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  1. Stopped off at a tesco's cafe on way home tonite as I was running late. I said to the assistant " I'll have burger and fries please" he assistant said "do you want anything on that Sir" So I replied " yeah put a tender on it each way " lol

  2. Yeah, I don't think the 552 looks right on anything. My mate has one on an M249 and it's the same size as the entire receiver. Really doesn't look right. But yeah, I'd generally consider myself an L85 purist in terms of it having to look "military issue" so either SUSAT/Irons + original green furniture. Or new with RIS and all the other gucci bits like mine. If it isn't in one of those two configurations, I generally dislike it. Like CKs from a few pages back... Stubby fore grip, Spectre and those rail covers he had? Eurgh no. But with an EOTech it actually looks quite good. If Arma2 is to be believed, then they are actually used for night ops as well. Since you can't use an ACOG/Spectre/SUSAT with NV gear.
  3. I was just 45 and I'm on 3 AEG';s & 1 pistol (+1 2 plastic 1/2 arses that are best ignored). I've only spent a wallet-stinger on 1 of them though and that's the same with my loadouts - bit at a time, except the RICAS I bought recently, which was 2nd hand and cheap by a lot of your standards @£65.10 inc P&P and the various pouches I'm planning to get will have to trickle in... So it's not just teens, TM. I'm not going to jump on the rich-kid bash either. If my parents had had more money than they did and my dad wasn't as tight as a duck's arse under water (and airsoft had been invented), I'd have loved a whole gunroom full of choice. However, something I remember about a few kids I knew whose parents were minted (I went to a good school) was that their attitude towards cool possessions was definitely different to my own. For instance, scientific calculators had recently become available to the great unwashed and word had come down from on high that henceforth all calculators except those which were programmable would be allowed in exams. Programmable? Pro-fcuking-grammable? Well, back then t'internet was still a twinkle in Tim's eye, so finding out what one of those was wasn't that easy. But it was an intellectual exercise anyway, because, for my close friends and I, the price was so prohibitive that it just didn't matter what they could do. It took me so long to save for a bog standard Texas Instruments scientific calc that, by the time I had it, Casio had brought out a range of programmable ones which would have merely taken a few months more saving for me to buy. Anyway, there would have been no point, since I couldn't have used it in exams, and so, despite it's lack of even so minor a bell/whistle as solar panels, I loved that T120 and knew how to use all its functions except those for statistics, indeed that i can remember the name 31yrs later, even though the maths has largely fled, is testament to how much it meant to me. The thing is, without consciously thinking it, I knew that that calculator would be the only one I would ever have for the medium-term foreseeable future. There were other kids I knew who had several within a fairly short time and, except for one lad, none of them did more than scratch the surface of their machines' capabilities. They were just what we now call bling. To be fair though, a person need not be particularly arsewanking to be shackled to that treadmill. I mean, how many people have you met whose car/s cost considerably more than their transport requirements actually merit, who also must to work like dogs to pay for it/them, so that in any spare time they have when, in theory, they might take a vehicle out for no other reason than the pleasure of driving country roads, they are too knackered to do anything of the kind?
  4. Why are UKAZ Seller's so annoying... they won't leave feedback or reply to PM's if your unlucky enough to be the New guy and only respond to you to tell you they've sold it to someone else... = Useless forum to buy anything on. It's funny that i found AFUK First and every other forum i join is appaling in comparison except Arnie's but they don't have a Sale's section so not to fair to compare !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TPI


      and that's up to you but i have had 4 people snub me for feedback on their and one was part of the Administration team!


      the other 6 are condesending jackasse's just because i don't have many post's! and they will only do business with other established user's that will also do bank transfer.

    3. GiantKiwi


      The other thing about that I'm not getting, is Big_Al seems to be admin for a good percentage of the UK airsoft forums, which is a little fishy.

    4. two_zero


      ...no feedback --> afuk sucks? Stopped caring about feedback long time ago.

