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  • Guns
    PTS Masada
    G&P M4
    Krytac SPR
    Cyma tri shot
    We glock 17
  • Sites
    South Downs
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  1. PTS Masada ACR......sex panther.....60% of the time it works everytime!!!

    1. Cheeserush


      100% of the time

    2. sokar666


      very funny film

    3. Standbystandby


      Yeh it's epic!!! Just a shame it applies to my gun!! Ha

  2. Quick question..... I was getting my kit ready for tomorrow and noticed on one of my lipos has split slightly!!! It's currently in my back garden in a metal tin.... Any suggestions how to dispose of it? I've never had this before?

  3. Good day at holmbush today! Damn those snipers!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Standbystandby


      No Eversly, I'm not too far from it and heard really good things about Gunman

  4. My wife said if she finds Bb's in the washing machine again she will leave me and move in with her sister.......airsoft really is the sport that keeps on giving!

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      There not bb's, that is clumps of undisolved washing powder

    2. Monty


      Bit harsh.

    3. skeeter


      Afraid I'd be sooooo tempted just to put a couple in there on purpose...............

  5. Just had a good day at Dogtag....got a few marks to show for it!

    1. Standbystandby


      It would be have good to see you mate!

  6. When bbs break the the washing machine (left in pocket) and wife loses her s**t. Is now a good time to show her my new tac vest?

    1. Jedi_Master


      Where do they all hide, I found 6 BBs in the washing machine door seal the other day, advantage of emptying the machine before the wife. May want to wait on the vest then :)

    2. Josh95


      Maybe show her it... after you buy a new washer lol

  7. When BBs breaki the washing machine

  8. Ha, interesting. Cheers for the replies it's been bugging me for a while.
  9. Guys just a quick, what's the deal with ares? I have noticed they are a real marmite brand, love or hate. I was just reading an article an the author states he doesn't like and refers to " the ares/star debacle". What happened and what's caused the split of opinion over the brand? Cheers
  10. Considering converting Gbbr to HPA system.... Worth it in the long run?

  11. Ha running into walls, I've done that fair bit! As well as shooting at tree for 5 mins through steamed up goggles then reporting it to the mars halls for not taking hits! Epic
  12. Hi guys and girls. I have been airsofting for just over a year now and loving it. I got into airsoft after suffering an injury whilst competing in my previous much loved sport. Anyway having always been into fitness dependant hobbies/ sports I was plesently surprised how much fitness plays a role in airsoft. I have recently started a fitness programme which has been designed to get me "fighting fit" for airsoft. I was wondering how many others do any sort of fitness to improve their airsoft experience. I honestly didn't appreciate how physical airsoft can be.
  13. I keep buying airsoft stuff I don't need! It's becoming an addiction, I'm even hiding it from the wife!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      That's airsoft for you though, constant release of money from the bank :)

      But still hide the stuff...

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      yup us men are wimps - spend a fortune looking like real hardened battle ready soldiers.... sod this it is too wet/cold to play I'm going home.

    4. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      I like playing in the rain. Its not too bad

  14. Can I ask a question.... Hopefully not open a can of worms!! I have only ever done skirmish days but planning my first milsim "lite" in the new year. Is there a better attitude to taking hits in milsim? Or is it worst.. I can see it going either way.
  15. Accidently just purchased G and P M870 shotgun.... Now how to hide it from the wife!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Standbystandby


      Yeh will do prof, getting the mag out is fun too.... Still its very well made!

    3. proffrink


      I had a load of issues with mine, but it was a second-hander so I expected some. The feeding arms issue seems universal though. Reservoirs went leaky on me and I had to buy a couple of those CNC'd ones :(

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