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Everything posted by ronin677

  1. Just asked him about the googles and what they use to stop them fogging. He said they can't stop them fogging either and he just wears his for photos lol
  2. Same here, back in Iraq I just had my L85.
  3. Hi guys Just got these from my mate serving with 1 Royal Anglian and thought I'd share for those wishing to do an accurate afghan look. Apparently the weapons in the photo with the GPMG are not M4's but the new sharpshooter weapon that the number 2 would have with a sniper with the 338 sniper rifle (news to me) anyway enjoy
  4. Oh yes, good man. Thats the only way to go
  5. Hi guys I have this scope and the cap for the battery compartment has been lost (see photo). Is it possible to buy replacement parts?
  6. Thanks Ed. I thought that must be the case
  7. Ok, so I have researched this topic a lot more and I am confident that I can install a R-hop. I still have a question though regarding the actual operation of the r-hop. I think I am just being dumb here. Once the r-hop is glued in placed, does it still require pressure from the nub, because once glued it is flush with the inside of the barrel (so how does it contact the bb to create backspin?) I think I am missing something really obvious here
  8. At the end of the day we play a sport where we shoot small plastic projectiles at each other. I have known people doing this for years and years and not had any problems, however it is inevitable that accidents will happen. Saying that you can poke your eyes on branches out whilst walking your dogs in the woods, you are probably more likely to have a car crash than have your eyes hit by bb's if wearing eye protection. It all depends on how worried you are about the likely hood of the risk. I wear mesh goggles and that's all. I often get hit in the face
  9. I have to agree. Stalking and waiting is an acquired taste and not for everyone. Remember if you move, you will be seen and a ghillie suit makes movement even more obvious
  10. For my sniper I use a DPM base and a ghillie if needed. Boots I have started to wear converse desert as black leather stands out too much. Here is an old photo of me. I no longer use that rifle as I've upgraded to a SVD
  11. Is Ian on this forum? This G-hop sounds good
  12. My wife actually classifies all my acquisitions as toys hahaha (it doesn't bother me in the slightest)
  13. So would you recommend this or not, if not what else is out there for the wannabe sniper?
  14. So as some of you will know, I have just purchased an A&K SVD. I have seen on line that one of the best upgrades I can install is a R-hop. I have no idea what this actually is. I know its an upgraded hop up but I can't seem to find actual info on the product at all. Can anyone assist or point me in the right direction please thanks Jon
  15. My SVD now a little more tactical. A guy at my local airsoft site is going to make me the wooden kit. His work is really top notch and he said his kit will last a lot longer than the imitation bought stuff
  16. Yes I am on the RPF and also the Dented Helmet Boba isn't so difficult, just costly
  17. I have seen a cheap PSO scope on ebay although the battery cap is missing so it will not illuminate. Does anyone know if this lack of illumination would make the scope unusable? Or is it still usable during good light conditions?
  18. haha I get it now. OMG I feel stupid hehe
  19. oh hehe I was genuinely worried I'd said something wrong feel slightly foolish now hehe
  20. Thanks Lozart. I am planning to rebuild the head as I was never pleased with it. I would like to build a fibreglass under skull and a latex over skull. I am also toying with the idea of install a piano wire mechanism to lift the lips when the mouth opens (producing a sneer like feature).
  21. Its not so bad ventilation wise. I originally just tied strips of hessian to it and that was hot. Since then I have stripped the hessian down and have effectively cut the weight and density down by 50%. I still wouldn't want to run much in, so hoping to use more in static techniques
  22. ??? I wasn't aware that I'd said something out of order. Please explain so I can reflect and alter my behaviour if needed Not antagonistic but genuinely puzzled
  23. I jumped off my Stormer HVM in Sennalager trying to look cool as I disembarked. Landed on loose sand, twisted my ankle over and fractured my leg. I didn't look so cool rolling on the floor screaming like a little girl
  24. I've actually got a full size (7'7") chewie costume I've made as well. Similar technique of latch hooking hair onto a mesh under suit
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