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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Shame Tactical WarFare lost Anerley urban site Only got a woodland one now but think: £20 day walk on £10 half-day walk on - some places don't do half day walk ons £20 gun hire mask etc... - they do not do half day hire though so for me half day @ £10 is fine - getting too old for this $hit and others wishing to rent etc... £40 + hot dog or something for lunch - dunno I just go half day usually think they pick you up from a nearby tram stop if you ask nicely & keep them informed no mega a$$ briefings run by players for players they say and good bunch of regulars I found too - even though they shoot my A$$ to bits
  2. You are alright in my book sniper could have done many things or nothing and still been alive you feel a little uneasy about this situation but we all have to make instant decisions even the most honest players may have failed to call a soft hit from enemy crap gun as they sprint through shrubs etc... - feeling bushes and branches but not always a light tap from a bb whilst doing so I said about sniper could of shot from a "safer" range near the end of MED as we all know in real life in the heat of moment all of us have fired at closer distance than we should of $hit happens - and it wrong to say this should of happened or that - in a split second we have to make a decision - if we call a hit we can't think ergh no wait that might be a rebound shot I know in paintball I called myself out a few times and saw no proper mark on me - could that be a drop from paintball hitting wall - too late I called it I know hand on heart I have not always called a hit - I looked round and didn't see anyone at first then they yell at me - ok soz good shot but I do try my best to play fair Bet next week the boot is on the other foot and you end up in a similar situation - it happens You both have some integrity - he took hit and you feel a little uneasy more players like you two is what sport needs Bet you next time he will just shoot you in the ar$e at 25m though
  3. Sitting Duck you seem to be implying the sniper should have taken a shot from within the MED with "try" and "safer". The sniper did the most reasonable thing he could have done in that situation while trying to take the kill.. it is incredibly hard to follow someone or track them without them realising you're there especially in woodland.. he would only have gotten a couple steps before the OP realised he was there And the analogy to the full auto and guy jumping out is more what the OP did, he stopped thought, hmm this isn't in the MED so I don't technically have to take this and then challenged the sniper. He was in his rights to do so but still not a sporting move I was being honest and playing in a real airsoft field - and like I said you can't tell me every sniper shot is the correct side of the range and listing other examples - the shot will hurst less as range increases But we will never know how hidden the sniper's original position was and for how far he could of tracked him for nor will we know if sniper was 360fps of 480fps But the sniper COULD have done numerous things and NOT broke cover Have said numerous times fair play to sniper for taking hit and also maybe sniper played the wrong move BUT - above all else I give credit to OP - he feels it maybe a too easy kill, maybe they should of both took hits BUT the OP came on here and opened up up about and maybe it wasn't a great kill feeling or whatever BUT - last but I think, I congratulate both sniper for taking hit & OP for having being honest to admit to this easy kill many people would of just said - tough $hit and not given it a second thought Sniper could of done nothing, carried pistol, took a shot at a further range - loads of options he broke cover - c'mon most people only take hits when they are just that and if they don't you full auto them until they do 2 players and think they both did well like I said - this stuff happens all the time as long as it wasn't a massive turning point inthe game BIG DEAL - it happened, world cup soon - you gonna tell me every goal is gonna be onside or no hand of god again or no diving
  4. OK this is my final say and just repeating the final quote: sniper should of tracked the guy and took shot nearer range he chose to snipe so should " try " and stick to the sniper guidelines maybe they both could of said ok we both dead but sniper could have got kill and still been alive sniper made the most mistakes - the OP did not but was fornuate that sniper played within rules I'm sure many people have been hit at half the sniper distance Like when you on full auto and enemy jumps out at you - do we always say: Hang on a sec m8 - I'm still on auto lmk switch to semi or times when your gun starts to shott 2 or 3 bb's burst on semi and you haven't got mosfet in there sniper should have tracked op and got a "safe" or "safer" kill near the enagagment limit if op dissappeared behind cover before he can take shot - $hit happens no more OP did nothing wrong - sniper made mistakes in my book but played fair so credit to sniper for that - just next time he won't break cover to say bang with no secondary etc...
