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New player needing help

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Hi I'm Tim, I live in the uk and I have always had a fascination with airsofting and I thought that now I turned 14 I am going to start to pick up the sport. However I am having trouble finding the correct laws and airsoft retailors as every where I look says differently.

Could someone please advise me a good airsoft retailer and place to play near Buckinghamshire. Also that will have games for 14 year olds. Furthermore can someone explain or attach a link about the laws of purchasing and possessing airsoft weapons and also how I am supposed to transport them without getting cornered by the police. Lastly what weapon should I consider investing in first?

Please remember I live in the UK so not the same rules as the US


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Welcome to the forum.


Have a read of the three pinned posts shown here.


Hopefully they will answer many of your first questions.


This is a UK forum so we only tend to discuss airsoft from a UK viewpoint.




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Welcome to the forums, UK forums :)


On the guns, its not all that complicated, you need to have UKARA to buy or create (includes turning a two tone into a RIF) a realistic imitation firearm. UKARA is a database of adult players approved to purchase RIF from select retailers. You need to be 18 to purchase Imitation Firearms (two toned/transparent RIFs mostly).


As for ownership however, there is not really all that much in the way of restrictions, UKARA is permission for the retailers to sell to people on a database, not permission or licensing to buy/own.

Edited by Sacarathe
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Hi Tim

Regarding the laws and legislations associated with airsoft, there's really only a few key things you need to know. You must be 18 or over to purchase any airsoft weapon, however you must have a UKARA membership to purchase weapons in their true or realistic colours, otherwise half the weapon is painted a bright colour for you. UKARA is something used by retailers to prevent selling realistic imitation firearms to people who don't have a legitimate reason for purchasing (such as for airsofting) and to apply fir the membership you must be >18 and have attended 3 skirmishes in the past 2 months (don't quote me on that)

As you are 14, you can own an airsoft weapon however it must be purchased by someone over 18. Though you'll most likely have your weapons in two tone (bright colours)

And lastly regarding transportation of weapons, as long as you're not waving a gun about in public you'll be fine. Keep it in a gun case and be discreet about it.

Hope this helps! 😊

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Hello Tim, welcome to a rather addictive world.

I play in Bletchley and the link to the site is on my profile. Action hobbies is also based in MK and has fantastic staff who are more than happy to talk at great length about everything!.


Finmere has a game on the 16th of August if that's of any use?



Good hunting!

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Hi mate, welcome to the forum!


The only site I know of around that area is Blue Streak Airsoft:



It's a pretty big site with a fair few buildings scattered around. Additionally BadgerTac have a shop there so you might be able to have a look at a few weapons before you get a parent to buy it.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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