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Everything posted by Yawns

  1. Also, Zeroone stocks no WE mags for glock 18cs, this perhaps?http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/WE-G17-18-50rnd-Magazine-5020.html
  2. Its an under 18 game simon, Special Ops HQ near Milton Keynes, £10 to rent and play first time, £45 a month for 3 games (rent fees included)
  3. The amount of ammo a small mag holds is half that of the large mag AFAIK, and same goes for price. I'd rather just not have to reload in the middle
  4. Really stupid question here, would an oasis bottle fit into this http://www.tactical-kit.co.uk/blackhawk-flashbang-molle-pouch-37cl54-11059-p.asp

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      TT MAV is great but £20 for an ACU mag pouch? I'd get OD pouches from WAS on UKTactical. Do you mean both a water bottle AND bottle of BBs or one at a time? Best bet would be a utility pouch or a water bottle pouch.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Bottle Pouches:




      Utility Pouch:



      Helikon ones from Military1st for £11 posted as well

    4. TacMaster


      I'd recommend buying knockoff pouches for your MAV before committing, I have a Viper single and double mag pouch on mine as well as a BulleUK Admin panel, which all work surprisingly well- I'm going to be buying myself TT pouches after I've finished buying parts for my M700. £40 for the TT pouches I need!

  5. So I rolled up to the location. It was a generally large multi-activity site, And it was rather complex. We walk up to a building, enquire about the airsoft before being ushered into a dark tent next door. Friendly place. Nice guy doing the ref-stuff. First thing that hits me is many CM16 carbines all lined neatly in a row with a bag of 2000 Bio-BBs next to them. Me, Jacob and George (Friends) sort out the payments, Get informed of site rules (No anomalies, Standard rules) Oddly, 90% were common-sense based. Odd. We get suited & booted, No expense spared really, I was genuinly impressed when you have access to unlimited bottles of water (Not the cheap stuff, either) for no extra cost. We stroll out of the tent, After being initiated, I became friends with a boy known as Chandler. Top Lad, Site regular, Became my 'Partner' for the night. Oddly enough, We walk past a camp site full of 7-10 year olds, Rather alarming considering we all had RIFs and camo getabouts. We enter the site, People take it in turns to test their gun. I place in my mag. Roll the wheel on the bottom, Flick of the safety and fire 3 shots down a long grass pathway. It is unbelievably satisfying. I'd waited years for this. It was 100% worth it. We roll up to these tents and are assigned teams for the game. Attackers and Defenders, Defenders had to protect their medic in a small huddle of tents. To get medic'd you'd have to run into an empty tent and wait for the medic to cross, Hence adding a sense of risk for the medic. It was a no-win game for the defenders, The Medic would die and it was a waiting game to find out when. Me, Chandler and a guy in a blue hoodie roll into one tent with two windows. I take right side, Watching across to the left flank, Chandler doing the opposite. Blue hoodie man is ducking in and out of a gap in the right edge, Considerably effective. I had 3 deaths, And 'kills' that round. The reason I'm so vague is that I never saw people throw their hand up and go 'HIT' but I saw BBs flying at a deadly rate towards people, and after I'd get enemies patting me on the back saying 'Nice shots man' etc. Second game I despised, Purely because it didn't fit my playstyle. It was in an open field with a 'fort' of tyres in the middle. inside there were plastic cannisters painted gold, these were ingeniusly reffered to as 'Golds' The team who got in and collected the most at the end of the game won. You could only pick up one at a time mind you. First game was shambolic. I get shot down, only just get 1 gold and thats it, opposition win. Next game, Me and chandler leave our guns at respawn and sprint to get golds. I take most of the shots, Allowing him to swoop in and grab one for the team. I walk back to respawn and grab my gun. Queue ten minutes of being hit and 0 kills before them losing on the basis that they didn't put the golds in the right place, So ref declares us winners by default. The next game was AMAZING... We had to push up through dense woodland to capture and control a point for 5 minutes, before pushing back into the enemy spawn to finish the game, Controlling the point was great. Call me a Codsofter but I was to cool shooting out of a tower whilst people ran in to take the point. the five minutes ended and we rushed, It was the best most dramatic moment in the game. We reach a hill and look down to see many people in tin huts below, We peak from cover and gain a fair few hits, Whilst hearing metal clinking at BBs bounced of the chicken wire. We slide down the hill and its CQB, Guns on Semi. Ref calls 'You can't shoot over the top of the huts' I thought this encouraged smart corner gameplay, I crouch to listen for enemies, Before seeing a gun-barrel waving underneath the corrigated-metal, I get full-auto'd to the leg from about a metre away. as I limped back to respawn I heard ref call game over, win for the attackers. It's important to add I did get kills that game, Just nothing special, Just emptying mags into a hut below. Damn cool though. Luckily my wound wasn't bleeding, Just multiple blood red circles all down my knee, I'm not complaining though, I just looked abit stupid in PE today. Next game, We started in the huts, And we had to push out. It was horrible whilst adrenaline-pumping at the same time. Remember the hill from earlier? we were now pushing up it, People spraying covering fire whilst we scramble up, Taking the fight to them. This was when I had my first confirmed kill. Not one, But two, And it was bloody worth it. I was far ahead of my teammates, I was sat behind a bush, winding my mag while my team fell back. I see a guy peaking a corner in the CQB point that we contested earlier, The same guy from earlier aswell. So I click it up to full auto. Lean out and land 5 BBs into his chest, And send him off to respawn with a cheeky wink. Then I rush round the corner and tap fire the next guy who was in a bush about twenty metres back. Game ends, We won. Summary? Great night, Great games, Great people. I like airsoft. I like this forum. Expect to see me round. -Reece PS: It's my brithday today. got a nice sum of money to start airsoft, Because at my site you can rent at no additional cost, I'm tempted to get a pistol as my first gun, Thoughts? This with This Mag ? I'm not sure if the cross-company thing would work. Fill me in
  6. First ever game tommorow, Bringing 2 friends along, Should be a blast ;)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. alwaysontheoffensive


