My sites rentals are atleast a year old. Combat Machines.
Thats why I'm in a tough spot for purchasing a gun, Why spend £100 on a gun I can rent for no extra cost?
The Real Sword is too expensive xD
I like the sound of the Tokyo Marui M14, I like how It can go full auto too.
I like the sound of a quiet loadout (See what I did there?)
Acouple games ago I was almost level to the enemy, I could see them sitting behind cover. Maybe 30m away.
I flick into semi. Fire a shot infront of the cover, So I have a rough idea of where the BB went.
I adjust my gun towards them, I take a shot, miss, I take three more shots in the space of 10 seconds, No hits.
I flick onto full auto. I fire a 10 rounds burst, Slowly pulling my gun upwards, In a hazardous attempt to hit atleast one with a stray BB.
My gun starts making an odd clicking sound. Like metal plates clapping. I Lay down, Remove my mag, I clear afew BBs onto the floor, Yep, firing normally.
I put my mag back in, A further loud clicking sound.
I'm sick of this. The access to the 'Adjustment-wheel' (I think its the hop up) has been removed.
I hate rental guns.
-Rant Over-
Is there a way I could increase distance without increasing FPS? I am aware of FPS limits