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Yet another 'newbie' question thread re Suppliers/resellers


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Hi all, I'm a 43 year old that has just got into Airsoft (thanks to my step son lol) and I've been bitten by the bug. I love it :) and play at RAWWAR in Tendring in Essex.


I've got my ukara membership now and I'm eager to buy my first gun.


I've looked and looked at sites but still can't work out the best one to buy from. :wacko:


I know what I want (well almost, I've narowed it down to a G33, G36, G36kv or Ares Honey Badger) but everytime I go looking everything is out of stock or the site appears to have a bad reputation. :(


I've looked throught the threads on here for the recommended retailers but they're not offering what I'm after.(that I can see)


I have about £250 to get my gun, battery and charger (possibly extra mag too) so can I ask what your site recommendations are for purchasing my first gun? Also, as a first gun are my preferences a good idea? I definately want a AEG, doesn't need too much doing to it out of the box (until I get my head round Hop up adjustments, barrels and what I'm calling 'tinkering' :D ), has rails to add-ons and can take a sight.


I appreciate there may not be many people about this weekend as it's Ground Zero but thought I'd chance my arm some of you might be about :)


Thanks all.

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Thanks for that.


I should have mentioned that I'm not buying him a gun yet (he's sorting that out himself when he turns 18 and gets his UKARA sorted).


So with that in mind, would you still recommend that gun? I know in some cases it's 'get what you pay for' so I'm obviously wary of the £80 rather than £180 :D

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Welcome to the boards fellow newbie. I hope you have deeeeeeep pockets! ;)

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At the moment I'm selling as much stuff I've hung onto over the years on EBay and through friends. I also was lucky enough that my wife has 'donated' £200 to my gun fund after a win at Bingo :D

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Thanks for that.


I should have mentioned that I'm not buying him a gun yet (he's sorting that out himself when he turns 18 and gets his UKARA sorted).


So with that in mind, would you still recommend that gun? I know in some cases it's 'get what you pay for' so I'm obviously wary of the £80 rather than £180 :D


Well if you take him shooting - that is gonna save you about £20 to £25 if he has to hire one

unless he has his own already....

but perfectly legal for YOU to GIFT him a Realistic Immitation Firearm


could come in handy anyway as spare - uhm they can sometimes let you down - even some expensive ones


Good starter guns are:


JG - make very good G36's

Cyma - make very good AK's

G&G - make mofo M4's


G&G's can't really be bought cheaper overseas or from poland/EU

other makes can be bought much cheaper from TaiwanGun & Gunfire in Poland


you got ukara so you sorted to enter details in box


read up on Ians noobism guide - you will find loads of good info in there



you won't go wrong with any of those 3 types/makes

but many guns from TWG or GF in poland come in hot

so make sure you tell them to downgrade - FREE


and yup kiss your wallet goodbye


oh and the JG 608 - is £80 but would be about £150 if bought in UK

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Mwah, bye bye wallet.........

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At the moment I'm selling as much stuff I've hung onto over the years on EBay and through friends. I also was lucky enough that my wife has 'donated' £200 to my gun fund after a win at Bingo :D


LOL - think most of us "older kiddies" are doing that....


flogging off our old saddo hobbies n crap for this newer saddo hobby


we are all saddo hoarding bastids - but the girls are fine with all their shoe/bag/clothes collections

(that is totally different - don't try to waste your breath on trying to argue that)

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Its frightening how addictive buying all this sh*t gets!


My Mrs is not so impressed though. She says the money would be better spent on bills and food for her n the kids.

Pah... she's never been airsofting!

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Its worth having a trundle down to Airsoft Zone in Romford if you live up the A12.


In our experience, players start off wanting weapon A and end up buying something totally different once theyve seen it in the flesh or talk to some more influences.


Have a look on their website to see what they have in their warehouse and then go there (parking outside off street) and handle some of them.


We use them a lot for different things and find Alex and his crew very reasonable and fair minded.


If youre not up to tinkering, at least you have the peace of mind of being able to ring them for tech support or take it back if it needs fixing.

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I have the Ares Amobea Honey Badger and I can highly recommend it. As it uses M4 mags they mags are cheap and easy to find (I have the 014 variant) as for where to get it I bought it from EXTREMEBBGUNS and was really pleased with it, I'll give you the link :http://extremebbguns.co.uk/product/ares-am-013-black-6mm-electric-airsoft-honey-badger-rifle/

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Thank you all for your recommendations and pointers so far. That 'newbies link' was very helpful, so thank you. :D


Its also really great to hear that I'm not the only 'older kiddie' on here and playing the sport too :)


Still can't make my bloody mind up so keep the recommendations coming. Is the import/abroad purchase a good idea? I know the price is cheap (which is a main thing for me being on a start up budget) but how reliable are they? Any advice/ideas as always most welcome :)

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it is worth getting ya hands on a gun - ooh having a touchy feely fondle

ahem getting carried away there - hold a gun, point n aim, get to use it if possible


wise words from Okto eight.....


