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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Sorry to revive the thread but is the shop antics online, this:http://www.anticsonline.co.uk
  2. After the recent finding out that MOHW is a wee bit crap, I'd like to know if there are any good fps ps3 games out there apart from bf, cod and MOH....If you know please say!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Lord_Metile
    3. Del Monty

      Del Monty

      A good game I played recently on xbox was James Bond Bloodstone, I'm not sure if available on PS3 but if it is, it's definitely worth playing.

    4. Chock


      If you happen to have missed it, then I'd recommend you play Spec Ops: The Line. You will learn more about the true nature of warfare and how it relates to video games than you may find comfortable if you do so. It's a real eye opener and will explain to you why you think most FPS war games are ultimately a bit crap.

  3. Looking into maybe getting this, has anyone got it? If so, whats with all the "Day 1 patch" thing that you have to download? Also, whats the online code for multiplayer about? Happy gaming
  4. Errr, herby derby........Anyone know what all this shizz about having to have an online code to access MOH warfighter multiplayer?

    1. GiantKiwi


      That'll be the season pass crap. You now not only have to pay £60 for a console game which is predominately MP, but then another £25 to play it online. And people wonder why I sing the praises of PC.

    2. JamesAirsofterAgent
    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Also says the company deaded the servers so you pay for just a campaign lol.

  5. Anyone had a GBB luger po8? Or any luger po8?

    1. Monty


      Don't buy one, they're crap

    2. TacMaster


      When you eventually get around to buying into airsoft, just get a CM16......a lot of the 'speciality' WWII guns are shite. The Stens, M3 Grease Guns and Thompsons are your best bet for starting WWII airsoft when you get around to it.

    3. Chock


      Not actually a Luger, but it's kind of got that look, is the KJ Works Mk1 'Ruger'. It may be a bit hot for some sites with light BBs, but it's an excellent and simple GBB pistol and only costs about 40 quid too.

  6. Stock something that other places near don't? Perhaps a big, bad ass gun rack! That would catch my eye definitely !
  7. Perhaps let the people who buy them post reviews on your website/ youtube channel?
  8. Stop making me jealous about not being able to get Arma 3!!!! Looks great though!
  9. I love coding!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I just really enjoy doing the Turing test!!! (This probably sounds nooby) but I managed to fix all my if statements last lesson which was great, and. I love it when you code the pi to speak!! My guys called Brian ands 103 years lol.

    3. two_zero


      eat, sleep, code, repeat. I'm knackered.

    4. DX115FALCON


      2Z, story of my uni life at the moment!

  10. Just a personnel opinion, I'd love to go into a airsoft shop: a) That is well organised Stocked a wide variety of things c) perhaps a beginner bit, with recommended beginner guns like the combat machine (G&G cm16) d) Trusty and takes the time to help the customers (Marcuss outdoors really didn't help. My mums veiw of airsoft ) e) Took statistics well, perhaps have some online polls to see popular/ best products like what ammo do you find best for what thing so it seems friendly and helpful Sorry if it sounds like I'm dreaming up the perfect airsoft shop but hopefully this might help Good luck with it!
  11. Anyone gonna get this game? Thoughts? IMO, the beta seems pretty good apart from it sort of being a lot like GTA 5. Overall it looks like a nice game me tinks.
  12. Sorry for off topic ness: To those who have been in the army, do you live at home while your in the army for longer than office job etc people would? And, is it selfish me wanting to join the Army as my mum and dad keep saying about how upset they'd be?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. skeeter


      If yku are sure that the army is what you want, then go for it. If you don't then later on in life you may regret it. I know this from experience. Your parents should realise that, at some stage, you will fly the nest. BUT talk it over with em a lot before you make your final decision. At the end of the day, the decision will be yours.

    3. Gaspod4933


      You don't really live at home just visit your parents at week ends ect as you will get army accommodation, once your out of training nearly all units now have one man en suite rooms.


    4. EvilMonkee


      If you are seriously considering what your parents are saying then (not wanting to be an ass here..) maybe your not mature enough at the moment to make that decision...just putting it out there.


  13. I wish I had never come to this forum! I now can't remember all my favourite songs lol!!!!Good luck tomorrow, how many withdrawal symptoms have you had?
  14. Anyone heard of the miniature wonderland model? Sweet Jesus!

  15. Probably won't watch it as it will ruin my memories.....and what I'll watch tomorrow!
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