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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. I am a weirdo anyway - just I kept my top on coz I might be daft but not stupid when running through stinging nettles
  2. Well couple of weeks ago we had a few blokes wanted to be "hard" so they took off their T Shirts (alas the one girl was on enemy team - boooo (or boooobs) Anyway - 4 or 5 blokes running round thinking they were F*CK YEAH I'M HARD AS NAILS !!!! Should of seen them getting to attack positions gingerly trying to navigate through stinging nettles oouch oooh arrrghhh ouuuchhhh - was funny to watch
  3. DEFFO NOT - but I do wonder if many shooters believe they DO COUNT what I mean is - sometimes I might feel a "tap" from a possible stray ricochet now I say POSSIBLE ricochet coz I don't see where every shot is coming from and most likely it IS a ricochet or some JBBG Fart Gun I felt the full impact from I do not run with loads of armour or plate carrier etc - just perhaps a sweater/light jacket so I SHOULD feel most stuff I tend to think - but I am a big hard man - ergh no I am not BUT - if I feel another "tap" then I WILL call that hit - could still be a ricochet or some JBBG gun might have got one more .12g to just about land or roll along floor to me - just That is how I honestly tend to roll or run with - if I am a cheater or non-hit taker then ban/flame me Trust me I know what a direct hit feels like coz I don't wear loads of stuff like I said 2 possible ricochets then most likely I will call a hit to be sure I am trying to play fair Most real bullets will end up in walls etc... but suppose numerous people had had the $hit luck to end up dead from some lucky freak ricochet no doubt... I mean forget it so to speak it is just a game no prizes usually so 2 possible ricochets I call it some might say bollox 3 or 4 perhaps - but is difficult in heat of battle to say: Cease fire a sec - OK who has the green or black bb's - ahh you now was you actually aiming or... Yeah right - quick bit of common sense and maybe call it if not sure if you get ricochet again etc... Don't fancy going to Naturist Airsoft - uuurrggghhh - well maybe if lots of lovely ladies wanna play but that might be the only way to fully ensure less non-hit takers
  4. Swindon is getting on for 2hrs - hmmmm High Wycombe - yeah could do that - only bangs bought on site can be used - no oshiboom etc.... should be normal 350fps but maybe start to enquire if you hear from M_P
  5. Fair enough, but I'm up to try Epsom Bunker on 27th 330fps limit it seems though - so watch yourself if ya AEG is over 330 !!!! (quite common on cqb sites) WW2 bunkers underground - sometimes in the dark - oooohh bogeyman they do private hire - min 15 people it seems but a tad dear for private hire inc gun but that is a deposit inc £25 day walk on, inc lunch it says so that is on par with my local TWA £20 no lunch day walk on or £10 1/2 day TWA (not sure if I will do my regular TWA on 26th or perhaps half day still not to knacker me out completely) think two_zero went there about a month or so and said it was brill - intense full auto cqb I think he said in a pm so if anybody else fancys it then please reply in here, or has anyone else got other sites in mind ??? Think I might give them a call anyway
  6. Well then let's set a date either 19th/20th - Sat/Sun 26th/27th - Sat/Sun - M_P can't do Sun 27th 2nd / 3rd - Sat/Sun Iron Sight & Sandpit are NOT on the 27th - but other Sunday 20th & 3rd but Epsom Bunker is on Sunday 27th http://www.eliteactiongames.com/#!epsom-dates/c1kuz I'm easy - Iron Sight is about 1:30hrs away - do-able M25 & M3 route for me I think I can make either weekend date - maybe if peeps can check their diaries n crap let us know what dates you can't do and go from there to see which is gonna be best date Then see what are the options to just pop along to a normal skirmish to start us off with
  7. I know absolute jack squat diddley but was wondering about a warm CO2 pistol I got.... Shoots 400fps - way too hot, and probably each cart lasts say 100 rounds max Looking around some lame CO2's seem to last much much longer before needing to change carts So was thinking..... ouch..... If there was a way to reduce the stroke or burst or duration the valve is opened shorter burst length in m/secs = less power/fps and cart "should" last a bit longer I again refer to my opening line I know FA in effect - even less on pistols but perhaps one day, I may investigate a way to reduce the travel or something that hammer strikes the valve pin thingy - getting technical here eg: rough figure of say 15 m/sec burst to 10m/sec burst and slightly less power/fps Like I say I know FA - in fact the one I do know a lot about is absolutely nothing !!! But there has got to be a way of just slightly reducing ooommmmpppphhhhh on CO2 if I could somehow get it to 320/330 and perhaps squeeze a bit more say 20% more rounds before changing cart, then I would be over the moon Ahh well - another "project" to look into one day maybe but lmk if anyone has ideas