I was kinda guessing you had maybe hired a G36 to aquire ukara so got used to 'em or liked 'em

but many think they want this n that but reality is many find out later their must have gun is not for them

(very true with bolt snipers - often many return to regular aeg's)


M4's - G&G's are a safe bet but they are the Fords of airsoft - still very easy to just grab n use

AK's - Cyma's are very good makes, very popular but me personally find the M4 fire selector easier to use

G36 - JG and some others - probably the usual hire gun, good little all rounder and ambi selector for lefty/right handed


the above 3 have popular 300-500rnd, heck even 1,000 to 2,500 nearly 5,000 rnd mags (getting silly now)

but they have higher capacity mags and usually easy/cheap to buy/borrow a mag


MP5's - ambi fire selector - compact mp5k's to the more longer types, slightly lower capacity mags but very popular gun


ahh crap - not gonna list all but you decide which gun floats your boat

most use either a v2 or v3 gearbox and nothing too major to maintain/service/repair


if you choose a more bespoke type of gun or alternative one like bullpup or m14 or a unique model

then spares n stuff may be a little trickier to source easily - just pointing this out


The import thing is a good option to consider if you feel that at some point you can maintain your own gun(s)

Guns do wear over time - depends on quality, usage and a bit of luck - unless you just mount them on a wall for show


Most peeps get a decent starter gun - just like ya first car and work upwards maybe over time.

Depends on the person themselves - yes you can buy a £300 - £500 gun or an average £150 decent starter gun

(The importing of Cyma/JG's at about £100 equates to a usual £150 if bought in UK as Poland heavily discount those from bulk buying)


If you buy a G&G M4 or some other make like higher/mid range Krytac's then yes deffo buy from a UK retailer

and have some warranty or customer service to fall back on if you are not too techy minded

plus helps out local or UK retailers


Alas only you can decide what you think you would like as your first gun

plus like many things - no sooner you obtain your perfect gun - you see another that catches your eye - damn it


Thus it can be a very addictive & slippery slope you have chosen to take up

Actually - if you keep your impulsive kid in a candy store cravings under control, it ain't that bad tbh

choose wisely and research a bit and you will be fine


End of the day - they are just little toy guns that roughly do the same friggin' job

some are better than others - some you may like and others you won't

but as long as you don't buy ya toy guns from " BB " sites you will be fine

(£100 guns from TWG & GF are much much better than £100 "BB" gun sites in UK)

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Thank for those words of wisdom and experience :D


While I was obtaining my UKARA I was actually using an ICS M4 based rifle so I'v enot even held a G36/G33. I've just been taken by their look, the write ups I've read and how flexible they can be in different scenarios (CQB with folding stock and Woodland scenarios). I've also seen they are sitting in my price range too. :D Then the 'curve ball' of the Honey badger appeared and the Amoeba LOL.


Like you say a decent starter gun to get me going then save/steal/sell stuff to get the next one (I've not even seriously looked at side arms yet HAHA).


I've got a few more days to raise some cash then I'll know my total and have a more defiante idea how much to spend (If I buy in the UK I'll need a battery, Charger and second mag).


I'll post my choices in a few days after more looking at everyones suggestions and see what the general concensus is :) I will also try to find time to actually try out a G33/36 in the next week or so as I've seen they have one in The Bunker in Colchester just down the road.


Once again, thank you all for your advice and help :)

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poor bastid - you will end up probably buying more than "just one more gun dear"


alas you sound a little like moi - end up keeping most of your stuff

(or crap as the other half calls it)


thus to attain true hapiness is to say - ahh wtf lets get another to help make my final decision as to which gun I really like.....


welcome to the saddo toy gun club

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I have 2 m4's (g&g + ics) & the ics one is now my main back up Where as, I use mainly my g36c which I love using


I also have the JG g36c (as said above) but have now added a G&G SA80 (L85a2)



It's a mine field of weapons out there so to echo what's been said above, go to a store, handle, fondle & salivate then decide from there


Heck, even some softers will let you fondle there weapons if you ask nicely & talk to them

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like these topics, ideas for when it happens!

looked at the JG G36c on patrol base, so comes with a battery?, is it a cr@p one?, also, does it have much rail mounting for tac light?

mmmm....maybe this could be my first as well as woodland games are my other option....although still like the new G&G with mosfet but wait until a few reviews/uses by people?

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In my opinion, the JG g36c is a great rifle


I would say it's on a par with G&G for reliability, rail space is very good as it can come with 4 rails, 3 short ones top & side plus a longer one on the bottom so adding accessories is easy to do


It will also work for leftys & rightys as it has ambidextrous cocking handle & fire selector (on both sides)


I did away with the fuse, changed to deans connector & wired in a mosfet, the only upgrade I've done is change the spring for being to hot but forgot to ask Taiwan gun to do it for me


The battery lasts me all day as I use single fire 90% of the time

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I'm almost 100% on getting a G36 or variant now. After boring the wife last night with talk of Airsoft she pointed out that if I did choose to use Taiwan guns I could in fact buy 2 guns and possibly a side arm :D .


