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choosing a budget aeg advice wanted

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Since when was plastic superior to metal?


Im buying two tone only rogerborg and can only buy in next 3 4 weeks as i wont have the cash to skirmish and run a bike and save at the same time.


Yes im a noob no im not sitting here pulling the wool over my eyes for a shiny gun.

Ive said im considering other guns but plastic guns im not really.keen on.


Plus will i actually enjoy owning what your reccomending?

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11 minutes ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

Since when was plastic superior to metal?


Im buying two tone only rogerborg and can only buy in next 3 4 weeks as i wont have the cash to skirmish and run a bike and save at the same time.


Yes im a noob no im not sitting here pulling the wool over my eyes for a shiny gun.

Ive said im considering other guns but plastic guns im not really.keen on.


Plus will i actually enjoy owning what your reccomending?



Is it out of the realms of possibility to go somewhere (like a shop near by) and try out a few guns or at least hold a few and see what you like? anyone can recommend a gun based on your descriptions of what you like but until you actually hold it yourself how would you know if you feel comfortable with it or as you say enjoy owning it?

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5 minutes ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

Since when was plastic superior to metal?


Since Gaston Glock used it by choice around about 1980?


High-quality polymer vs low-quality pot metal arguments aside, on my first outing I took the opportunity to handle some plastic and some metal IFs.  I quickly decided that I'd leave metal to the milsimers.  That R85A1 you're looking at claims to be 5kg.  I'm thinking of your hernia.



5 minutes ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

Yes im a noob


So am I, and nothing I said was intended as a criticism.  We're on the same voyage of discovery.  However, I would urge you to skirmish at least once and blag a go with as many guns as possible before deciding.


Based on that, I'd have got the silenced JG MP5... if I wasn't such a tight Scotch git. ;)



5 minutes ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

Plus will i actually enjoy owning what your reccomending?


Can't see where I recommended anything.  I think I've been fairly careful to say only that the cheap CYMA M4s are usable for CQB (and specifically for semi auto at fairly close ranges).  Light, cheap, upgrade parts are readily available.


Mine works for me as a way to play until I figure out how committed I am and what I really want to run with, is all.  I wouldn't actively recommend them, and fully accept that there are better and more interesting guns out there, if you want to commit to paying a bit more.

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I do plan on going to the local shop but looking at guns i cant afford is fairly pointless. 

im fine with upper body is the abdomen thats buggared things like running and jumping squeezes the mesh and causes pain n discomfort.


i saw one weighed at 3.5kg.

my sniper is a similar weight.


i was looking at the jg mp5s but no idea what the internals are like.

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4 minutes ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

I do plan on going to the local shop but looking at guns i cant afford is fairly pointless. 

im fine with upper body is the abdomen thats buggared things like running and jumping squeezes the mesh and causes pain n discomfort.


i saw one weighed at 3.5kg.

my sniper rifle is a similar weight.


i was looking at the jg mp5s but no idea what the internals are like.


Not really... how often do you walk in a shop just for a browse? I know I do if something has peaked my interest even if I don't have the money for it.

Again, just because you don't have the money now is it not impossible to save for something if its what you really want? that's how I've acquired the majority of the kit and guns I run even if its taken me 6 or so months or longer to save for it


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Just to add, I bought my first gun after my 5th game. Why not have a look at some of your local players' guns next time you head down? I'm sure they'd be more than happy to let you try them on the range. There's no rush to buy all your kit straight away.

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There is a rush. I have probly til the end of month to accumulate things before the xmas rush. 

Thatll bump my budget close to 200 and thats as high as i can push it with xmas and now my bike is almost done after thats insured and what not ill have a little spare cash for airsofting.


I could save up but then i will be waiting longer to get the bike back on road and ultimately wait longer before i can go airsofting. And ive been waiting a year already to get my ass back on that bike lol

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If you're on such a tight budget why not wait? Surely it's better to play the game rather than having all the gear and no money left over to actually go play?

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Thats why i need a cheap gun. 

I need to get some surplus and eye pro this month and if i can find a cheap gun i can go airspft at the end of the month. 


When the bikes done i can travel to other sites with higher fps limits but ultimately wont have the spare cash to save for guns at least not any time in the next 6 maybe 7 months. 


Plus if my aep or sniper breaks i have a backup then. 


If i cant find something reasonable i like then i will wait til the end of month and get an army r85 or something around that price bracket but ultimately will have to wait longer to go and do airsoft


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Just to nudge this back in the right direction...and with the benefit of experience.

