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spam posts....

Guest PT247
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  • Root Admin

Stopping spam bots is easy with the correct IPB plugin. Just use the 'hyperlinks before postcount' module to stop anyone with under 5 total posts from adding links to their posts.


Then enable capcha for anyone with under 5 posts. These spam threads aren't to sell you kitchens, they're to get link-back referrals for SEO; it's big business.


Simple really. Do it, admins!

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Message Dev about it, he's the only person with any remote power to do anything like that.

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I think dev may well have dropped off the face of the earth, but as he is the only admin only he can delete the accounts, I will however try to delete all the topics ;)

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We can delete the accounts, sort of.

Just suspend them permanently and add them to the "ban list" from the warning menu.


Took me a good couple of days to work it out as well.

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Ah :P too much hassle to do on my phone, I'll carry on moving them to staff room so dev can find em easier :)

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He's alive :P I've just driven past him around an hour ago, I should imagine he's been too busy to get on here

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