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how cheap are yours!??

Pointman PUG
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I went down to my local army suplus store today and I found they were selling enola Gaye smoke grenades (ring pull) for £2.50 each...I think its a bargain so I bought 4!!!

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Are we just talking about Pyros here? or what? Good deals or something?? I'm lost..

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Pretty much everything I have for airsoft was cheap (not that it's crap, for the most part, it's just that I'm an eBay ninja), except my G36 build Jetta. She is getting whatever it costs for whatever I want and if I haven't got the money I'm waiting until I do have - to whit the G&P 551 replica with EOLAD laser I just bought for £114 + P&P. I could have gone for a Zombie Killer Eotech replica & a £10 laser ages ago - it's an experiment. I've been so unlucky with AEG's, but I've been scrimping my way through the sport. We shall see if spanking a load more money than is strictly necessary on a gun makes a difference lol!


But yeah, £10 for 4 pyros is about average I'd say. Op Tac & Charlie Co. do 5 for £10 which is very cool, but I'd say that £2.50 for 1 is pretty good. My local site does 1's for £3, but they are amenable to being blagged over more than 1, or several things together. I generally operate on the principle that if you don't ask, you don't get, but when it's a business that I will/may want to deal with again, obviously it's best policy to aim at a deal they feel ok with too, so I try to avoid being cheeky.


It gets difficult when dealing with other players. For sure I need to take care to aim at a deal we're both happy with, not just ok, if we're matey, but what if we're not? Is it ok to ream them just because however they feel about me is unlikely to affect my life to any extent worth worrying about? I tend to think not, but what do you do when somebody has a distorted view of what their stuff is worth; for me paying over the odds isn't financially viable but, as a player myself, I understand. Nobody likes to consider that something they bought for £X 3 months ago is now being sold brand new for 1/2 X which makes their stuff worth somewhere around 1/4 X, less if the reason it is going cheap is down to questions of reliability...

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Just bought 100 0.380 blanks for £32.


That's 32 pence per bang :D

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at my local army surplus store..... you can get a real military used M2 Browning .50 cal ammo box for £20. Imma buy one soon cause it just looks so darn cool.

or you could get one on ebay for a tenner ;)

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the surplus i use can be VERY cheap if you get him on the right day. My bargains are well known!

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Needless to say surplus stores are every mans wet dream. I pretty much clean them out of ration packs every time I go up there, cheapest weekily shop a man can ever do. plus they are idea for camping and weekend events.

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*heeeerk* Just bought 500 primers for £20.


That's 4p per blast :D

Yeah primers would be nice, but i prefer my 9mm.

Easier to get hold of, and i don't need to buy a whole new load of adaptors.

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Yeah Sheriff, I just got 5 British Army Thai Green Curries for £6-odd from Zero One. As it happens they ran out of date Jan 13 but I feel pretty sure they'll be ok for a few months yet :P (that's the closest smiley to a chunder lol).

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My marshal told me his secret on getting co2 bottles cheap. This man sells cheap C02 cattrages at a regulur bootsale in canvy that sells them for 20p each

I asked if i get 100 C02 cattrages for half price. got em for 15 pounds. only problem is ther not airsoft maid so theres mixed oil at he very top of the valve. but I kust leep my pistol lubed up and it works ;)

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I just get what ever they have in stock. as for the date on them. Pay no attention to that.


Depending on which packs you actually get, most of the them the date is actually the date of production and not a best before date.


but Im stacking up on Lancashire hotpots as im planning a 300km hike for the summer so i'll need all the goodness of a good meal.

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Yeah Sheriff, I just got 5 British Army Thai Green Curries for £6-odd from Zero One. As it happens they ran out of date Jan 13 but I feel pretty sure they'll be ok for a few months yet :P (that's the closest smiley to a chunder lol).


I ate a ration pack that went out of date a year before I was born and nothing in the slightest was wrong, yours will be fine for a decade!

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I ate a ration pack that went out of date a year before I was born and nothing in the slightest was wrong, yours will be fine for a decade!

Was that one of those oblong type that used to come with the whole 24hrs worth completely vacuum sealed in foil/plastic? If so, did you try the oatmeal biscuits?

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ahh the oat biscuit, the ass bloocker. one of those does a good job making you constipated.

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That's if you could eat 'em in the 1st place! It's the way they tasted of soap that used to get me. I used to snap them into 4 and soak them in hot water and tabasco sauce before mixing the bits into a meal. Only way I could get them down...

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A couple of years back we were able to get some 1950's era German C-rations (style) no box but it was all in German and it had 17 October 1956 printed on the tin. It was 2 meatballs in a tomato sauce with saukraut, wasn't tasty but I didn't get I'll from it.

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My one night exercise/expedition plan when I knew there wouldn't be toilets was eat a ton of biscuit browns and block up the pipes until I got back :D

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I quite like having a shit outdoors - so long as it isn't raining. It's one of those primeval experiences, like swimming naked in the sea, that remind us of what it is to be alive; the animal nature of our physicality. It's a good antidote to a great deal of bollocks we are continually bombarded with about 'lifestyle'. Dock leaves make great arse wipes too :)

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You're confusing biscuits, brown with the oatmeal block! The biscuit brown was great when smothered liberally with the meat pate stuff, whereas oatmeal block was just heaven. Apparently if you soak them in water they turn in to porridge. Mine never lasted that long! I once had a full four man 24 hour rat pack, with a tin of oatmeal blocks in, I think there a dozen or so in it and they lasted about five minutes. :)


I've not seen any of the 90's rat packs about for a while. Used to love the vac packed meals, the hotpot was great, and the meatballs was pretty good too. I used to love the dried meals, especially the lamb and mint one. Then you had the desserts. Anyone remember carpet tiles in syrup?

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I'm on about rat packs from the 80's. I don't believe there's anyone on earth, alive or dead, who thought the oatmeal biscuits in those were good. Well, except for paving a patio or something similar...


But yeah, slab'n'slop - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

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