While cheap AEGS can be a blast and work OK at a skirmish, there are a few cheap/free mods that will make them as effective as a more expensive gun.

However, whatever the gun, it's only going to be a good as the supporting equipment. Don't forget you are going to need batteries and a charger (go lipo), plus extra magazines.

If you skimp on these then you will be buying them again fairly shortly.

JG guns are solid performers, fairly well made and definitely worth hanging onto and upgrading in the future. There is a reason that so many sites use JG G36's as hire equipment.

There is nothing that will spoil airsoft for you quicker than having crap gear. The doesn't mean it has to be expensive, but don't cheap out. It's a good idea to maybe try a game or two with a hire gun. Don't think of it as wasted money, in fact it might save you a stack, especially if you get your face known at a site and someone has got something to sell.

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JG gearboxes are metal and reasonably put together. JG polymer bodies are also often stronger than pot metal bodies too.

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A metal gearbox is no indication of quality or longevity. A 20 quid cordless drill from Lidl and my £400 Makita both have metal gearboxes....

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G&G or Nuprol is a cheap as I would be willing to go. 

If you don’t like the M4 get an MP5. 

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The Well R4 is essentially a cheap, low energy AEP gearbox in a fancy shell.  You can upgrade it if you want to put time and money in.


Have you seen this...


Strip down.

Gearbox disassembly.


And the significant bit:

Rebuild and upgrade.


We never got the (sort of) promised chrono and shooting video.  I wonder why.


As stock you could probably throw the BBs harder. Still sort of want though. ;)

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Since you like bullpups, maybe something like an ASG AUG A2? Only slightly more than your maximum around the 125 mark, and hasn't dropped off the quality shelf just yet.

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Tbh atm im seriously considering that army r85 over everything else.

on the off chance it breaks i got an upgrade project to learn from too.


as everyone keeps pointing out everythings shite anyways i might aswell get some sh*t i like smelling right?



Yh i could buy the latest n greatest m4 with thousand rails on it but its always gna be that gun that i dont enjoy same with these mp5s and aks and what not.


If i had the time and money id push for the ics l85 but i got xmas and a bike project to worry about so i can get about again.



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I would strongly recommend at least trying out a variety of guns before spending any money but it seems you've had your heart set on the R85 from the start. 

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You get what you pay for...but if you're going for cheap to tide you over while you get started, does it matter if it's just another AK or M4? Get something that'll work while you save for the gun you actually want.

I said before, nothing will spoil things quicker than bad gear. Look at it this way, you get to a skirmish and pay your money. Ten minutes into the first game your £60 gun craps out on you. You're down the cost of the day, and you've got no working gun.

Spend £120 on a Cyma AK. It'll last the course until you can spend decent money. It'll take a few cheap upgrades and punch well above it's price. It'll still be there as a spare/learning gun later on.

If you haven't got much money, I'd hate to see you waste it.


There's budget, and then there's 'not fit for purpose'. Airsoft doesn't have to be an expensive hobby, but it's not a cheap one...

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Its not the specific model i like. I like l85s in general i would push for the ics version but the r85 seems like a good middle ground and realistacly its close to my budget


I could buy an ak or mp5 etc but i couldve invested that money towards something i want to keep and play with. i buying an aeg  primarily for a lower fps site closer to me and to act as a backup to my sniper if it breaks or im not up to sniping that day. I can also buy a pannier thats designed to fit l85s too.


Ive scowered the internet for guns and i just keep coming back to the l85s like a kid in a sweet shop lol





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What you're looking for then is for us to validate your decision to buy a sh*t gun. 


I'm not going to do that, buying the R85 is a crap idea. It's a crap gun that won't be as much fun to play with regardless of what shape it is.  But... it's your money, piss it up the wall if you want! 

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Think the main problem is you think looks count and they don't.

By the end of a full days skirmishing if it's not actually broken down you will be starting to hate it because its heavy and honestly not very comfortable to use. The only thing that truly matters with any airsoft gun is user experience and that's why guns like the Evo are so popular. Small and light so doesn't slow you down and leave you dog tired half way through your day.


There is some good advice on here you should listen to and most have learnt through experience. Trust me that thing will make your day worse in the long run.


Stop worrying about whether it is an M4, AK or other because in reality it is none if them. Just buy what flings bbs best.

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