  5. OK my final final say.... sniper = dumb a$$ - he saw you and what he SHOULD of done: let you pass, and when you was kind of near the distance THEN shot the hell out of you I mean if you was say 5m - no shot but track you and at say close to 25m then take a shot maybe (can't tell me every sniper triple checks each target is at the correct distance when they pull trigger) sniper made mistakes and like all mistakes he will learn from this possible easy kill he had on you
  6. Don't like bang rule - we are using bb's and is a combat sport ffs next time I run out of ammo can I just go bang at somebody 30m away no chance they would say ah but this is long range finger I'm using a hit is a hit - proper contact bb or knife light sabre dildo or whatever within the rules or guidelines - stupid or not but those rules are there
  7. Let us get one thing clear The reason why the sniper can have 450-500fps sniper is because: Single shot AND min engage distance otherwise lets just go nuts with 450+ fully auto at point blank range - screw the chrono and call an ambulance now There are rules - some are common sense some don't make much sense and times when people don't always play by them BUT there are rules and guidelines which are stated at the start - don't like them don't play Sniper must be thinking I should of had secondary or crap I was I brought my AEG instead of this But think it was fair play and nothing really bad - just $hit happens & move on I mean in real life If I got shot in my little toe with a £10 springer pistol - don't think I would be fatally wounded but a hit is a hit so to speak so we play and abide by rules - silly or not
  8. I think you was lucky he didn't charge at ya with dual wielding dildo's and if he was using a jbbg sniper I doubt if he would of made 10m if he took the shot fair play to all I say
  9. Hmmmm - he should kept his mouth shut in the end I suppose If you had not have shot him - one of your team mates would of Fair play to bloke knowing engagement distance etc... But should of kep down, alerted one of his team or just stayed in cover mouth shut shouting out has just blown his cover so even if he shot you at close range his position was given maybe so he has learnt today: keep mouth shut keep hidden carry secondary if sniping Understand also it was a too easy kill and in real life he would of just blown ya brains out but every game has moments like this - was it a direct hit, rebound, did that $hit respawn off a dead team mate Oi we shot each other - so you must be dead too.... you can't put head through gap but can be shot through it - just don't get that one sometimes ?? and probably dozens more examples we could all list Think credit to both of ya - him for taking hit & you for feeling a little uneasy about the kill $hit happens - but wish more people would play fair coz it is only a game ffs
  10. Yup deffo gonna try the SandPit in Dartford soon - looks like a real pro place but no 2-tone or clear guns But it does look like a real serious place and about 40 mins from me
  11. The wife really get the hump with me then - bad enough getting my Toy Guns and myself covered in mud all through house etc... She would not be happy if got her " toy " damaged or covered in mud as well Damn - just had a really good sick idea - put a LiPo in there - that would cheer her up (actually probably kill her but at least she would have smile on her face)
  12. True Mosfet seems to be wired to trigger and can use a lower switch voltage to the Mosfet and then the 8.6v to motor etc..... Mosfets are very very fast acting electronic switches and a massive improvement over the old mechanical relays Sorry for very rough electronics lesson - but is in effect what they are and have built some crude mosfet switching circuits with voltage regulators etc... for some odd projects I have done As i said looking on some other forums these plug n play ones are not the exact same same as the top of the range ones BUT - mainly bought coz might be going to another site and they run ammo limit and low to mid cap mags only What with being noobish to say the least and very trigger happy at times..... It might come in handy on sites that limit ammo - will be fun to see what happens These plug n play ones - well there might be a very very very slight delay - milli-seconds if that unless the unit is faulty or crap I can't see it improving response time coz it has to switch another circuit and splitting hairs has more wire I would of thought However - the ones that you wire in to the trigger switch should give you a faster response But taking it apart and soldering is not for everybody so lets see how the plug n play one goes I very much doubt it has a fantasitic over-run protection as the higher end mosfets and all their features... but they can give you option to limit or customise the burst - some have battery warnings and some other bells n whistles too Nearly bought the Gate one but that was £50 and trigger wire install to get full effect Ended up getting 2 cheapo Mosfets for £51 from Hong Kong - delivered in a week - wow Avocado II one is about £29 with a few more features - see ebay Or may get Gate later if and when I get to do a custom rebuild - rewire a SRC Dragon from front wire to rear wire etc.... Also Gates uses deans connector but no big deal if I am rewiring front to rear battery etc.... (Jeez Gate mosfet would be getting close to what the friggin gun cost me - hmmmm will see how cheapo one performs)
