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Yet another 'newbie' question thread re Suppliers/resellers


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Usually though most go for a more modest but half decent first investment

I keep comparing it all to ya first car - yes you can get a new/recent BMW if you wish but most go for the bashed up Ford

(TriggerHappy will no doubt make some "bashed up G&G/Ford's of airsoft" joke no doubt)


Thats a bit out of order Ford's are quite reliable.
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Hey I loved my old escort.

But that was 19 years ago, god I feel old.


I had a Fiesta. I loved that old pile of crap.



24 years ago.....

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Hillman Avenger - the cheapo "lidl" copy - not much changes with me

as per usual & totally off topic from moi a quick boring story......


Local Car Spares shop near me - had a smug bastid "answer for everything" git serving at counter......


I walk in on a Sunday morning to get some brakes etc.....


"A set of front disc pads for a Hillman Avenger please....."


"Ahhhhhh - Hillman Avenger, I used to have one of those sir......."


Just as I'm about to strike up a conversation with him about they ain't bad etc.....

he then continues with the line:


"But I soon got rid of that pile of rust - and got myself a proper car" (smug cheesey grin)


He had all the answers to all the cars


"Petrol cap for a Skoda ? - yeah that sounds like a fair swap sir"


so pointless trying to argue with the tosser plus he was a lot bigger than me

Ahh many moons ago - when cars had points (pups maybe need to google that)

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Well I think I've ordered the right stuff (did it all last night before reading your detailed posts so hope its the right stuff :))


Ordered this charger - http://www.radioc.co.uk/SearchResults.asp?Search=Imax+RC+B3AC+2-3S+LiPo+RC+Battery+Balance+Charger&Submit=


And bought 2 of these batteries from their euro warehouse - https://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=44690


Odd thing is they are coming from Holland so had to pay $14 shipping and received an email stating they may take 45 days! :blink:


Going to have a chat with their customer service just to check that....

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Hillman Avenger - the cheapo "lidl" copy - not much changes with me

as per usual & totally off topic from moi a quick boring story......


Local Car Spares shop near me - had a smug bastid "answer for everything" git serving at counter......


I walk in on a Sunday morning to get some brakes etc.....


"A set of front disc pads for a Hillman Avenger please....."


"Ahhhhhh - Hillman Avenger, I used to have one of those sir......."


Just as I'm about to strike up a conversation with him about they ain't bad etc.....

he then continues with the line:


"But I soon got rid of that pile of rust - and got myself a proper car" (smug cheesey grin)


He had all the answers to all the cars


"Petrol cap for a Skoda ? - yeah that sounds like a fair swap sir"


so pointless trying to argue with the tosser plus he was a lot bigger than me

Ahh many moons ago - when cars had points (pups maybe need to google that)


My parents used to have a Hillman Avenger. And a Chrysler Avenger. And the Talbot one that replaced it.


Gluttons for punishment they were.

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F*CK ME - they are supposed to be in stock ffs

you should get them in a week ffs


Alas UK HobbyKing don't stock "airsoft" stuff :(


£9:23 delivery + paypal fees (bloody hate getting nobbled for fees)


But weird thing is the postage from EU stays the same no matter how nutz you go

I added more n more stuff to cart and the weight was getting up to 4kg but still same

Yeah best not proceed me thought - they are cheap but Mrs Duck may wire these vast haul of lipo's to my bollox

(so I cleared my cart as I like my balls unfried and attached)


charger is fine - saw that on fleabay for about £11:50 shipped from a UK seller


If push comes to shove and they are dragging heals on shipping

lmk and I'll send/loan ya one or two if it comes to it

Can't be 45 days ffs - jeez

otherwise people would be best ordering up a lipo when you first start going for ukara or stuff like that

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Mind you they were determined - they replaced the last Avenger with a Talbot Horizon. And two more after that.



Then came the Peugeots.


My parents don't have a great history with cars....

