good looking as a metal gun BUT spray it up and you can’t tell the difference ! 

And as too gas , if you can stretch too it get a TM KSG , used one for the first time last wknd at a CQB site that was located in a warehouse that was mind numbing cold (was that cold during the lunch break a small brass primate came over and asked in a high pitched voice “did I know a good spot welder !) any hood it was positively orgasmic it was working so well in the cold ! Am now in the prosess of getting my own 

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