      otherwise, go and give them a fist full of bb's and make sure you enjoy yourself, take advice from experienced players too, helped me out when i turned up for my first game in a hoodie and an m4!

    3. two_zero


      ask, but don't nag :)

    4. Yawns


      Thanks for the advice, I'm going in a grey regatta jacket and some old jeans. Its an under 18s game hence why I can afford to bring 2 friends xD

  7. Yeah, the pistol really was just one that I thought looked cool. As for the boots, scroll up, I reckon I linked some from go outdoors. As for the slip facemask thing, i 'm not 100% on what you mean, I'll look into it though
  8. I tried some of this stuff whilst doing laser tag a year or so back, bastards made us wear the horrific stuff... I'd go as far as a 4/10, people will say "it breaks up your face!" Good for five minutes, then it went all crumbly, then sweat washed the stuff away. Maybe we had a bad lot, but if you are sensible enough to wear a face mask there is no need for the stuff
  9. Nah, you and Tac have been brilliant help, so I have so far - -Gun -rig (Won't buy until I buy more things and need a place to hold them) -Clothing -Mask -Battery + Charger -Pistol? - http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/WE-M-P-BLUE--NO-UKARA--m_pblue.html - won't buy yet, just look damn cool for a two-tone Am I missing something.
  10. What about this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sports-Airsoft-tactical-safety-black/dp/B005OJU83Q/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1402258319&sr=8-5&keywords=airsoft+mask Seems alright. Just saw your message above, it's a no to all things skulls. I'm not that type of person if you know what I mean xD
  11. I'll look into lenses then, coincidentally I did fencing for a long time a couple years back, them masks are awful for me, so I have 'tried' them in a sense, also, my local site would only allow a full face mask for under 16's, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I will look into lenses though, my mum has them and I could probably roll with her 'company' as they seem decent EDIT - Just spoke to mum, she said I could get 'daily disposables' which I chuck away after the day, So I could wear them exclusively for games
  12. Haha, Will do, I have glasses though :/ buying masks won't be a walk in the park
  13. Here goes the gear (Minus Gun, Accesories and the rig) Trousers Mask <-- Is the one that comes with the starter pack on proairsoftsupplies, No reviews. Most of the sites I like have a rule where only over 16's can have split goggles and mesh lower face, A whole mask it would have to be really, If you want to recommend another feel free, Provided it isn't expensive. (No skulls or anything, I'm not a 'scary' person) Shirt <-- IS AN EXAMPLE, Ofcourse I have a plain black shirt lol. If a site wants long sleeves, I'll throw on a thermal. Boots <-- Adults sizes are expensive, I still fit into childrens sizes. Ima take advantage of that. They look comfy too. Oh dear god correct me if I made a fatal mistake, Also, Feel free to add things, Just like 'Oh and you'll need a silly hat!' Thats not a problem, Infact, It's appreciated
  14. Aight, Thanks for the help Could you possibly link me to a suitible battery/Charger As I have no idea what will fit and what won't I don't mind spending £30, I should be able to fit a whole starting airsoft loadout under £300 (right?)
  15. In response to the individual 'dress schemes' I'm a counter strike player, If I get an AK, I'll buy a glock to go with it. If I get an M4, I'll get a USP to go with it. I like the 'terrorist' loadout better from this individual POV, As AK's and Glocks are neat. But then it poses the question 'Well you can't get any clear plastic aks' So I will still go for the m4a1, Hell, I'll throw a suppressor on there for the right M4A1-S look from CS. It's only £99, I'd have to play like 5 games with it to make back the money I spent on it through not having to pay to rent, Problem? I believe not So I will get that M4, Reputable brand, Reputable store and a nice price. I'm not going to pretend that I'm rolling in money but £99 isn't much for a starter gun. Tl;Dr: Yay for CS, Yay for starter guns, I'll build a terrorist loadout in future
  16. Paha, its not that their fashionable, but they are much better than saggy tan cargos :/ Also, my budget would be £40 tops for a pair of boots
  17. Go Outdoors is my likely go to, I've brought stuff from there before and I have one a 20 minute drive away. But big boots aren't for running, I want the pace! Any alternatives?