  13. Just got a Cyber Gun or Swiss Arms Burst Control Mosfet Similar to Avocado Burst or look for the Avocado Burst II or 2 Mosfet - supposed to be an improved model more features and all that but anyway my cheapo mosfet: 2 to 30 shot Mini Tamiya Male & Female - Plug n Play or plug & shoot I suppose..... 8.4v 9.6v NiMh & 7.4v 1`1.1v LiPo (suppose 9.9v LiFe would work - but dunno if 9.6v or 11.1v setting would be right) Set power setting, then hold down trigger until you hear beep eg: 4 round burst + 1 that you hold down = 5 4 trigger pulls plus one more that you hold down until you hear beep again That is it - 4 round burst fire set on a Full Auto Can change or disable on the field - no removal required says also can be removed and will still remember burst programming up to 15 round burst over 15 and you will have to re do it - no biggy but handy if swapping guns over @ halftime (or main weapon goes faulty - easy to install in backup weapon if you have one) When using this in burst - must hold down trigger for all 4 shots (it ain't like COD - 1 tap pull = 3 burst fire) if you don't and release trigger halfway through cycle and fire again it don't work properly so get used to holding down trigger for full cycle/burst then fire burst again etc..... (not sure but latest Avocado might let you just tap it and it bursts away on its own - but don't quote me) looks idiot proof - well I fitted it, but only just got it so will try it out this weekend n see Reading up though a TRUE MOSFET is normally wired into trigger switch like the Gate merf 3.2 but they ain't cheap, and just wanted to try out a new gimmick without soldering
  14. Thought this was weather warning coz did read Saturday could be some strange stuff in some places (which could be confusing if playing - not knowing if was hit properly or not) welcome anyway - whatever the weather and yup - airsoft is a bit different to clay or game hunting, your targets shoot back - the sneaky bastids (not seen a deer carry a AK47 or rabbit returning fire - did see a psycho looking squirrel though last week)
  15. Blimey - nice vid and great site - full on was getting bit of room-spin just watching it
  16. That picture looks to me like: Left side - Just BB Gun customers - FANTASTIC solid weapon, feel the quality over 349 fps (with a 325fps tailwind) Vs Right side - Pro Airsoft Supllies customers - shooting fish in a barrel
  17. I sang the wheels on the bus whilst sitting there like a sitting duck getting shot to $hit
  18. sorry if this off topic but talking of blaming germans & WW1 http://www.tentimesone.com/if-world-war-one-was-a-bar-fight/ now if my old History teacher taught history like this explanation - I would of got an A* for sure
  19. Win the lottery first... then buy my company I work for - nice industrial building loads of partitions, corridors, offices, warehouse racking to climb - oooh jeez please Then go absolute nutz in there -- Jambwow can try to defend the MD's office Baggsie / 1st dibs on assaulting the MD office though - only fair then when shot the place to bits - I get to nuke the hell hole I used to work in keep trying to win lottery each week and praying and praying but I keep hearing a voice - c'mon meet me halfway & at least buy a ticket ya tight ar$e
  20. find a site and try it out - going in "battle" is a LOT different to you just shooting a target at home you will be lucky to find a skirmish-able gun under £100 new and deffo never get one under £50 or £60 you will get owned especially at mid range upwards you just come away with hump - rent a proper gun yes you could scrape by with a cheap gun at cqb but most are woodland so you will get owned even renting a gun isn't as expensive as say paintball renting - bb's are cheaper than paintballs for a start try it - you probably love it like most of us. Depends on your age - but won't take long to get UKARA and a proper gun or maybe if you are gonna get into it then you get a 2 tone one for about £80 to £150 if you are gonna do it say twice a month x 3 months say (Usually gun hire is about £20 say but includes bb's - 20 x say 5 or 6 visits and you might be nearly breaking even) then it might not be too bad buying a sort of decent low spec gun and see if you get a proper black gun in 6 months or so but deffo no crap china gun from BB site - ask here first if you are really on budget Dragon for about £72 + battery is the only one I may say get - rest are just chinese crap pay a bit more and you do get better guns for ICS or G&G @ £100+ Or you could buy my B500A1 - very low use - coz it is crap - lol