  5. My Osprey arrived this morning, it fits fine, but attaching stuff to it is basically impossible. It fastens in the middle at the front, so I can't attach anything molle to it that covers the middle section... Since I've got 3x double mag pouches and 1x double mag pouches, I have to have my mags in a 6 and 2 config with more on one side that the other and all the added bulk on both sides makes it impossible to put on and fasten properly... Is there a sort of molle cover I could attach to the front of it or something? Does anyone know what I mean? When I'm not so bogged down with work I'll have to post some photos as reference or something.
  6. Uni work! HATE IT SO MUCH! Anyone know if doctors can prescribe anything for chronic CBA?
  7. Picked up a SIG-X5 Open to replace my old X5 Closed which sadly exploded recently. Pretty happy so far, it seems that in the past year KWC/Cybergun have re-designed parts of it which I didn't like/were badly designed. Best bit is, I can recycle a few old parts (like the outer barrel) meaning I don't have to customise everything all over again. And should I need to, I can cannibalise the old X5 for spares should anything break.
  8. Frontier Airsoft is based in the UK near Stafford. We provide fun, competitive team based shooting games in a woodland environment suited for all players regardless of experience or age. Our 30 acres site consist of some dense woodland , trenches , pill boxes and barricades , 2 forts and several land rovers and caravans. All this man made cover make the Frontier site the ideal mix of CBQ style fire fights with plenty of woodland cover and the range for all you snipers and sneaky players out there who like to hide whatever the time of year Our age limit starts at 14 (full face mask till 18) and we keep our prices very competitive – lunch is included in the price and consists of a large Baggett (ham or cheese) , a large cookie , a chocolate bar and a can of soft drink On average we have between 30 – 60 players but have had over 90 on site comfortably We run our games from 9am till 4pm (with 50 min for lunch) and usually each individual game runs from 30 min to 50 min (so there are about 6- 7 per game day) Our staff are all veteran players (all with over 50 shoots in 2 years) and can offer friendly advice if your new to airsoft We have an onsite gun mechanic and you can book in for repairs between events (so two week turn around) More than anything , what makes frontier different from other sites is the role-play elements we use to complement the games Although you will be playing the regular style of games , capturing objectives , rescuing hostages and generally shooting people – each game also has a back story and this is played out during the games – for more information , please the “what are you fighting for” section of our main website: http://www.frontierairsoft.co.uk/ Any questions please give us a call on 07590 255 914
  9. Hiding behind something doesn't make good camo Also I've found in airsoft no one looks around themselves! FG is far superior to any camo I've seen yet in a woodland enviroment.... I've had people look straight at me not hiding behind anything and not see me in FG You know what I spend so much time going on about camo I;m going to have a "Nick's approve and disapprove camo list" thread.. I think I'll do it tomorrow!
  10. Good lard, man! £15! I'll have to check that out on principal... even though I don't have or want any DDPM, MTP, Coyote Brown, Chocolate Chip, or anything else that matches lol!
  11. I've used Wolf Armouries for the last few years for various bits and would have to say that they are hit and miss. At time their service is good and at times it pretty awful. My last visit to their store resulted in me walking out empty handed due to the unwelcome feeling I was given despite recognising staff who have helped me before. I would continue to use them as they do have a pretty wide range of products but my main gripes about Wolf are.... 1. Website needs a face lift. It is poorly laid out and there is a real lack of detail about their products and plenty of images are missing for products that any new player would not know anything about. 2. Their shop is in a right state. Its too cluttered and messy and trying to find a specific item can be a nightmare. Their actual armoury out the back seems to have been depleted of guns! 3. Customer service skills of the staff (Not all the staff, one or two are quite friendly and helpful) needs addressing. I have 10 years retail experience with Europe's largest mobile phone retailer and having been based on London's busiest shopping street (Oxford st), I can vouch that good customer service not only leads to a better customer base, better profits and FREE advertising through word of mouth. Come on Wolf, pull yourself together.
  12. Feel like I actually did something today. Went to Uni for the first time in about 3 weeks, spoke to one of my lecturers about how lame it all is, they agreed. It was nice. Then I wrote my bio for my UKAPU position and had a general laugh chatting on Facebook. Want to watch something now though, anyone think of anything good? YouTube clips, TV shows, films, whatever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Aahhhaha xDD

      That part where they just drive right past him and then sit in the river until they get out and die, fucking lmao.

    3. iAcorn


      I KNOW RIGHT! I love watching this guys videos. You should watch pookins next. You'll wet yourself.

