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Everything posted by ronin677

  1. Its kinda funny but with everyone going on about 'should be wearing this & should be wearing that'. When I was in theatre, sure we had our issued kit but there was a hell of a lot of non standard kit about to. If I look back at some of my photos, I'm sure people would say "oh but he's wearing that wrong" or "he's not suppose to be wearing that". What I'm saying I guess is, its ok if they got some of the stuff wrong in Bluestone 42 because when you're on ops we all get it 'wrong' to
  2. me with the sections LSW (got my L85 on my back) just before my first deployment
  3. Just wondered if this would work with the cheaper cybergun thompson. I suspect I'd have problems http://www.uk.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/Magazines_King_Arms_AEG_King_Arms_420rd_Magazine_for_King_Arms_Thompson_Series_Black.htm
  4. Hi guys, I'm working on something a little different at the moment and need your advise. I have picked up a plastic bodied Cybergun Thompson M1A1 for next to nothing and I am thinking of converting it into a Pulse Rifle from the film Aliens. The gun only comes with a 40 round mag at the moment and I wondered if anyone knew of a higher capacity magazine for the plastic bodied Thompson? Gun in question; http://www.pyramydair.com/s/m/Thompson_M1A1_Airsoft_Submachine_Gun_Clear_Wood/2383 cheap and nasty but quite good fun haha Cheers
  5. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Boll%C3%A9--TRACKER-coatings-anti-scratch-anti-fog/dp/B008QBHGHU/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1414620538&sr=8-11&keywords=bolle+glasses+yellow I am thinking of getting a set of these. I've got normal Bolle glasses at the moment (think normal shooting glasses) but they fog up even using cat crap. I primarily play a sniper role at my games now and use a full ghillie suit. The peaked base cap for my hood restricts airflow slightly around my eyes and this is causing the glasses to fog quicker than would be expected. What are people opinions of these Bolle glasses that I found
  6. Quote from the website "The way dilatant fluids are currently being used in body armour is by being impregnated in Kevlar and thus strengthening it. " Currently being used
  7. Already in use http://dilatantfluids.weebly.com/3-application-of-dilatant-fluids-in-body-armour.html
  8. For airsoft Magnums are fine. Sturdy enough to give ankle protection (just) and lightweight
  9. Guys, So I have taken up the role of sniper now and will be doing so for the foreseeable future. I am now purchasing a Glock 18c as a sidearm and I am looking for the best way to holster it. In my sniper role all my kit is stored about my person in pockets, in other words I am not using webbing of any sort. What options do I have for the pistol? Leg holster, shoulder holster??? What experience could you guys share with me. May be a hip belt and carry a limited webbing system of sorts?? Jon
  10. I will be upgrading the piston soon and also attempting my own 'r' hop. So impressed with this I am tempted now to go for a russian loadout
  11. Well as the title implies I am after a sidearm to compliment my new role as a sniper. I got caught out at my last game when someone got within the minimum distance for my rifle and I had no way to defend myself. I don't want to spend mega bucks on a weapon that won't see much use and wondered if this was adequate. Bear in mind that the minimum engagement distance at my site is 20m for snipers rifles so this pistol only has to engage up to 20m http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-pistols/asg-glock-18c-electric-airsoft-pistol.htm#.VCr57mddUud cheers guys
  12. Well yesterday I packed my newly constructed ghillie suit and my A&K SVD and headed out for my first skirmish in the sniper role. Usually I play with a GR16 in a standard infantry role. Wooooo what a blast I spent most of my time in the traditional role of concealment and waiting (a little stalking also). At the end of the day I had 13 good quality kills and only got hit 5 times My SVD is still fairly stock, with just the hop up upgraded but all I can say is wow. This rifle is amazing. I was getting good shots at 70 to 80m and with an chrono of approx 450 I think I've found my new role
  13. Thats all I need silicone tubing now on order I will detail my progress once I'm back from holiday. Now off to catch my flight to Greece
  14. Still going to try this and wondered if anyone either knew or had the ability to measure the inner dimension of a standard A&K SVD barrel cheers
  15. Haha mine is named in German. My wife is German so it seemed appropriate. I was going to use a Syrian name as my best friend she is Syrian but my wife wasn't impressed lol
  16. haha just named my rifle. Gretal
  17. hehe sorry, its been so long since I used the word Camo
  18. "I think yours looks pretty good except for the scope - like i said about mine, regular dots are not something you see in woodlands. Yeah, putting loads of stuff on can interfere with your view down the scope, but I just brush it out of the way when I set up for a shot. I dunno about you but, as much as i'd like to be caught on video doing it, "quickscoping" imo is purely for video games. Airsoft sniping is about setting up to use your additional range against unsuspecting targets - camouflage is almost always more important than being able to take quick reaction shots, but i'm still learning..." I agree with the scrim, I will probably add jute thread to that also. I like your use of military grade cam netting. I've never been a big fan but I might change my mind after seeing yours. I also like that you have given your gat a name, Svetlana is great, what does it mean?
  19. So I have just started to make a ghillie cover for my SVD. The question is am I heading in the right direction? Your opinions would be welcome cheers
  20. I took a cast of my mk6 and made a fibreglass copy
  21. Yes Berets are a touchy subject due to the 'right' to wear one. But on a more practical note you will never usually see a soldier wearing a beret in the field (note usually). Berets are not practical field wear and in my opinion shouldn't been worn in the field unless ordered to do so. You are much better off with a bush hat (boonie) or a beanie hat (woolen style cap)
  22. Getting there just a bi-pod now and a little cam
  23. My Dragunov with a new kick ass scope. Not only does this thing fire phenomenally , I can also see what I'm shooting at now hahaha
  24. These responses are obviously only the people who have an axe to grind. There are former soldiers and serving soldiers who are fine with airsoft. I done my bit and left after my first tour (decided I didn't want to be put in that situation again), but I still miss it hence airsoft Its good clean fun and I can sleep at night without nightmares anymore. The people who responded in that link I suspect have self esteem issues and are just defended what is probably the only aspect of their lives that has given them true meaning and confidence. From a psychotherapists point of view I find this all rather interesting
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