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Everything posted by Yawns

  1. It's a hell of a journey for the scots to make for NAE, Also, As devastating as it might sound, I can't make NAE. I'm joking, We'll see what other large events the year brings and see if others are more accessible, A field would be more cost-effective, But it'd have to be out of the public eye. Also, Warning the local police etc that there are immitation firearms on site? Never really approached these things before.
  2. It never was an easy endeavour. It's a shame really, London has great transport and everywhere in the UK (Except N. Ireland) Could get to it by train very easily. But it's hidden from the midlands and getting large amounts of luggage around is impractical. Maybe, Everyone could put a £10 in the pot, We could rent out a site for a day. Meet up, Say our hellos at any old location. Go for a drink together, Simple things y'know Put the collected money into hiring a site for the day Go for a meal, Just mess around doing alternative sports. Camp for the night or go to a premier inn or such Entirely ideas, But if we had enough verbal contribution from enough of the members, We could pull something together
  3. I like it! There is probably a mathematical way around it, Noting all possible attendees locations, Coming up with a somewhat midpoint for the event. If we are camping and there are guns there, Hell, If we can get legal things sorted maybe we could have a plink about. We could hire out a site for the day, Hence removing legal restrictions. Other then that I wouldn't mind just going for a meal with you all
  4. Welcome! I feel robbed, My family had the choice to go to either Leicester or Lincoln, They wanted to go to Lincoln :/ Probably could've made it to a game.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      he was/is in the Medic core i believe alot of people would of froze and been like fuuuuuck, me included

    3. cavninja


      I guess some people would, one of the things that was apparent to me is that the site they were on would not have got past any of our "elf 'n safety" legislation. I don't know how strictly our sites are governed, but due to the physical nature of our sport, there is a chance you could do yourself some similar damage. Hence the recommendations from all to carry a first aid kit, and if you don't know how to use it, learn!

      I've just started cobbling mine together...

    4. cavninja


      and this was on top of my list! http://www.spservices.co.uk/item/Brand_EmergencyCareBattleFieldDressingBandage-Military_23_0_1976_1.html

      I've just ordered a couple. They would have done desertfox dude with his injury very well, and as they're real issue, they look cool too!

      Perhaps we should all carry them, then in the event of an injury, you use the injured's and not your own? Same principle as in the military?

  5. I'd agree 110% with the 'Not liking a rush game' straight away, This was me a fortnight ago, I've been to afew games since, But I despise the rush modes, at my local, We have a game were you have to run through an open field to grab a repainted BB-tub (Empty) called a 'Gold' then you had to get it back to your base. When you have no Idea how your gear performs it can make things really difficult, Luckily I have since overcame the issue, At first, My webbing was heavy, My gun was inaccurate and overly large, My face protection was digging into my glasses, Domino-effect ensues and my glasses left 'Panda-eyes' from the pressure on my face. I have since brought lovely face protection, A sling to take the weight of my gun when idle, I'm using a webbing that has adjustables on it. First time is really 'testing the water', Now I know things work, I LOVE airsoft, It's great, And I hope you found your match great too. Did your mate have a good time/Be returning to the site?
  6. Kids over here linger on every chance they get to miss school, They seem to forget in other countries its considered a great privilege.
  7. Where could I get a JG one? They seem like a generic G36c brand.
  8. If your looking for a terrorist get about, look at the counter strike skins for terrorists, they fit a different one for every environment. For a bog-standard look, you could look into the 'phoenix connection' terrorists. If you want a soldier look then ignore this, but you can make some sweet terrorist looks and counter-strike captures each one with perfection
  9. http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=7030 first gun, thoughts? (Don't fancy a g&g, thats what my site rents out, I'd be paying £100 for a clear version of what I already 'have')
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      If you want to be an MLG player. Why not go for this? http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=7032

    3. Yawns


      Ooh, Very nice :)

      Probably won't be buying one for awhile, Maybe it'll be in stock by then :)

    4. Lord_Metile


      An EOTech would look so nice on that.

  10. So after lots of thinking, I wouldn't mind a g36c. After a browse of ZeroOne, I have found this: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=7030 According to all reviews, It's a brilliant gun for the money, But I'm not sure. I've heard good things from Ares too. But it isn't in stock at ZeroOne, http://www.zerooneai...roducts_id=2089 If you have any amazing alternatives, Please do say, £200 at the very most though Also, two-toned/Clear, if possible
  11. Yawns

    SRC G36c?

    Hey. So after lots of thinking, I wouldn't mind a g36c. After a browse of ZeroOne, I have found this: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=7030 According to all reviews, It's a brilliant gun for the money, But I'm not sure. I've heard good things from Ares too. But it isn't in stock at ZeroOne, http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=2089 If you have any amazing alternatives, Please do say, £200 at the very most though Also, two-toned/Clear, if possible
  12. Unsure if they offer junior memberships, the site is UKARA registered though, will enquire next Thursday
  13. If I put an m90 in one from zero one, would that cut it? Also, for every person who I invite to my site, I get £25 worth of stuff. 4 people and I get a cm16 carbine. A second hand one at that
  14. Well, If I did buy an AEG, It would be an AK. Seens as I just brought a balaclava etc. I've heard Cyma are good, but G&G do a Combat Machine AK, Which would be better, And, What about two-tone?
  15. At the site you can rent for free. They use G&G CM16 Carbines, Which is what I would get anyway. I'm paying £100 for a gun I'd have to maintain and sort out everything for, Where I can buy a pistol an actually have an edge on my opponents.
  16. -OTG Goggles -A lower face mesh mask -A balaclava -A one-point Sling -Anti-fog lense spray
  17. Damn, that TM 18c looks nice, The 17 is pretty sweet too. depends if you recommend the TMs over the WE, my heart is only set on it B/c of the price, But I just picked up £300 for my birthday on friday and Won't be buying an AEG so who knows
  18. Yeah, I understand. Would This Mag cut it? If not, Link me to a mag that would be compatible on either ZeroOne or ProAirsoftSupplies. Thanks in advance
  19. I'll start with a normal mag that is shipped with the gun. Its just one less reload really.
    1. team flex

      team flex

      depends what your glasses are like, but I doubt it. IMO just get contact lenses like me

    2. Yawns


      Yeah, I'll probably just get contact lenses :)


    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Doubt they will so contacts would be best

  20. It was probably for ease of construction, Either way it isn't a good feature. If BBs are breaking on impact, that poses a threat to mesh-mask users.
  21. Flex, you could've brought a half transparent one from proairsoftsupplies. Two tones stick out like a sore thumb.
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