  18. Dayum, the tactical tailor mini mav is sexy AF IMO, I'll probably role with that, a tight black plain tee and chinos, either skinny tan or dark green, up to whether or not I'll play in woodlands, I'll throw on a pair of Nike's for my first game or so. As for the gun, awaiting metiles response, all I ever see him post about is changing his gun xD
  19. Hiii! It's me again, Afew weeks back I made a post in the 'Beginner Arrivals' Forum subsection. I've booked myself into my first game next thursday(?) It is £10 for first-timers to rent so I'm dragging a friend along, Should be a jolly good bit of fun. Now, Before we get all up-in-arms about this, Yes, I understand that I have no experience with guns seems as I have never played a game of airsoft before, But it doesn't hurt me to search and get a rough idea of the market. So. Here is the part where I blurt out my probably irrational and silly thoughts http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/cm16_carbine_transparent.html Boom, Thats a gun right there folks. It is a reputable brand that isn't a silly colour that I can use without being over 18. LORD_METILE READ THIS you have a gun like this, What is it like? Help --- Side Note: I'm quite impartial to abit of AK, Preferably CYMA for the affordability. but can I get it in Clear plastic anywhere? or could a store tastefully dye the wood to a bright colour, IE: a bright cherry wood, It beats ugly green stripes any day, I just want to know if dyeing the wood is Ukara A-OK. --- I want a lightweight loadout! This is the part you'd need to help me on, I have 0 idea as to where to get it, As I have no idea about the sizings. Also, Being a teenager, I'm rather fashion conscious about these things, Would skinny dark-green chinos work? Also, A light chest rig, I'm energetic, Youthful, I know I won't be sprinting by the end of the day but I can damn right try. I don't care about a mask, I just don't want a living relic of the bygone era when it comes to masks, Nothing all paintball-like, I don't want to scare the opponents, I want something practical and smart-looking. I hate the look of high ankle-covering boots that climb up your shin, Any alternatives? --- Thanks again guys, I will probably be bumping this thread in future whenever I need
  20. I would understand if he wouldn''t want to sell his gun, If as you say it isn't worth much then he won't get much in return for it, Also, Isn't there something special about your first gun? I'd keep it as a memento
  21. I have acouple of them awful nerf foam swords laying around, (Great fun for having spontaneous sword-fights anywhere anytime) Might whip one out at a game.
  22. They will lose in the long run, It's when you see someone playing at a site and go "Huh, That's not too far from me, I'll try it out" They are basically forfeiting a form of advertisement.
  23. Haha Is there any large postal fees from Poland -> England? TaiwanGun does look very nice and the price is nothing to complain about, I'll probably use it to buy non-essential kit, such as pouches and face masks ( I know face masks are essential, But there is only a certain margin of error involved, It is just a mask at the end of the day) As for masks, I wouldn't want anything to fog, I was thinking of something like this: Ignore the silly writing etc, I just like the idea of mouth protection that allows for easy breathing and some clear goggles so I don't have to look through a mesh (I used to do fencing, Looking through a mesh for me is F*cking god bloody awful. (Sorry, I hated fencing, I shiver remembering it) EDIT: You can't forget this for the rest of my face, It will cover most of my face from BBs and hopefully others can get a good laugh out of it too
  24. My parents would have to get it for me regardless, the question lies on whether or not to bother trying to get it full black.
  25. Thanks all, I think my mind is set on an M4 though, The AK seems quite uncustomizable, Which is one of the main selling points of a gun IMO, Also, The m4 is easily one of if not the most used gun in airsoft, so support for it won't be hard to come by. http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403_494&products_id=6076 That is the m4 I was looking to purchase, Should I buy it in Zero One 'god awful' two-tone or should I bring my dad along for 3 games and get him a UKARA so I can get it in standard black, It's 50/50 for me, As Idk how easy getting a UKARA is and whether it would be simple/legal for him to get one JUST for the gun. Also if police do happen to pull me over I can have a valid reason (That it is two-toned) Rather than having to explain how a 14 year old came by a full black gun. Helppp?
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