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I thought the same that ALL UK mk1 and mk2 Tridents had the 20k motor, I think only a few on release of the Mk1 came in with 30k and possibly had the spring downgraded by the UK retailer

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I thought the same that ALL UK mk1 and mk2 Tridents had the 20k motor, I think only a few on release of the Mk1 came in with 30k and possibly had the spring downgraded by the UK retailer

That was generally the case and there seemed to be more US spec MK1 PDWs than CRBs. I am going to have to check the spring gauge across the Krytacs but thought they were all m100s. I do remember the SDP was a bit lower out the box but not 50fps but I sold the one I bought straight on and have messed around with a couple of others but not much. I am curious now.
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That was generally the case and there seemed to be more US spec MK1 PDWs than CRBs. I am going to have to check the spring gauge across the Krytacs but thought they were all m100s. I do remember the SDP was a bit lower out the box but not 50fps but I sold the one I bought straight on and have messed around with a couple of others but not much. I am curious now.

My SDP upper runs 330 on my old SPR Lower, and as said drops below 300 on the PDW lower. I've not tried the PDW upper on the SPR lower though. The SPR upper was running at around 350 on the SPR lower which goes sort of along with your findings but when on the PDW strange things occur.... The PDW is bloomin awesome, maybe it is just perfectly set up for being a PDW and nothing else can match it so gives up trying! :D lol

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My SDP upper runs 330 on my old SPR Lower, and as said drops below 300 on the PDW lower. I've not tried the PDW upper on the SPR lower though. The SPR upper was running at around 350 on the SPR lower which goes sort of along with your findings but when on the PDW strange things occur.... The PDW is bloomin awesome, maybe it is just perfectly set up for being a PDW and nothing else can match it so gives up trying! :D lol

Think the cylinder rather than spring is different but would have to check. Try not to open Krytac boxes if I can help it because they are generally perfect so no need.
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Nope, cylinder is identical on all 3

Yeah looked earlier all type 1. Still shocked about the size of the change in fps from Sdp to Pdw it shouldn't be that much unless there is a bad seal somewhere. Going to have to get an Sdp now to mess around with.


Thanks very bloody much 🤑

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It could have been a bad set up but it isn't hard to swap an upper so is kinda confusing lol

Thats what I dont get, gearbox on all models is totally the same and the only difference is inner barrel length.

Crb 280mm

Pdw 155mm

Sdp 143mm

Pdw drops 10ish fps to Crb with a barrel difference of 125mm.

Sdp drops 50fps to Pdw with a barrel difference of 12mm.


That just doesn't make sense and has got me curious as to why.

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I find the hop affects the fps massively so that could be why i had so much variance between them as the PDW gearbox is hot if I run anything less then 0.3g

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Looks like it might be a tad complicated to service. What's the betting it shoots the internal bits everywhere the first time you open it up.



I laugh but you are probably 100% correct as that last screw comes out you get a facial of springs and gears

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I laugh but you are probably 100% correct as that last screw comes out you get a facial of springs and gears


They could make it with a literal 1000 parts, and it would still be easier to service than the KWA GBBR one :P

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Sorry I have been busy lately and I got sick after Shot Show. Anyway, a couple things UK players should know.


1. We still haven't finalized with the UK spec. Just moments ago I was told to wait for Shield's requirement. We'll see what they want us to do.

2. Vector still need to go thru CE certification. Which will impact the the UK launch timing. The initial shipment will go to US, then Japan, then UK/EU.


I do wonder if BrExit will have any effect with CE requirement.


3. I can pretty much guarantee opening the gearbox won't get you a face full with spring and gears. If it does happened to you.... you are doing it wrong.


4. The gun doesn't recoil, however, the piston does travel the same direction as the real bolt on the firearm version.


I'll happy to answer more questions. Keep them coming.

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Anyone who has preordered the krytac needs to watch the bespoke airsoft YouTube vlog!! Very disturbing information if you've parted with your hard earned on a deposit for one

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Anyone who has preordered the krytac needs to watch the bespoke airsoft YouTube vlog!! Very disturbing information if you've parted with your hard earned on a deposit for one

That's interesting, and not that unexpected. The 31st was never confirmed as having anything to do with EU/UK release dates. I'm not that disappointed to be honest as I'm only interested in drop in HPA kits for them. So waiting for Wolvering, P* etc to come out with something. Even then there's always the A&K K5* vector.

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