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Everything posted by ronin677

  1. Hi guys Just wondered if any of you fine people know where the hell I can get a nubless bucking? I know Prometheus do one but I can't find a supplier. any advice? cheers
  2. Wise words. I've seen this happen on many forums over the last 15 years and its not cool
  3. The proof in the pudding so to speak was a compliment from another sniper saying he hadn't spotted me all day
  4. The ferns actually work really well as there are still green ferns around my site unbelievable
  5. Here is my latest outing, I'm sporting my 'new' Yugoslavian JNA camo (although I still like my padded MTP for practicality). Will be getting my SVD chest rig in the next few weeks
  6. He based it on the original plastic furniture. I just need to get the old sling bar out of the old set and put it in the new set
  7. I had a cheap PSO and didn't like it (crap optics), so got this scope. One day I'll get a decent PSO may be when I can afford a Real Sword SVD haha
  8. Just took delivery of the custom made wooden furniture for my SVD. Its made from iroko hardwood and fits perfectly. Tomorrow I'll buy the amber shellac which I'll coat it with. Its kinda nice that it is two slightly different shades also, will make it more authentic in the end (as though different bits have been added throughout the years) so many thanks to my mate who made it
  9. its in the search function? Every day is a school day
  10. Hi guys so I'm thinking of ordering this CM.048 from Taiwangun.com http://www.taiwangun.com/en/cm-048s?from=listing&campaign-id=19 Does anyone know if these guys are ok and is the CM.048 any good? Also where are these guys located? I'm in the UK and wondering if I'd have to pay import duty on this RIF btw I do have defence cheers Jon
  11. Yep well spotted. It is indeed a sniping role that I do
  12. Hi guys, I am starting to build up a russian loadout and have managed to get myself a nice set of JNA over suit and of course my SVD. I am on the look out for a chest rig and found this; http://en.grey-shop.ru/index.php?route=product%2Fproduct&path=59_70&product_id=152 but i want something that i can attach my pistol holster to. Any ideas guys?
  13. Funny you should say that haha. I've just ordered new wiring and connectors to give this a service over christmas
  14. I can see what you mean with the SR15 I think the SR25 will give me a closer look though as the mag housing is the more correct size. Thanks for the idea though
  15. Here's the grub screws that I had to tighten if that helps. There is one either side of the barrel
  16. Thanks Monty, Thats exactly how to tighten it All tightened cheers
  17. Hi all, My G&G GR16 outer barrel has started to get a very slight wobble to it. I've never had to strip my weapon down to remove the outer barrel before, although I am adept at taking it apart in most other senses. Does anyone know how to tighten the outer barrel? Advice will prevent me learning from trial and error and getting it wrong before I figure it out. Any help would be appreciated. My G&G GR16 thanks Jon
  18. Cheers guys. the more I look the more I can see the SR25 is the way forward
  19. Actually Is the SR25 a better idea?
  20. as the title suggests I wish to convert my M4 to a L129A1 look alike. I figure if I can remove the foresight from my M4 and replace the foregrips, I'd end up heading the right direction. My first question is what barrel can I buy for my G&G to delete the foresight. to this
  21. Cyma AEG Glock. The most reliable weapon I own and great for CQB
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