  21. Know your limits - with me I am total crap at the game so if anything I am the Sitting Duck or the one that draws out most of the enemy's attention whilst the more skilled players engage or flank them. I was in one game heavily pinned down getting my a$$ shot to pieces behind cover yeah I ain't getting out of this at all - maybe 5 even 10 mins abosolutely no chance of peeking But whilst they was having all this target practice pinning me down, some of my team siezed the chance and totally slaughtered them from rear left flank - job done Sure it was crap boring game but I know I am noobish so hang back or take a slightly different route to the pro's or even the opposite route to objective to keep them on their toes Apart from that - Run to cover - don't stroll or jog there - move ya a$$ Learn to peek - swapping hands so you don't expose too much when peeking left (peek low - like prone on ground level is also perhaps safer than just stick ya head out) SHUT UP - seriously - don't jibber jabber on field, whisper sign gestures etc... to avoid giving away ya team Play fair, call hits, walk quietly back to safe/respawn hand up etc..... Talk to the pro's at break/lunch and watch n learn how they do it If you get ya ar$e kicked - learn from it (winners never analyse games but losing teams always look back & learn so losing can be a good thing) I am still learning, but it is fun playing soldiers
  22. I'm struggling getting the sofa through the doorway out of front room to my computer study... (Hhhhmmmmmm - would of been easier to carry laptop into front room I think) Just ordered 2 Pizza's to be delivered with garlic cheese bread, Ben n Jerrys - the works better be good - the pizza and this post
  23. Yeah oshiboom would probably be effective as ground drys out a bit but atm with all the lovely bank holiday pi$$ing it down I wouldn't rate a good reliability on muddy woodland First day went out to back garden chucked on grass - sodden and just got it covered in grassy mud - great Tossed it over to some steps and got all the birds fleeing, dogs barking and cats running - cool And Anerley - RIP lost this site over Easter
  24. Soz for double posting but also depends on your site how they are deployed.... Mine on the old urban said underarm only - they said months ago there was accident Somebody came round a corner the moment one was being tossed overarm... Hit them in side of head - dunno what make/type but oshi is heavy and could hurt on its own but it was impact and went off at point blank range think it perforated the guys eardrum So they said underarm only for grenades on cqb (think this was a true story but any case it could happen so makes sense in my book) Now you could attach say some decent string - medium or heavy duty fishing line might work well and if on the top could help oshiboom to detonate if landing on soft muddy ground Dunno if this would be allowed - triggering oshiboom's by fishing wire but a possible idea HOWEVER - turning up with 2 sea fishing rods - one in each hand casting out with oshiboom yeah that won't be allowed I think - but kinda unfair - goes off - yup room clear 40ft in distance now you reel back grenade..... "Marshal says no - you have to retrieve it" "I am - just using a rod n line to do it" "No retrieve it yourself" "who do you think is using this rod then ???" Yeah - don't think they would allow fishing rod & line and if you do toss it ahead you should not be able to pull it back by line to re-use but collect by hand only Dunno what perfect solution is but it has to be fair play as well
  25. Oshiboom are impact and not good for woodland soft ground areas - don't go off 100% so timed ones may be a better option if ground is soft n fluffy sqidgy so speak but then urban sites with hard floors are ideal for oshiboom impact grenades bought a red oshiboom just as we lost Anerly Urban Site - FFS !!!! now we got a woodland site only and my oshiboom won't be as reliable on urban sites with cqb a lot of ground could be gained if a team had grenades for quick room clearing - sometimes a bit unfair but that is cqb for you I miss Anerley - was funny seeing about 3 or 4 people geting cut down and all jammed trying to get through doorways at same time.... Hit - $hit - Hit - $hit - Hit - $hit c'mon move - can't tubby is blocking the way Hit - $hit - Hit - $hit etc...... Ahhhh sod this - BOOOOOOOOOOOOM - yup we are clear now
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