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Wanting to Start Airsoft


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Hi Guys,


I'm thinking about taking Airsoft up as a hobby, however I don't know which sites near me I should go to?


I live in Camberley Surrey - GU16 (If you need a postcode to find roughly where I am).


I'm curious which sites near me (45min drive max ideally) people would recommend?


There's a few sites i've seen.


Absolute Airsoft - Reading

Zed Adventures - Reading

Ambush Adventures - Chobham

Ambush Adventures - Aldershot



Is there any others 'near' me that would be worth trying out before I decide to take it up as a proper hobby?


Does anyone have any reviews of the above sites, or sites near me?



Apologies if this is in the wrong place, i'm new to the site!


Thanks for your help :)



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Absolute in Reading is pretty newbie friendly. You can rent there and see if you like it. You can sign up for a particular day on their website too.

Zed Adventures has the Mall in Reading which is a very good CQB site. You'll need to book via email but they do respond and there is a site limit so try to book a week or 2 in advance. Also a bit more expensive. Parking is free.


Haven't tried the Ambush sites myself but from what I can ascertain, the chobham site is for young people and the Aldershot site is Longmoor where they seem to have special events every few weeks. I get the impression they're a bit more hardcore but I'd like to hear from others whether this is the case.

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Think you've found the best local ones to be starting with already!


I live near Reading, Absolute Airsoft was my first site, they run two, one in Reading one on the edge of Maidenhead. The Reading one is primarily a paintball site, is good because it has lots of fortifications etc, but everything is covered in a grey sludge mix of dif paintball paints perished over the years that doesn't seem to wash off like it should so don't wear anything you don't mind ruining.


Zed Adventures is The Mall site (might see me and other addicts mentioning it far too often on these forums), which is a disused shopping mall (Friars Walk). My personal favorite.


Absolute Airsoft is woodland and a typical experience compared to majority of airsoft sites. Zed Adventures is a CQB site (Close Quarter Battle). They're two different shades of airsoft, so it'd def be a good idea to try both and see which you prefer.


Woodland sites give you much more room and time for teamwork/tactics etc, easier to play soldier in. CQB is much more fast paced and chaotic. I'd say in woodland sites are like playing paintball (often the same place and similar game scenarios) and CQB is more like playing Laser quest or similar (but with cool guns)


If you love it just don't rush out and buy a gun right-away, everyone does and it ends up sat unused in a box due to being too crap, the wrong type or painted 50% a bright color. Discuss potential purchases on here and the vets/trolls will guide you to a good choice/retailer.


Also - When you decide which site/day your going wouldn't hurt to ask on here if anyone's going too, and you'll probably find someone who'll be happy to guide you through the day. Definitely a good idea when going to The Mall as it's a bit of a maze at first.

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took son to Young Guns in Chobham once....

he couldn't believe they didn't chrono any gun and it was a bit nooby for him so not returned


Alas didn't get to or be bothered to wait around for the afternoon to shoot at the Mall's showcase day :(

mega shame coz really looking forward to a quick blast game and drove 60m there & slow crawl 60m back in poxy M25 car park traffic

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Zed Adventures was the site I was more thinking about going to.


I do like the sound of Woodland sites though, but I don't think there are any decent ones near me.


I've already had a look at guns etc.. I know what i'd get, but of-course not jumping into buying a gun etc till i've got my UKARA.

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I'd avoid Absolutely Airsoft, it's run by a known scammer. Had some people move to playing at iron sight because of this too.


I've heard a few stories too. The marshals are decent people and the guy who runs it is friendly enough but I wouldn't buy from his store or get him to fix my gun if there was a problem.

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Zed Adventures does seem to be a bit more expensive than the other sites too.. £35 walk on Price, upwards of like £60 if you hire. Seems a bit expensive compared to the others though. Is it really worth it?

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I'd avoid Absolutely Airsoft, it's run by a known scammer. Had some people move to playing at iron sight because of this too.


Yeah spoke to a number of people at Xsite who never went back to Absolute once they had player at another site for comparison.


I'm up at Xsite Lane End this Sunday with a couple of mates which is about 50 minutes drive for you Sarethia. It's a beginner friendly site and all the regulars and marshals are sound, only downside is there's a couple of bits and pieces in need of repair.

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Not because I wrote it, but because the info is useful: good idea to read this.


Also, if you haven't already found it, this is worth a look.


Welcome to the forums :)

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Not because I wrote it, but because the info is useful: good idea to read this.


Also, if you haven't already found it, this is worth a look.


Welcome to the forums :)


I'm using that site currently to find others :).



Xsite looks quite good. Anyone had experience there?



Also, your first Hyperlink didn't work :)

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I'm using that site currently to find others :).



Xsite looks quite good. Anyone had experience there?



Also, your first Hyperlink didn't work :)


Xsite is my local and I think it's a great site as I mentioned above. It's not the largest(although they use the land they have very well) and doesn't run the most complex games which does make it perfect for beginners or people just wanting to get out for a more straightforward skirmish.


The site is split up so the paintballers get their little areas whilst most of the site is Airsoft. One of the buildings appears to get used for paintball though as the walls are bit gunky but it just means you don't lean against the outer walls.

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Zed Adventures does seem to be a bit more expensive than the other sites too.. £35 walk on Price, upwards of like £60 if you hire. Seems a bit expensive compared to the others though. Is it really worth it?


I'd say it's worth it and the 100-120 people playing there each time seem to agree lol. They charge more because it costs them thousands to rent the site each time. i doubt they make more profit out of it than people running woodland games with half the numbers, esp as there's usually 10 marshalls there each time and woodland will usually have half that at most. The site is a full shopping mall, all the shops, corridors, basement areas. It's really well run by friendly non-scamming types, they get lots of random business rather than mostly being regulars, so impartiality and fairness is well developed there. Let us know when your going, I'd certainly be happy to show you around if i'm there that weekend as it is such a big site it's very easy to get lost/spun around in.


CQB definitely gives you more freedom of what airsoft gun to use, as it only needs to be able to shoot a few meters with any accuracy. Being easy to carry/weld is probably most important factor, many people only use pistols or SMG sized guns, having a big M16 with a grenade launcher will be more a hinderance. In woodland it's more people shooting each other at range and then having an expensive well tuned bit of kit will make all the difference.


As for Absolute Airsoft being dubious, I also stopped going there but this was due to me not enjoying woodland games rather than any perceived wrong-doings, not sure what event/behavior it was that prompted a mass exodus from the site, but since then see more of the same faces going to The Mall instead. Certainly wouldn't hurt to go to try out woodland airsoft, just might not be great place to be a regular at.

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Linky - not sure why it didn't work above, but this should be ok.

Edited by Ian_Gere
it works
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