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      xDD Loving this video:

      The part near the start when he goes, "No I didn't trace this, I drew it myself" Ahaha, genius.


      Then that guy at the end, he much be retarded xD but their laughter is so contagious.

  13. To be honest, for an old TM AK47, if it's ex-rental, about £50 is a nice price to pay, £105 is a bit much IMO. A tenner on the other hand is just ridiculous. TM AK series tend to be fairly quiet in a sense, I think though it's more that they have a different sound to most guns; a lot of AEG are very "snappy" in their sound, whereas the AK series tend to be a bit more "woody", if that makes any sense at all, if anything it makes them harder to hear at range, mostly because they sound further away than they are... Interesting project you've suggested, I quite like the idea of the paintjob especially - it's going on the "serious contenders" pile
  14. Well I got the spot at UKAPU. I'm now on their committee as the student representative. I guess I actually have to stay in Uni now... There's always a cloud to the silver lining lol. Hopefully they won't demand anything really mental of me.
  15. Bit of an old topic, I know but I feel the same with iAcorn regarding the website. Their website is an absolute mess. There are rifles on there with little to no information regarding the item and no images. I certainly, as well as everyone else, would like to see what they are buying and what stats and information are associated to that item. I have only been in Airsoft for a short time and I'm actually avoiding to use them and favour companies such as LWA or Airsoftworld. I do hope Wolf Armouries find someone capable of rebuilding their website and put accurate details up. However, I have never brought anything from them or been instore so I won't comment on customer service etc.
  16. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Its worth a go Not paying for anything XD Need to find something better than fraps to record PC stuff as the compression is terrible. Recorded myself playing a level on metro 2033 and the recording ended up to be 40GB or something stupid XD
  17. Lost my earphones D= Time spent alone seems to drag so much more when you don't have music or anything to keep you occupied. Cavemen will have lived a fraction of the time we do, but I bet it felt like longer lol.

    1. Grounded_Pilot


      They also didn't have Airsoft, so their rock wallets were significantly heavier with all that rock money!

    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Yeah, they must've been the most hence badasses ever. They'd have destroyed us all if they did play airsoft.

