So I rolled up to the location. It was a generally large multi-activity site, And it was rather complex. We walk up to a building, enquire about the airsoft before being ushered into a dark tent next door.
Friendly place. Nice guy doing the ref-stuff.
First thing that hits me is many CM16 carbines all lined neatly in a row with a bag of 2000 Bio-BBs next to them.
Me, Jacob and George (Friends) sort out the payments, Get informed of site rules (No anomalies, Standard rules) Oddly, 90% were common-sense based. Odd.
We get suited & booted, No expense spared really, I was genuinly impressed when you have access to unlimited bottles of water (Not the cheap stuff, either) for no extra cost.
We stroll out of the tent, After being initiated, I became friends with a boy known as Chandler. Top Lad, Site regular, Became my 'Partner' for the night.
Oddly enough, We walk past a camp site full of 7-10 year olds, Rather alarming considering we all had RIFs and camo getabouts.
We enter the site, People take it in turns to test their gun. I place in my mag. Roll the wheel on the bottom, Flick of the safety and fire 3 shots down a long grass pathway. It is unbelievably satisfying. I'd waited years for this. It was 100% worth it.
We roll up to these tents and are assigned teams for the game. Attackers and Defenders, Defenders had to protect their medic in a small huddle of tents. To get medic'd you'd have to run into an empty tent and wait for the medic to cross, Hence adding a sense of risk for the medic. It was a no-win game for the defenders, The Medic would die and it was a waiting game to find out when. Me, Chandler and a guy in a blue hoodie roll into one tent with two windows. I take right side, Watching across to the left flank, Chandler doing the opposite. Blue hoodie man is ducking in and out of a gap in the right edge, Considerably effective.
I had 3 deaths, And 'kills' that round. The reason I'm so vague is that I never saw people throw their hand up and go 'HIT' but I saw BBs flying at a deadly rate towards people, and after I'd get enemies patting me on the back saying 'Nice shots man' etc.
Second game I despised, Purely because it didn't fit my playstyle.
It was in an open field with a 'fort' of tyres in the middle. inside there were plastic cannisters painted gold, these were ingeniusly reffered to as 'Golds' The team who got in and collected the most at the end of the game won. You could only pick up one at a time mind you.
First game was shambolic. I get shot down, only just get 1 gold and thats it, opposition win. Next game, Me and chandler leave our guns at respawn and sprint to get golds. I take most of the shots, Allowing him to swoop in and grab one for the team. I walk back to respawn and grab my gun. Queue ten minutes of being hit and 0 kills before them losing on the basis that they didn't put the golds in the right place, So ref declares us winners by default.
The next game was AMAZING...
We had to push up through dense woodland to capture and control a point for 5 minutes, before pushing back into the enemy spawn to finish the game, Controlling the point was great. Call me a Codsofter but I was to cool shooting out of a tower whilst people ran in to take the point. the five minutes ended and we rushed, It was the best most dramatic moment in the game. We reach a hill and look down to see many people in tin huts below, We peak from cover and gain a fair few hits, Whilst hearing metal clinking at BBs bounced of the chicken wire. We slide down the hill and its CQB, Guns on Semi. Ref calls 'You can't shoot over the top of the huts' I thought this encouraged smart corner gameplay, I crouch to listen for enemies, Before seeing a gun-barrel waving underneath the corrigated-metal, I get full-auto'd to the leg from about a metre away. as I limped back to respawn I heard ref call game over, win for the attackers. It's important to add I did get kills that game, Just nothing special, Just emptying mags into a hut below. Damn cool though.
Luckily my wound wasn't bleeding, Just multiple blood red circles all down my knee, I'm not complaining though, I just looked abit stupid in PE today.
Next game, We started in the huts, And we had to push out. It was horrible whilst adrenaline-pumping at the same time. Remember the hill from earlier? we were now pushing up it, People spraying covering fire whilst we scramble up, Taking the fight to them. This was when I had my first confirmed kill. Not one, But two, And it was bloody worth it.
I was far ahead of my teammates, I was sat behind a bush, winding my mag while my team fell back. I see a guy peaking a corner in the CQB point that we contested earlier, The same guy from earlier aswell. So I click it up to full auto. Lean out and land 5 BBs into his chest, And send him off to respawn with a cheeky wink. Then I rush round the corner and tap fire the next guy who was in a bush about twenty metres back.
Game ends, We won.
Summary? Great night, Great games, Great people.
I like airsoft. I like this forum.
Expect to see me round.
PS: It's my brithday today. got a nice sum of money to start airsoft, Because at my site you can rent at no additional cost, I'm tempted to get a pistol as my first gun, Thoughts? This with This Mag ? I'm not sure if the cross-company thing would work. Fill me in