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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. yeah but you could run a car battery in that full size stock & still have room for your lunch I think if you asked 5 or 6 people you would get 3 maybe 4 replies: stick with what you got - it looks fine stubby - easiest swap & keep a far bit of room crane - nunchuck or limited battery size/type but fully adjustable normal adjustable stock & battery up front - but handguard can also limit battery size/shape get an external box and remove stock - but looking at your AEG you ain't gonna have a cqb with that size barrel/front end it is up to you in the end - best of luck
  2. Jeeez - that is a good up to date system then, oh well at least I know I am a responsible adult (the wife thinks otherwise but chosing not to grow up just yet doesn't make me completely irresponsible) All I gotta do then is try to prove to others I not a complete nutter - yeah that could be tricky sometimes cheers for replies - will wait n see but least I know I ain't the only one not on list/database
  3. Best or rather easiest solution would be a "stubby" stock not so friggin big - fit almost any shape or form of battery in there no tube to get - should be straight swap and under £20 if going for a cheap Hong Kong one Yes it isn't adjustable but a cheap solution still allowing you use/borrow any battery if you run low on site Crane is nice but limits your battery type to nunchuck though take back off and wedge another type on or failing that tape one wrapped around crane stock to get you out of $hit Depends on your size but stubby would suit most people say 5ft 8in or under Full size - ok if you are a big tall fella or set up for DMR sniping or going prone but stubby - ok for quick fire shooting and running around etc.... well that is my opinion but I talk too much and make little sense so ignore most of this
  4. Well ProAirsoft Supplies said they would send my order Friday but hit n miss if I get it today if not hopefully Monday AEG will arrive and maybe a bit of clarification on my UKARA next week soz if it is a pain to sellers having to ring TWA or wait for self check - but ahh well it will all work out I suppose
  5. Well you got the National one coming up.... maybe if one place is a bit too far for some - perhaps a north & south meet up to get things going for the moment perhaps we add/sort out a bit of location info and say Southerners can do Sandpit skirmish and dunno about North England/Scots - ahh well don't care about them - lol just kidding if this works out on a single day skirmish - then maybe do a possible weekend midlands meet in September Could see if there is a good midlands wood/cqb site - if it has a bit of everything that would be the nutz (keep everyone happy) then perhaps ask that site if they might run it on a normal weekend off if we get enough numbers or a normal skirmish day if we don't No serious win at all costs - just have a laugh - heck I will see if I can get a donald duck loadout costume for a laugh but baggsy I get to pick Black Death on my team
  6. ok chaps - still not on there self check even entering my email in CAPITALS just in case it was entered in CAPS and makes any difference FFS - oh well looks like I may be making more calls next week I suppose
  7. Thing is TWA run the site AND have online UKARA shop so in effect it is as streamlined as possible so would of thought it wouldn't take too long - but I hate waiting for things - bring it on I say & get it over with
  8. Blimey - hope that was a one-off faulty one you got mind you had to send back a sling to Millitary1st a week ago and not been resolved just yet I think (son & missus were returning it so let them get on with it - hence dunno what the latest is atm)
  9. For what very little I know it looks ok to me, especially with the pouches thrown in too might want to add a dump pouch perhaps at some later date but see how you go and postage is alright too - no being ripped on high postage charges don't know what the make is but reckon you could of done a lot worse and if new or "nearly new" then I think you done alright in my humble opinion
  10. Just wondering as from last Monday the guy who does admin returned.... spoke to him and said he will try & sort it by end of week (dunno how much paperwork builds up in a week or two) Still don't seem to on database and have been holding off a few treats until now My LWA post - but they did seem to check & verify from local site & shop ProAirsoft hopefully have come through for me, they rang & TWA verified They said it was bit late in the day once TWA answered phone etc..... But may get my toy soon, had to do 3 months not 2 months - no biggy but played the game as the saying goes, showed passport, driving license & utility bill etc... Still don't seem to be on database yet & no email - don't want to keep pestering peeps but think it could take 2 weeks - even 3 to get on database - is this true ??? Anyone else recently got UKARA - how long did it take ??? Just asking for any other input please chaps Then I will just shut up and wait a bit longer (All good things come to those who wait etc.....) No I do not expect my penis to get any bigger once UKARA'd, but may look to buy a couple of things on here & something elsewhere too - but hate to mess people about asking them to wait for UKARA or ask them to ring/confirm so to speak - or keep giving TWA hassle - that won't speed it up either cheers for any "helpful" comments
  11. last time it snowed I had spent all day painting the stones & small rocks in my garden white just let them little chavvy mouthy kids up the road start chucking snowballs at me again
  12. Might be lame but how about engraving a few M4 mag's with say a ID tag or logo ?? saves taking gun apart, ok no way as good as receiver but could prevent a row over whose mag is this - when somebody finds/borrow a mag during skirmish times plus easy to take to your next AEG upgrade - if mags fit of course
  13. Rotate AEG 180 degrees so it upside down pull out old mag - insert new mag return gun to upright position - no bb's on floor unless you are JambWow - then BB's are EVERYWHERE but in mag as you fill it - FANTASTIC ahh wtf - I'm so good those 4 or 5 bb's are the only ones that fail to hit the target - YEAH RIGHT !!!!! They way I shoot so crap I ain't bothered about a few bb's and if they they hit my boot am I hit ??? Now make the sound effect like breaking wind and then suppose I could buy it for a laugh to $hit on the enemy