  18. From Circuit Airsoft Closing Down Sale Umarex H&K G36V Electric Blowback AEG (Black) £120 inc VAT - what, are you 'kin serious? ......................... ................. .............. ........... ........ ...... .... ... .. . No, but at least one jammy fcuker got exactly that sweet deal! Barstid! What really makes me nauseous is that I did know about Circuit closing down yesterday, from the current discussion about mesh goggles, but I didn't bother to look until an hour or so ago. The only consolation I can take from this sad event is that it wasn't the KV version, which is the one I actively want; but still, since I'm planning to mess with it quite a bit anyway, this would have been just as good a starting point as a stock KV, just not what I would want in the interim :'( About all else I can think of is that there seems to be a question of reliability hanging over them, which is not what you need when buying from a company closing down. What I did get was:- HEROSHARK DAGGER NOSE Cost me £14.40 (£23 from heroshark.co.uk) - Somewhat bizarrely, IMO, these were the cheapest and the most discounted (£6.80 vs £4.40 or £4.20). I'd have chosen them as the best of the four available choices, because they are the only ones without a pillar in the centre or two separate 'lenses' - the problem with either of those being that when you glance to one side, the vision of the opposite side eye is compromised by the frame, which thus must interfere with depth perception. Hey ho, I spose not many people think about things like that, but fresh from a discussion about the relative merits of various types of eye protection and types of mesh, I can't help it. The whole reason I decided to give them a try, apart from the fact that I feel that there is a good chance I will not get on with them so it's only worth a punt since they're going cheap, is that the gaps which are wider than other types of sheet mesh offer less restricted vision... I mean, duh! Such wide holes increase the slight risk of being hit in the eye by a fragment of shattered BB, but, for much better vision, that's a risk worth taking I reckon. Why then, given the option, and accepting that slight increased risk for better vision, would I choose anything other than the most open field of view? Somehow I feel it probably has to do with the way a game character or three look... you know, in the same way that some people would rather wear a desert UBACS in a British woodland than CS95 DPM lol! MAG 140 Round AK74 Magazine Long (Bakelite) x 2 Cost me £5.40 each - TBH I hate this colour, even though I have six the same that hold about half as many BB's, but they didn't have any in black - I spose that's what Krylon is for lol! They have got some Lonex AK47 Flash mags, but I've heard bad things about them, compared to the STANAG type, so I don't feel that £28.80 is cheap enough to take a punt. G&P Military Distress Marker BB Loader For £6 I thought fcuk it, why not? It does seem to look just like the real thing lol! G&P 8.4v 2200mAh AK Type Battery £13.20 - a 2200mAh battery for less than the price of a 1400 - woohoo! I expect that it'll last all day, even if I end up laying down a lot of covering fire. This photo, the eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed, isn't an 8.4V - it has 8 cells so it's a 9.6V - but I'm sure dodgy pics wasn't what caused Circuit to fold. However... P&P: Standard Parcels Service £15.86 - yeah, that's not a typo, it's a piss take and that kind of thing can't have been good for business. Still, for a total of £60.26 for this lot delivered, I feel like I've done pretty well for my wonga...
  19. I wish G&G would make a normal tac light handguard, I freakin' hate the one with rails on it. I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to MP5s, then can't be anything extra on them, no rails, no optics, no silencers. Flash light handguard + collapsible stock = badass. But G&G have managed to make it impossible to have both those things at once...
  20. I would say yes to both. I've had mine for just under a year and it's the only gun I've used since, if I'd had anything else I'd have probably bought and sold about 5 guns in that time. ICS is without a shadow of a doubt the best L85 on the market, in my mind. I bought mine for £320 so £295 is very good. I think the cheapest I've seen them is £290 which I THINK was on Fire-Support, but I might be wrong. If you do get one then Fire Support is the best place to look for internal parts, they sell more or less every component.
  21. I've not tried any of their actual Chest rigs/PCs or upper body clothing, I found their MOLLE pouches to be somewhat hit-and-miss (though cheap it has to be said), but I've never been anything but impressed by the combat trousers. I got a set of MC Ultimate Direct Actions a long while back which are a bit heavy but very durable, then some Direct Actions in AOR2 last year which are perfect if you want something really lightweight with internal neoprene kneepads, most recently these new types are sort of a bridge between the two. Nice that they came in AOR1 for a few dollars extra as well. No stretch fabric like Cryes so they're a bit tougher overall, design accomodates the external kneepads (comes with a decent pair of their own design) and the pocket layout is nicely done. If you're like me and you prefer to carry 1 rifle + 1 pistol mag in a trouser pocket as you leave the safe zone, so that you can load and still have your easiest to access mag pouch filled when the need arises for a quick reload, they work exceptionally well.
  22. If you're new, please take some time to look around the forums and view pinned topics. There is a lot of useful information. As a starting point.. Finding a place to play: New and looking for somewhere to play? The law and Airsoft: Our UK Law Forum The "Violent Crime Reduction Act" in Full Popular UKARA Related Questions Beginners Guides: Beginner Guide to Airsoft Ian's Guide to Noobism on a Tight Budget AF-UK App with useful stuff: AF-UK App Guides forum containing lots of useful info: Guides Forum Chances are simple questions will have been asked before. If you can't find anything on the above links then please search: http://www.airsoft-f...e&module=search
  23. iAcorn

    battlefield 3

    I played a really good game of BF3 with my squad the other day. It's pretty funny because I get accused of wallhacks halfway through. It's livecom and about 40mins long so if you have time to chillout then go take a look: Watch in 720p as anything lower is abit meh thanks to yt processing. I had to compress a lot due to the size of the file. My upload speed is only 54kbps after all! Enjoy
  24. That paper trick is SUCH a good idea! I normally bung my bits in a little box, but I like your way better. Photographing everything is a really good idea. As might videoing be. I photographed my spring swap, but at the critical time I found I ran out of hands when changing my spring. Next time I'll video the process. As it's a split gearbox the spring swap was easy, I'm leaving the lower gearbox just as it is until I need to mess with it. Not that I'm chicken or anything, I could strip it down and reassemble it, easy! Okay, maybe not just yet!
  25. Mate, notto be an arse or anything, just for future reference, I got a pair of those direct from China on fleabay for £3.13 in P&P...
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