Gotta love the financial logic of my wife sometimes lol

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I've been doing a bit of 'virtual shopping' on Taiwanguns this morning and come up with this little list. :D


Can I ask...


What do you think?

Is the extra battery the right one? (I think so but would like confirmation)

Is the extra mag the right one? (Can't find a bespoke mag for the gun, I think m4 mags fit it but played safe)

Opinions on the Holo scope? (I'm a glasses wearer, blind as a bat type)

Will that grip fit? (once again, I think it will but would like confirmation)


Added bonus if I order all that I get a free gift of a Tactical Backpack worth 30 euros B)


Oh and one last question...what BB's would you recommend?


Thank you once again all.


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I've been doing a bit of 'virtual shopping' on Taiwanguns this morning and come up with this little list. :D


Can I ask...


What do you think?

Is the extra battery the right one? (I think so but would like confirmation)

Is the extra mag the right one? (Can't find a bespoke mag for the gun, I think m4 mags fit it but played safe)

Opinions on the Holo scope? (I'm a glasses wearer, blind as a bat type)

Will that grip fit? (once again, I think it will but would like confirmation)


Added bonus if I order all that I get a free gift of a Tactical Backpack worth 30 euros B)


Oh and one last question...what BB's would you recommend?


Thank you once again all.


Good choice on the gun.


Grip and sling will be ok.


Mag not sure but as a rule I would stay away from dboys stuff.


The red dot might be an issue if you have poor vision. If you have an astigmatism the dot can appear blurry like a smear rather than a crisp dot. Glasses can help but dont always totally sort it. Have a look through someone elses red dot and check for yourself.


Battery get either a 9.6v nimh or 7.4v lipo.


Best bbs are probably ASG blasters good quality and reasonable price you want to use 0.25gram.


Good shout on not going for a Honey badger or amoeba they are crap like all ares. Seen two honey badgers die on the first day and its one of the ugliest airsoft guns ever.

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mag "might be ok" - some g36's like suppose all guns

can work great/crap with certain mags

or certain mags work in some guns but $hite in others


look at a d-boys MID CAP review:




mid cap seems ok in JG G36 on there.......


you gone for longer G36, but remember to state clearly for them to DOWNGRADE spring

(they have been know to forget/miss out so state it very clearly)


your order - first order may sit for a while as they will run some checks n stuff in case of paypal or chargebacks




Today is I think last day of 10yr celebration - in a nutshell it means 150 Euro for free shipping - usually 300 Euro free ship

plus spend 200 Euro n get a back packy fall apart bag for 1 euro cent - robbing bastids said it was free - I want my 1c refund


drop battery ffs - it comes with a $hit nimah n even $hittier charger - dump them

get a good lipo battery n charger - lucky coz you can use "block" type batteries

which in lipo terms means cheaper RC block lipo's than airsoft nunchuck lipo's


but move your arse for free shipping n bag stuff

mag "should" be worth a gamble - but drop the battery for sure

(if spending money on batteries n stuff just go lipo)


maybe grab a bag of bb's than a poxy nimah battery

usually ya local site sells half decent bb's - but maybe grab a bag of 0.20's from TWG to get ya going for now

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mag "might be ok" - some g36's like suppose all guns

can work great/crap with certain mags

or certain mags work in some guns but $hite in others


look at a d-boys MID CAP review:




mid cap seems ok in JG G36 on there.......


you gone for longer G36, but remember to state clearly for them to DOWNGRADE spring

(they have been know to forget/miss out so state it very clearly)


your order - first order may sit for a while as they will run some checks n stuff in case of paypal or chargebacks




Today is I think last day of 10yr celebration - in a nutshell it means 150 Euro for free shipping - usually 300 Euro free ship

plus spend 200 Euro n get a back packy fall apart bag for 1 euro cent - robbing bastids said it was free - I want my 1c refund


drop battery ffs - it comes with a $hit nimah n even $hittier charger - dump them

get a good lipo battery n charger - lucky coz you can use "block" type batteries

which in lipo terms means cheaper RC block lipo's than airsoft nunchuck lipo's


but move your arse for free shipping n bag stuff

mag "should" be worth a gamble - but drop the battery for sure

(if spending money on batteries n stuff just go lipo)


maybe grab a bag of bb's than a poxy nimah battery

usually ya local site sells half decent bb's - but maybe grab a bag of 0.20's from TWG to get ya going for now

Congratulations duck a whole post and not one mention of G&G or combat machine.

It must be some sort of first going to print it and frame it, its a historic moment. 😃

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