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bought my first proper AEG

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Well I bit the bullet and bought a G&G CM16 Raider, had a lot of advice that this was a decent little AEG (hope it is). Really looking forward to trying it out in my garage firing range to see how it performs (as my dirt cheap AEG is frankly abysmal).

The question is will a cereal box/bit of cardboard box be a sufficient backstop for this rifle? As my current AEG has low power so bounces off and drops to the floor fine, will this new one still be low enough ME to be safe with this method (don't want to be damaging anything).


Sorry for the strange question, but I'm a little green to airsoft and unsure on their performance having only my cheap AEG as a reference.

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you'll also end up with a garage filled with BBs, if you use a box filled with bubble wrap and then put a hard backstop behind it too the BBs should collect in the box which will save you a little bit of time sweeping the floor possibly

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depends on the distance but generally if its a garage it will go through. a cheap bit of sheet metal from a scrappy or bit of wood wull do the job fine.

actually a cheap sheet of metal will not do.... I've tried doing that myself with a solid aluminium tin, which is slightly smaller than a man sized torso, which held very tasty moon cakes.


Fire at it continuously for a day at 10-20m away for accuracy test and it left a hole at the end. It eventually rusted and I chucked it away.


For wood, it holds much better, especially if it's coated or has plastic over the top. I have a wooden, plastic coated board from an old cupboard and the most i've done to it is dented it slightly. It's still very strong. But the bad side is that the BBs will bounce everywhere, even back at me from 20m away.


If you want a back stop, get an old blanket sheet or a bed cover and hang it up against a wall with at least 30cm space behind it. Trust me, nothing will go through the sheet, tried and tested as my mum hangs out bed sheets to dry and occasionally, i'd accidentally hit them but since they are very soft and flexible, no BB pellet will go through, it will just soften the landing and nothing will bounce back.






tl;dr, use a bed sheet and hang it up in your garage, it will stop all pellets and will not ricochet anything back.

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Brilliant, thanks folks. I already wear eye protection as I've seen bbs bounce back a good bit. Like the blanket idea...that's genius.

Wasn't sure if it would pierce a box as my current one can barely break through thin air!

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actually a cheap sheet of metal will not do.... I've tried doing that myself with a solid aluminium tin, which is slightly smaller than a man sized torso, which held very tasty moon cakes.


Fire at it continuously for a day at 10-20m away for accuracy test and it left a hole at the end. It eventually rusted and I chucked it away.


Aluminium doesn't rust :)
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Aluminium doesn't rust :)

Technically it does. It oxidises very readily. Aluminium oxide however quickly forms a seal over the surface of the aluminium. This is why you never store alcahol (eg meths) in aluminium bottles, it will disolve the oxide allowing the bottle to rust all the way through.

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Well I bit the bullet and bought a G&G CM16 Raider, had a lot of advice that this was a decent little AEG (hope it is). Really looking forward to trying it out in my garage firing range to see how it performs (as my dirt cheap AEG is frankly abysmal).

The question is will a cereal box/bit of cardboard box be a sufficient backstop for this rifle? As my current AEG has low power so bounces off and drops to the floor fine, will this new one still be low enough ME to be safe with this method (don't want to be damaging anything).


Sorry for the strange question, but I'm a little green to airsoft and unsure on their performance having only my cheap AEG as a reference.


nope. I remember the shock first time I fired a AEG, lol XD


Had some boxes (not put there for airsoft use), and while a springer which I was used to stops and retains them, this went thru many layers! Good thing I had them boxes stacked there by a chance, because else I would have just made a cardboard stopper and the wall wouldn't been too happy...



A good stopper thou would be, assuming your garage has concrete/tile wall, would be to put a cardboard box (something like this http://www.xtremepkg.com/StockBoxes/DSC_0019.JPG ) placed in front of the wall. when shooting the BB will most likely go thru the font and back, bounce on the wall, then go into the box again. DO WEAR PROTECTIVE GLASSES thou (those plastic ones you find at your local DIY store will do just fine)




Technically it does. It oxidises very readily. Aluminium oxide however quickly forms a seal over the surface of the aluminium. This is why you never store alcahol (eg meths) in aluminium bottles, it will disolve the oxide allowing the bottle to rust all the way through.


Apparently "coloured" aluminium has something to do with its "rusting"

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doesnt aluminium rust a greenish colour.

Nope thats copper, Aluminium oxide forms a white powder, which is also the basis for anti-persperant.

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Your CM16 should shoot BB's through both sides of a cereal box and still put dents in the kind of things you might find lurking in a garage. The cheapest way to stop BB's is to stand whatever you are shooting at as a target in front of some cloth hung loose from above. The BB's hit the cloth which moves absorbing the momentum and then the BB's just drop.

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Just some wood will effectively stop a pellet travelling ~350FPS+

I also use my garage as a shooting range occasionally and I would say a good idea is to use an old cereal box as a container to stop used ammunition going everywhere.

Then you can insert metal / wood into the box to stop any rounds going straight through.


I'd recommend you have a few though as opposed to just one small box, of course you will probably be quite close and accurate but I would still like to have at least two or three to make sure. Finally, if you want paper targets then A4 sheets will fit perfectly onto an standard size cereal box and there are a load of websites you can print targets off for free from.

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Your CM16 should shoot BB's through both sides of a cereal box and still put dents in the kind of things you might find lurking in a garage. The cheapest way to stop BB's is to stand whatever you are shooting at as a target in front of some cloth hung loose from above. The BB's hit the cloth which moves absorbing the momentum and then the BB's just drop.


*note: be careful with which material thou. shoot thru a thin bed cover:(


Thanks for that, I have nabbed a good sized beach towel to put to use, hopefully the missus won't notice


beach towel will be great. I'd have a unfolded evening standard in front of it as well. cant eve draw a target on it!


Just some wood will effectively stop a pellet travelling ~350FPS+.


Wood will definitely not stop a BB travelling ~350FPS+. They will ricochet everywhere causing maximum damage to everything if not stopped by something.


Neither would I put a piece of wood inside a cardboard box so I only have one layer in front of it. behind? sure. inside? nope.

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