  8. Very nice indeed, me thinks your'e no noobie to this stuff and you do like your attachments (where's the Iphone dock & dual beer can dispenser - just kidding, take no notice of me) Nice "gift" and good add-ons or pimping given me an idea or two now (not Iphone dock)
  9. My Rihanna Fire Hawk has had have a bit of work on her ar$e...... Trying out different batteries - jeez they are tight & fiddly a 9.9v LiFe is a REALLY tight fit to get in stock tube despit my best measuring Actually found a SRC stock tube one is slightly thinner and not such tight squeeze but 9.9v battery sticks out of tube a bit coz mount & bolt is longer (bat doesn't go in so far) Then thought WTF - lets try a stubby fixed stock on her - well I think she still looks good to me But now got no worries what oooooommmppphhhy batteries I run through her sexy ar$e The 11.1v was showing silly volts when tested & showing 28.5rps - ahhh 12.5v showing up But think the thin 7.4v Lipo was a little flat coz Zippy Lipo was showing a better 16.5rps So probably gonna run with a normal size 9.9v 1600 LiFe which should get me 20rps+ Anyway - pics showing some different batteries n stuff and the cheapo stubby is exact same size (not adjustable but can't have it all - don't look too bad and a much wider choice of batteries) Yes I know the Zippy's have XT60 on them but no problem fitting them - even with the tamiya adapter Finally - She won't go back in her box the naughty girl coz with FH stock she had to be set back a bit to fit in box, but won't now fit coz stubby can't pull back a bit - well of course - dooohhhh but in any case my son has nicked my girl and got it in his armoury & bag now - wtf ??? (knew that girl was a two timing flirty cow but still love her)
  10. no worries if you forget the jaffa cakes
  11. Some - well a number of China gun makers do "sometimes" manage to make a ok-ish or even half decent gun in some instances they also can make quite a good gun BUT the same manufacture or Branding goes on the very common crap china guns so it gets really confusing Other more reliable makes just don't skimp on quality - or not with their name on it and we all know many people tweak or JBBG lie their ar$e off a "bit" but I know my B500A1 is one of the most powerful DMR's I can buy (just need to get hop up right according to JambWow)
  12. it does ring a bell that Double Eagle was a new name change for something else not sure Golden Eagle Jing Gong or Joe Blogs but think I saw something then again that is if the post was accurate in first place.... Always try to check info on numerous sites - especially US ones not just cheap UK sites they often don't hold back on reviews I found or will do a decent proper review
  13. Always double - no triple check fps - especially on CO2's some say 320fps then another says 400fps on 0.20's so who is telling porkies ???? my CO2 is way too hot - bloody nice n accurate but over 400 on .20's shame coz carrying a spare cart is easier than a tin of gas if I find myself short Or AEP - electric and can have full auto like CYMA's but fps is low 250fps if ya lucky might get a cyma one day perhaps now you are even more confused and then you got the blowback or non blowback decision (me I ain't fussed as long it works when I need it)
  14. Fatty still owes me: 2 choccy bars from Easter promo I never got maybe 3 or more lame ar$e gun key rings that dig in you from your pocket 2 mags that should of been included with 2 so-called recon or f*cked aeg's plus wrong item sent and could not get around red tape of send correct item and bill my paypal if I order another battery on its own - keep fingers crossed they send correct type I ordered - nunchuck but would have to pay postage again ffs when they f*cked up, or send item back and wait for them to send correct one - look just send me a paypal invoice ffs for a battery and then I pay battery price - you ship it (free as it your f*uck up) Nope they gotta have other battery back - uhm who the f*uck is paying return postage ??? Well we may be able to reimburse you once we receive it back.... Look I need this in less than 3 days for a skirmish can you just.... No you need to send the.... Oh just f*uck off JambWow, I will get by and keep the wrong battery you muppets sent me but missing mags, moody recon gun and finally where's my chocolate chubby ??? THAT was the last straw and went to BBGuns4Less & OnlyBBguns instead for cheaper airsoft stuff yeah service might have improved - couldn't have got much worse
  15. I can make Birmigham - dunno if I can make a waffle free post though (that is gonna be very hard to make for me, Oi who said impossible ?)
