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Electric Speed Loader

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Hi, I was looking around and noticed a major problem (for some people)
There are no electric speed loaders, who here would be interested in an electric speed loader that pushes bb's into your mid/low cap mags? Maybe at a simple press of a button?

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I'm not that interested, a normal speed loader is quick enough for me. I'm guessing that an electric one would be more expensive too?

I don't know, maybe they will be amazing. Some people might want one, the people that carry about 12 mid caps around at a time?

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I did like the sound of the idea, but the contraption linked above looks massive, put me right off it.


If there was an electric speed loader, I'd want it to roughly resemble the one I have now, one of the standard thumb plunger type ones that you often see modelled as pistol magazines.

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I'm not that interested, a normal speed loader is quick enough for me. I'm guessing that an electric one would be more expensive too?

I don't know, maybe they will be amazing. Some people might want one, the people that carry about 12 mid caps around at a time?


I carry 12 midcaps around at a time :D


Unfortunately, nowadays, innovation in airsoft comes from the big-bucks gear. If electric speedloaders were worth it, the chinese would make them already......

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Blimey, those things were around when I started about 7 years ago. Problem was they had a gear set and all the gears were very thin and made of plastic, so once your mag was almost full if you kept trying to load more in (bearing in mind with most mids there's no way to really tell) the gears would just carry on trying to load more rounds and destroy themselves.


There's a thread on arnies where a couple of people actually made metal gears for them; lot of effort considering it's not really any faster than just buying a 5.56 STANAG or pistol mag shaped manual loader.

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i wouldn't mind one where you can pre-set an amount to load, and it automatically shuts off when it gets there.

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There about the same size as two G36 magazines. We have had two over the years first one was the Big Model Auto BB Loader which stripped its gear, then we got hold of a Chinese one last year which had metal gears but not really any better. Both are now broken and no part available to repair them, plus they all look to have be discontinued.


Would take a normal speed loader any day.

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I'll tell you what I would like... A gravity speedloader for hi-cap mags that actually works without being shaken around so much it's faster to just take the lid off and pour the BBs in through a finger and thumb collar around the loading hole...


Is it really beyond the ken of industry to put 3 spiraling baffles inside the spout to funnel the BBs into the spout without jamming!?! So far, apparently it is... Perhaps we need Dyson on the job!

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Have seen them on Fleabay, probably noisey buggers though :ph34r:

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for that price you could just get a drum mag and never think about reloading and from the size of that thing let alone the extra weight and the large mag pouch for it ill stick with the wee pistol style mag

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