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Hey I loved my old escort.

But that was 19 years ago, god I feel old.


We are old


Went to somebody's 50th bash on Saturday....

Jeez look at these old bastids as I looked around the place


Slowly realising - f*ck - I'm only 18 months away myself


Whoaaaahhhh - who is that ugly ol' bastid in the mirror I say...

oops - uhm yeah that ugly ol' mofo is me I realise

(now I just stop looking)


But seriously - I didn't see myself as old as them f*ckers at weekend

but soon me & Mrs Duck came to that horrible conclusion - it will be us very soon


Now planning on retirement homes with a skirmish site close by and easy wheelchair/zimmer frame access

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Mind you they were determined - they replaced the last Avenger with a Talbot Horizon. And two more after that.



Then came the Peugeots.


My parents don't have a great history with cars....


Hillman Imp - jeez that was an odd vehicle

yup my parents got a Sunbeam - wish they got the Lotus Sunbeam


Worse one was an Alpine - jeez a bag of bolts rattling in a Quality Street tin sounded quieter than that

They always sounded like the had no friggin oil in 'em - front wheel drive engine screeming let me out let me out !!!!!

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My least favourite car was an Austin 1300 in advacardo green, my father had one in the mid 1970s and the smell of the fumes off the plastic seats used to make me travel sick. God how I hated that car, was so pleased when we replaced it with a British Leyland Marina estate.

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My least favourite car was an Austin 1300 in advacardo green, my father had one in the mid 1970s and the smell of the fumes off the plastic seats used to make me travel sick. God how I hated that car, was so pleased when we replaced it with a British Leyland Marina estate.


Not the Allegro - or rather the ALL AGRO


jeez I briefly owned one for a weekend - was a friggin' deathtrap

mainly coz brakes needing doing and so due to car's value it was beyond economical repair

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We are old


Went to somebody's 50th bash on Saturday....

Jeez look at these old bastids as I looked around the place


Slowly realising - f*ck - I'm only 18 months away myself


Thanks that cheered me up no end. I was worried about approaching 40 let alone 50.

I feel young again. ☺






Any 21yr olds chime in on this one you will be told to f*ck off.😠

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I refer to the few hairs I have left on my head which are mainly grey


well them grey hairs on my head and arms chest back

(not gonna lower the tone even further by checking for grey pubes etc...)


back on track - I refer to my ol bastid grey hairs as quite simply


" Threads of Wisdom "


yeah I'm an old fart but have attained snippets of wisdom by learning from my many many screw ups or mistakes over many moons/decades

(still aquiring more wisdom and I still screw up - just hopefully a little less often than in my younger "know it all" days)

Fact of the matter is I am now wiser and realise that I will never know it all - in fact very little

but old enough now to not give a to$$ about trying to prove it to them youngsters anymore

They will learn like we all did falling ar$e over tit


I'm still an ol' grumpy bastid - just a more mellow ol' grumpy bastid :)

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Charger arrived, batteries arrived...all looking good :)


Thanks for the offer of the lend of kit, really appreciate that :)


Oh and talking of young...I'm 43 :P


good back on topic and away from cars of the past!!.....i miss my mark 2 Golf GTi! :D

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back in the good ol' days when cars n stuff could be "fixed" or at a push bodged to get ya home


now it is a case of - ahh the swively up nut pcb is boned - that is £500 please

wtf - can't you just replaced that iddy biddy thingy majig ???

sorry m8 - it is a whole new unit - it is how they come now




back back on topic


glad it was 4.5 days & not 45 days delivery


yes the B3 is a kinda trickle charger but will get you going and ya feet wet using lipo's

imho anybody who buys new nimah's instead of lipo's needs their head or wallet tested


OK if somebody is selling off some good cheapish ones but sod buying new nimah's


next thing to look at is dropping tamiya to deans or T connections - but like most stuff do it in stages

get 'em charged and get shooting for now

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