  16. 2 sexy black bitches finally arrived: (calling them Rihanna & Beyonce) Just flirting with them atm, gonna give them a right good going over in a little while OK enough of the smutty innuendo's - besides just one would eat me (yes please) Alright - cold shower, thought may have had a deans but luckily I got a mini tamiya battery and yup mini-tamiya - jeez it is tight (no more smutty innuendo) to get in the stock tube this battery btw: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201071629108 doubt if you could get much bigger in there, very careful & tight fit (still no smutty stuff) It ain't so much the battery it is getting the leads in there with mini-tamiya's and a Blade type car fuse too - that is why it is a bit of a careful squeeze trial/error thingy Quick stats - yeah I know it had a review before: 314fps max on semi-auto & 305-308ish fps & 14.65rps full auto this is on that 7.4v battery - dunno how charged it is but lipo so should be showing good charge until she just packs up yes range-wise it ain't so sexy but ok for hitting metal dustbin aprox 75ft away - ting ting ting will have to carefully check measurments if considering 9.9v life battery coz atm 2 guns & only 1 battery - the rows between son & me are brewing already.... This babe's sexy mouth: and YES she has a very loud mouth (should of called her Naomi Campbell but she is way too tall tbh) Take me any way you want you bad girl Rihanna
  17. Fill UKARA form and provide photo ID & also proof of address I gave Passport & Driving License - which should of been enough but took a gas bill along just in case the i's weren't dotted ot t's not crossed etc.... If the site has a shop then they may be able to process the whole thing or if not then they need to pass it to a retailer of RIF's This is where I am at - should read up on VCRA the photo id membership cards have not yet happened perhaps they should/will one day but mainly common sense applies and goes without saying: GET A BAG - always carry your gun in a bag unless you want to attract the wrong kind of attention for the member and the sport, I know I act the fool a bit but certain things just require mature common sense (the bit when I do try & act my age - in effect don't f*ck about where stuff like airsoft weapons and safety are concerned) Sites do keep a record of all players not just for peeps getting UKARA think they have to keep names at least Along with any waivers and parent consent forms for younger players Don't want to go too far or criticise any imperfections, but it is just something we all accept and conform to if we want to continue, it is not 101% perfect but it atm allows us to continue to play without too many ott checks. Hopefully it will stay that way - not a lot to ask to allow us to continue playing the game/sport we love Please don't flame me if I appear critical of it all - I'm not, I respect the few minor steps to obtain a UKARA but more importantly will conduct myself in a mature responsible way - though I may not always seem like it
  18. Well no worries, will be checking out Sandpit & some others down my way hopefully see if I can pop down to NAE for one day to see it for myself
  19. Me too coz I wanna treat myself a little bit more before the money goes or the other half/kids spend it - daughter wants Iphone 5 etc.... (yeah well I'd like a 3 way with the wife & her fit m8 but that ain't gonna happen I mutter)
  20. http://ucap.co.uk/game-dates/?ai1ec_cat_ids=10 20 July & 3rd August - both Sunday btw NO CLEAR OR 2-TONE GUNS which is the only slight bummer dunno if I can be allowed with painted aeg or just use my G&G FH if it arrives Monday supposed to be the dogs dangleys though - anyone play there today i think ????
  21. LOL just said same thing as that but you must have beat to it by a few seconds you are just a number - unless your site prints out all pretty on a bit of thin card think I might email [email protected] maybe coz it will make life easier on self-check
  22. or you tight fisted ones that want to be closer to nature.... camp on the M25's hard shoulder grass banks - kidding well that is quite a long journey for me - about 30/40 mins When we going - who needs a lift - no I don't do pickup from Aberdeen
  23. Soz to hear that sir, hope it works out as best a possible without too much extra crap on top not gonna pry etc.. - just shame when things don't work out. best of luck.... Back on subject - I'm sorting out some crap - mess in this case of junk for a couple fo days then might post up a note of if or when I am gonna try Sandpit / Epsom Bunker / MOD place etc.... anyone who is going or thinking of going can add bits or pm blah blah blah check their diary etc.... probably think in a little while perhaps a heading: Southern Skirmish Dates Midland Skirmish Dates Northern Skirmish Dates - gonna get a Harry Enfield "Scouser" loadout for this & perhaps even Scotish Skirmish - must be really cheap though Nah soz to the real Northerners - just joking I know you guys love the English so much x x x OK thinking of making up those type of headings then we can just drop ideas in and that lot Hopefully a handful of us playing a few local region games - or we got no hope of ever meeting up in one place Don't wish to cause offense - you may get to see I one one the South East's biggest Bell-Ends one day (though ya probably got a pretty good idea already)
  24. The Goodies - ecky thump soz showing my age now - Ok John Smiths ad then nope still showing my age a bit
  25. Of course - we should have Black Death so we can just say he is our riot shield as we totally dominate them up North
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