  14. Physical violence needs to be dealt with properly and fairly but also without making a rush decision Both suspended/chucked off for the day, check and not rushed decision if going down a lengthy or perm ban Just pointing out - yes it takes 2 to to make an argument but sometimes one party is more the agressor than the other so any severe or extreme long term ban needs to be implemented with a bit of care Marshals or the site also needs to ensure everybody plays fair and respects rules and other players if the site fails to do this - then the site itself can suffer if members say forget this and go elsewhere (regular non-hit takers, abusive players, or site/marshals failing in their duties - these can ruin a site's rep/business) Or the site could implement a parental approach to physical violence eg the classic Parent to Child scenario: "Don't" - WHACK "hit" - WHACK "your"- WHACK "little"- WHACK "brother"- WHACK "That"- WHACK "is"- WHACK "spiteful"- WHACK WHACK You soon learnt NOT to answer back or question anything that provoked a further response = more slaps Just gotta love the ironic way we was told by parents violence solves nothing as I was told: "because I said so" - WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK Ahh well, think the situation was dealt with - certainly better than the parental technique
  15. no rows - just different methods techniques & wotnot.... always good to see what & how other people do it sharing info is how we all learn - heck I have so much to learn still
  16. Kitchen roll rarely breaks up Toilet roll does break up when wet - it is desgined to to help flushing etc.... Kitchen roll is fine - Bounty - one sheet type of thing or cheap no frills Kitchen roll should not break up one type is for ya ar$e & gets caught on ya kilngons - the other is for ya gun gun or bum - two types of roll - and no don't point ya gun up ya ar$e either
  17. I was just saying if alcohol is a MUST have for cleaning rather than buy bottles of 70/30 or 99% isoprol just get some wipes - not that expensive and less messing about can be used safely on numerous things to clean etc.... cut/tear it to size, pop in your rod - oooh ergh missus, clean barrel - throw away (no spills - no fuss & easy quick to do at half time if you like) everybody uses different stuff & methods/techniques just pointing out the swab option
  18. or you could buy the swabs if you don't want to buy in bulk get 100 or so swabs very cheap - same 70/30 ratio in swabs - quick simple & throw away or buy 99% pure in bottle but 5ltr is cheaper option but not so easy to carry to skirmish etc... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/400442156564 I have bought a few of these for various use - yes you can get 100 cheaper but with these you get the brand you pay for rather than be sent any other type they have to hand
  19. I actually hope they are airsofters you imagine now you could have more RIF's out there that anybody can buy and use on anybody sorry but you just DONT leave stuff in vehicle car or van, especially van -they always target and with my own UKARA due any day now are we not supposed to act responsibly with RIF's Sorry but it is a shame stuff got nicked but the real problem is now a $hitload of stuff is out there in ANYBODY's hands at local pub with a $hitload of ammo too FFS - THE VAN OWNERS AND THE THIEVES ARE C U NT S IN MY BOOK soz if that me seem a bit harsh - but just hope no joe public losses an eye from some dickhead driveby G36 they just bought (really hope this is ott extreme or local shops being robbed at gun point but a tiny bit more likely now) Hence the owners of all people should know/act more responsible with their stuff - so no I am not very sympathetic to them
  20. You don't even know what your style of play is atm.... you might find yourself running as a spotter/sniper or think wtf and go sprinting around with pistols all die hard like or more like not got a bloomin' clue what I'm doing and so just bring up the rear or become a diversion / decoy for the more experienced team players to rush from other side You could end up buying all nice stuff but find your loadout & style doesn't suit your own playstyle sure I'd love to run in all guns blazing but with my lame ar$e skill don't think I wanna sit in safezone for 9:30mins either (8:00mins in safe zone and that is a good game for me - just kidding) chill a sec - get playing and see how YOU take to it, your strengths weakness etc.... then a while later you buy the stuff that suits how YOU play I'm sure loads of people think they wanna snipe and then find it is too boring or not for them and vice versa I would imagine too
  21. I might have a SRC Dragon that I may break - plastic receiver top & bottom for £30 delivered but tbh you might wanna buy a Dragon for £75 delivered and have additional spares Dragon has battery at front hanguard and uses a cheaper plastic outer gearbox with metal gears but could use that for a while and if / when it needs repairing you would have $hitloads of spares
  22. Go nuts and do the Darth Vader Loadout - crap at long range but lethal light-sabre kills come to think of it - mayvbe they should do a Star Wars theme skirmish... feckin awsome - rebels vs stormtroopers... Actually bet the yanks already have this for jedi airsofters Deffo seen lots of chubby 10-12yr olds that could easily pass as yoda I reckon
  23. Don't really have a song in my head on my way to safe/respawn (just mutter b0ll0cks he got me again ffs) But I suppose I could be ironically humming in my head: I Missed Again - Phil Collins perhaps ???? nah - prefer my muttering of how I am gonna get that little $hit somehow
  24. Nah - I go to a skirmish to shoot people - but usually get my ar$e shot to bits instead all the same - I know some game modes with shields or juggernaut may be a change but pick some decent modes and go head to head old skool is what I wanna play Grab the bomb, briefcase, marker/flag and RUN LIKE F*CK don't hide behind a shield and retreat back - run for it ya lazy bastid
  25. certainly miles better than JustBBGuns for sure Still have a look and the odd purchase fron BBGuns4Less They do some good deals and at least they answer phone/emails unlike JambWow & I wish them well with their more "pro" UKARA status
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