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Photos from the field

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Ought to get a Walther and rock the Bond look B)

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zip ties fix everything!!

Yeah, if gaffer tape isn't appropriate, zip ties are the next best thing. When you consider that should anyone realise Archimedes' lever long enough to move the world and the postulated immobile fulcrum, I promise you that with enough gaffer tape, I could stop them, zip ties are pretty excellent...
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Prepare for the most photo heavy post ever...


These were all taken by my brother, at Bawtry Paintball Fields on Saturday 2nd Feb:



Had to remove the photos from photobucket because I ran out of space...


Basically every photo of me on Facebook is from airsoft, so here's a link to my Facebook "photos of me section" ought to get updated on a practically monthly basis:


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Benefits of taking your own photographer, you get some shots of yourself for a change :P I'm hardly ever the 'subject' of any of the pics I do manage to be in :(

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Brownie points for getting the patch in the majority of shots :P


Dev i should get Borwnie point's for wearing my Forum patch to work Friday Saturday & Sunday quite a few asked about it (It was a H4H Charity dress up like a soldier thing Obviously i won because no one understood the difference between MTP AND MULTICAM even current force's guy's couldn't see the difference


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nevermind lol

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Well he has enough of them :P


That is true haha.

I for some reason neglected to wear one on my other arm.


Might get one on my helmet too...


...Then I'll only have 8 to find homes for.

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Few taken at the new Ambush woodland site in Hampshire








this is what happens when you ask us to "pose"




she then asked us to pose nicely!



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Well anyway, MC and MTP share the same functionality. I just said MC because in my head it's interchangeable, otherwise I'd have had to type out "MC, MTP, ATP, Camogram and all other Multicam derivatives" which just doesn't have quite the same ring to it you know?

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There's works and works. MTP doesn't clash in that pic, but there's a range of red heavy brown shades prominant in the landscape that are entirely absent from the camouflage. The brown in DPM is a much better match; the tan in both is pretty similar; the greens are a more complex issue because, in that area, we've got beeches and struggling grass which favour MTP, whereas the healthier foliage and evergreens favour DPM; in UK winter lighting, the darker shades when shadowed are always going to be closer to the black in DPM than anything in MTP, but, again in that area, we see silver birches which have no equivalent in DPM; not that the small blobs of white in MTP would help against a backdrop of even one birch, let alone a copse...

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MTP has a Base Green Layer MC has a Base Tan layer and DPM contrary to what everyone believe's was Not made to be used in britain (Why do you think Flecktarn works better!)

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Flecktarn does work spectacularly well in our woodland sites. My mate Andy can completely disappear sometimes.

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Yeah, I was going to add that, but I thought... "Nah, I'll not be that pedantic"

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Speaking generally here at nobody in particular: What works depends on the exact site you're playing, even down to very small specific areas of the site. That is all it comes down to.


My brother wears AOR1 and dessie MARPAT in british woods in the summer, and at the site we play it blends in an absolute treat. At a different woodland site 5 miles away it'd be awful.


Ask any actual professionals with extensive military experience in multiple theatres (i.e. not airsofters) and they'll tell you to never be absolute or close-minded when it comes to gear or techniques. Airsofters generally do not get this, they see some pattern not blending in at 1 site on 1 occasion and instantly that pattern 'is sh*t and duz n0t wurk!!one' and they'll then proceed to shout about it loudly in every forum thread they possibly can. It gets very boring and is just a waste of good server space frankly, but I don't ever forsee a day coming when everyone is able to differentiate their extremely limited person experiences from widely held truths and documented facts. I'm certainly not innocent of it myself.

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Speaking generally here at nobody in particular: What works depends on the exact site you're playing, even down to very small specific areas of the site. That is all it comes down to.


My brother wears AOR1 and dessie MARPAT in british woods in the summer, and at the site we play it blends in an absolute treat. At a different woodland site 5 miles away it'd be awful.


Ask any actual professionals with extensive military experience in multiple theatres (i.e. not airsofters) and they'll tell you to never be absolute or close-minded when it comes to gear or techniques. Airsofters generally do not get this, they see some pattern not blending in at 1 site on 1 occasion and instantly that pattern 'is sh*t and duz n0t wurk!!one' and they'll then proceed to shout about it loudly in every forum thread they possibly can. It gets very boring and is just a waste of good server space frankly, but I don't ever forsee a day coming when everyone is able to differentiate their extremely limited person experiences from widely held truths and documented facts. I'm certainly not innocent of it myself.


exactly, ive worn 3 colour desert in the snow and blended in with dead shrubbery.

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...they'll then proceed to shout about it loudly in every forum thread they possibly can. It gets very boring and is just a waste of good server space frankly, but I don't ever forsee a day coming when everyone is able to differentiate their extremely limited person experiences from widely held truths and documented facts. I'm certainly not innocent of it myself.

Indeed. You started it. LOL
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Speaking generally here at nobody in particular: What works depends on the exact site you're playing, even down to very small specific areas of the site. That is all it comes down to.


My brother wears AOR1 and dessie MARPAT in british woods in the summer, and at the site we play it blends in an absolute treat. At a different woodland site 5 miles away it'd be awful.


Ask any actual professionals with extensive military experience in multiple theatres (i.e. not airsofters) and they'll tell you to never be absolute or close-minded when it comes to gear or techniques. Airsofters generally do not get this, they see some pattern not blending in at 1 site on 1 occasion and instantly that pattern 'is sh*t and duz n0t wurk!!one' and they'll then proceed to shout about it loudly in every forum thread they possibly can. It gets very boring and is just a waste of good server space frankly, but I don't ever forsee a day coming when everyone is able to differentiate their extremely limited person experiences from widely held truths and documented facts. I'm certainly not innocent of it myself.


I could not agree more. I have said repeatedly on several forums that camo is useless if you don't have a base knowledge of field craft. And hiding behind a tree and then spritning to the next one does not count as a fieldcraft technique

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